The acrobatic performance ended with people's cheers, and other performances were performed one after another, and finally the finale came to the stage.

It was a girl with long red hair tied into twin tails.

She wears a crown with black horns, and the clothes she wears are very beautiful. Her upper body is a sea blue dance dress, which wraps her breasts like a tube top.

The snow-white lower abdomen and the dance skirt that slightly covers the navel are intertwined with dark blue and light blue, as if the summer sea is wearing it on the body.

Her fair and well-proportioned legs stretched out from under her dance skirt, and she walked to the center of the stage wearing exquisite golden strappy sandals.

The light of the theater immediately focused on the beautiful girl, directing the audience's attention.

"Thank you all for coming to watch the performance at Zubair Theatre. Let me end it with the Dance of the Flower Goddess."

The gorgeously dressed red-haired girl raised her hands and slowly danced with her heart.




The nearby audience cheered and shouted her name when the girl first appeared on the stage. It can be imagined that her reputation is indeed very high.

Soon everyone became quiet again and concentrated on watching Nilu's dance.

Li Qiuzhi felt that if Nilu waited for the "Void Forum" to open, registered an account on the forum, and posted videos of her dancing, she would be able to gain many viewers.

In this way, the "Void Forum" may quickly become popular!

Although the "Void Forum" has a monopoly, if there is no content that attracts everyone, the time everyone spends online will naturally be reduced accordingly.

His follow-up plan is to put his advertising business on the "Void Forum", so naturally the more people there, the better.

As for placing it in other places, such as video cameras or knowledge stores, we will not consider it for the time being. After all, it will affect the experience too much.

But putting it on the "Void Forum" has no big impact. Advertisements are also part of the content and can be relatively perfectly compatible.

"What a beautiful dance," Paimon said in awe.

"This is the Dance of the Flower Goddess that Nilu danced at the Flower Goddess Festival. Now this is the second time that she has performed the Dance of the Flower Goddess on stage. I never get tired of watching it!"

Dina Zedei, who was very moved by Nacida's help before, now gathered her emotions and looked at the stage attentively. After hearing little Paimon's emotion, she briefly introduced Nelu's Dance of the Flower Goddess.

"Is the Dance of the Flower Goddess the dance danced by the Flower Goddess?"

Her glowing amber eyes looked at Dina Zedai, with a hint of curiosity in her expression.

"That's what the legend says, but after all, no one has ever seen the Goddess of Flowers dance, so it's natural that we can't be sure." Dina Zedai knows history quite well.

Ying nodded, stopped chatting and continued to look at the stage.

Having said that, it seems that the Daci Tree King is quite familiar with the Flower God. I wonder if she knows if the Flower God has left any treasures.

If so, it would be good to take the treasure and store it in the fairyland space. When Li Qiuzhi heard Ying and Dina Zedai talking about the Flower God, he had some ideas.

A few minutes passed, and Nelu's Dance of the Flower Goddess came to an end.

She spun lightly on the stage, her limbs as graceful as fluttering petals. After finishing the last movement, the music ended, Nilu bowed lightly, and the entire performance was over.

The applause gradually grew louder like rain, and it was obvious that the audience recognized this dance very much.

The performance ended and everyone slowly began to leave. Just when Li Qiuzhi and the others stood up and were about to leave, Nilu walked down from the stage:

"Dina Zedei, Miss Dixia, long time no see, these friends seem to be..."

Although Nilu didn't read newspapers very often, she had heard about the famous legendary adventurer, the golden traveler, and the flying white elf.

I just couldn't remember it for a moment.

I thought I wouldn't have a chance to contact Nilu, but I didn't expect that she would come over on her own and seemed to be very familiar with Dina Zedei.

Li Qiuzhi was about to introduce himself, and then Dina Zedai said:

"Nilu! These are the friends I just met today, the adventurer Mr. Li Qiuzhi, the traveler Miss Ying, and Paimon. I just wanted to bring them over to meet you!"

After hearing Dina Zedei's explanation, Nilu also remembered it. Her emerald green eyes widened with a look of surprise on her face:

"You are the legendary travelers who saved Xumi!"

"Hehe, it's just a false name, a false name!" Pamon said with excitement on his face, forcing himself to be humble.

Li Qiuzhi smiled, stretched out his hand and said:

"Hello, Miss Nilu, I just saw your dancing in the audience. It was really beautiful!"

"Thank you for your compliment, Mr. Adventurer." Nilu also reached out her hand and shook Li Qiuzhi's hand gently. She was very happy to be recognized by the legendary adventurer.

[Nilu has a good impression of you and gains 350 favorability points. The current favorability level is 3 (50/300)]

Looking at the favorability prompt that popped up on the character panel, Li Qiuzhi knew that he had successfully made friends with Nilu, and it was only a matter of time before the favorability level was reached.

So he smiled and said:

"Just call me by name. If you have any entrustments from adventurers in the future, you can come to me. No matter how big or small, there is no problem, and the price is normal."

"Yeah!" Nilu nodded happily.

She happened to have something she wanted to entrust to the Adventurers Association. When she heard Li Qiuzhi's words, she suddenly had the idea of ​​entrusting the entrustment to him.

After all, he is a legendary adventurer. With his protection, there should be no accidents. Let’s talk to him later if we have a chance.

[Nilu has a good impression of you and gains 300 favorability points. The current favorability level is 4 (50/400)]

"Okay, Nilu has worked hard on the performance. She probably hasn't eaten yet. How about having dinner with us, and then we can get to know each other well."

Dina Zedei, who was dressed in luxurious clothes, said with a smile.

Little Paimon was naturally excited when he heard that there was something to eat. Li Qiuzhi and Ying would naturally have no objections, and Disiya would naturally let her own lady make the decision.

"Well, then, I'll go back and talk to everyone first." Naturally, Nilu couldn't refuse her friend's invitation. She was already busy with her work anyway.

Watching Nelu leave, Nasita, who was invisible to others, was just a mental phantom. She said goodbye and left after the performance.

There were a lot of people just now, so in order to prevent Nelu from being surprised and attracting everyone's attention, Nasida didn't let her see her.

"Goodbye, Little Lucky Grass King!" Dina Zedei waved her hand and said.

Seeing Lord Cao Shen leave and Nilu return, Desiya crossed her arms and nodded and said:

"Miss, let's go. How about we go to the store we went to this afternoon?"

"Yeah, everything is fine." Dina Zedai nodded.

After deciding on their destination, Li Qiuzhi and his group headed to the restaurant. It took a while, so they stopped by the night market and chatted for a while.

During this period, Nilu hesitated again and again, and finally told Li Qiuzhi that she wanted to go to the desert in a few days and hoped that he could escort her.

After all, there are good guys and bad guys in the "Gilded Brigade" in the desert. Although she has the Eye of God, she has no combat experience. It is still risky to go there by herself.

"Oh? What are you doing in the desert?"

Before Li Qiuzhi could reply, when Nilu said that she was going to the desert, Disiya said with a surprised look on her face.

She didn't know why Nilu suddenly wanted to go to the desert.

"Ah, it's nothing. The main thing is that all the dances I know have been performed repeatedly on stage. Even if I perform the Dance of the Flower Goddess a few times, everyone will get tired of it.

"So I wanted to make up a new dance. This time I wanted to have a desert theme, so I wanted to go to the desert to see it."

Nilu didn't have any special reason, she just wanted to go to the desert and find new inspiration for her dance.

Previously, she just wanted to ask Desiya to tell her about the humanistic customs of the desert, but after all, she did not go to see it in person.

Today, she met Li Qiuzhi, a powerful adventurer, and she had the idea of ​​going to the desert.

As for why we didn't ask Disiya, who is also very famous in the desert, the main reason is that she is Dina Zedai's bodyguard and should be inseparable for the time being.

So it was not easy for Nilu to speak to Disiya.

"I understand, this is called collecting the wind, right?"

Desiya crossed her arms to show that she understood, she thought for a while and said;

"I'm going to Aru Village to do some errands in a few days, how about we go together? But I can't spare the time to take you to the desert, so you still have to call Li Qiuzhi."

"Well!" Nilu naturally didn't mind the company. She turned her head and looked to the side, "Mr. Li Qiuzhi, what do you think?"

"As an adventurer, there is no reason to refuse a commission." Li Qiuzhi said as he walked, "When exactly can I make preparations?"

"If we go together, let's see when Disiya leaves. I'll have to perform in the next two days tomorrow, as long as I'm not in these two days."

The veil on Nelu's crown fluttered in the night breeze.

"In that case, let's do it in five days." Disiya nodded, then looked at Dina Zedei, "Miss, I will have to ask you for a few days' leave."

"Well, bodyguards also have holidays, so there's no need to ask for leave. Then I'll just stay at home and go out less."

Dina Zede said there was no problem.

Although her health has improved a lot, she is still a little weak and needs someone to follow her when she goes out to avoid accidents.

"Now that we've discussed it, we can just gather near the Adventurers Association when the time comes."

Li Qiuzhi nodded his chin and said.

"No problem!" A smile appeared on Nilu's fair face.

[Nilu has a good impression of you and gains 320 favorability points. The current favorability level is 4 (370/400)]

"Speaking of which, we haven't had any adventure in the desert yet. Do you want to go together?" Paimon also looked at Ying with some emotion.

"Okay, let's go explore the desert." Ying hugged her half-exposed snow-white chest and said after thinking for a while.

Although the "Void Internet Network" has not yet been fully formed, the basic framework has been set up, and the "Void Forum" has been tested in the past two days and will be launched online for everyone to use.

Just take a few days off and go exploring in the desert.

The group of people discussed going to the desert, and soon arrived at the restaurant, ordered food, had dinner, and said goodbye to each other.

Li Qiuzhi, Ying and Paimon returned to the fairyland space.

It was already past eight o'clock in the evening, and everyone in the space had finished dinner. Noelle, Amber Yora and the others were washing the dishes.

And Shenzi and Captain Qin Lisa went to the hot springs to take a bath.

In the living room, Fischer and Hu Tao were chatting. Li Qiuzhi remembered that he told Laila that Mona would go to the Wisdom Palace of the Order on Saturday, the day after tomorrow.

Now let’s talk to Mona in advance.

Li Qiuzhi didn't see Mona in the living room, and he knew she was in his astrology laboratory without even thinking.

He slowly walked to the third floor, and sure enough he saw a bright light in Mona's research room. Through the window, she could be seen playing with the star trajectory calculator.

Li Qiuzhi knocked on the door and walked in.

"What, what's the matter?"

Mona, wearing a purple bodysuit and black stockings, continued to study her calculator. She did not look at Li Qiuzhi, but she did not need to use her mental perception. She could tell who it was just by listening to the footsteps.

"It's nothing. I just met a girl who also studies the stars in the Order Academy. She seems to be quite curious about you, a senior."

Li Qiuzhi told Laila's story and hoped that she could go to the Order Academy the day after tomorrow.

"You guys, why are you so interested in a girl you haven't known for a long time? You don't like her anymore!"

It didn't matter if she went to the Order Academy, but as she already knew Li Qiuzhi well, she showed contempt for this carefree guy.

A little embarrassed, and as expected, Mona saw through it. Li Qiuzhi touched the hair on his forehead, and the embarrassing emotion appeared and disappeared in his heart.

He coughed lightly and came to Mona's side. He squatted down slightly and pressed his face against the soft thighs covered with black stockings. He reached behind Mona with his right hand and stroked her buttocks. He smiled and said:

"Please, Sister Mona."

Hearing Li Qiuzhi call her, Mona felt goosebumps coming out. She slapped the guy's right hand away and said impatiently:

"I know, I know, I'm just helping you, don't disturb me now!"

After receiving Mona's consent, Li Qiuzhi rubbed her soft thigh with his cheek, nodded and said:

"Hey, thank you to my dear wife Mona. As a thank you, let me give you a little massage and relax!"

Li Qiuzhi had no intention of getting up and going out. His right hand that had been slapped away touched her butt again, and his left hand gently rubbed her calf.

"You guy"

Mona was a little helpless, but she didn't continue to talk about Li Qiuzhi. Otherwise, based on her understanding of this guy, the more she talked about him, he would definitely go too far.

Then he started to take off his shoes, clothes and stockings.

Let's let him go for now, and wait until he has finished calculating this star path before punishing this guy. "Humph", he must make it impossible for him to get out of bed tomorrow!

Li Qiuzhi didn't know what Mona was thinking, but seeing that she didn't resist, he knew that she just wanted to touch her and not disturb her work further.

Li Qiuzhi was naturally obedient to this.

He continued to touch Mona's buttocks for a while, then asked her to turn sideways a little, and he sat cross-legged on the ground, gently placing her feet in gold high heels together in front of him.

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