I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 548 The warmth of the laboratory (two-in-one)

A blush appeared on Mona's pretty fair face. She twisted her waist and turned half sideways to make herself more comfortable. Then she stepped on Li Qiuzhi's abdomen with a little force as punishment for disturbing her work.

The golden heels made a slight dent in his clothes.

His fingers slid along the heel of the golden high-heeled shoes, gently holding Mona's ankle, and Li Qiuzhi stroked it up and down through the black stockings.

As if she felt a little itch, Mona rubbed the inner sides of her feet against each other and rubbed her ankles.

"Asshole, don't touch me!"

She looked at her star path calculator, gritted her teeth and cursed.

"Okay, then I'll change places."

Li Qiuzhi smiled, and the palm of his right hand continued to slide up the back of his ankle to fit into the calf covered with black stockings. The warm and soft touch was transmitted through the palm of his hand.

The left hand is slightly lowered, and the fingers are stroked side by side on the instep that is also wrapped in panty-style black stockings.

"Idiot, it's even more itchy!"

Mona blushed and glanced down at Li Qiuzhi. She stepped hard on his lower abdomen with her left foot, trying to relieve the slight itching feeling by tightening her muscles.

"There's nothing we can do about it. Just bear with it a little bit, or I'll take off your socks." Li Qiuzhi said, leaning over and kissing the girl's knee.


Mona snorted dissatisfiedly as she sat sideways with her legs together, and then went back to study her astrology. The damn guy always bothered her when others were working.

Seeing that the girl in front of him seemed to acquiesce to his random behavior, Li Qiuzhi was not polite. He held her ankle with one hand and gently lifted her foot, and held the side of the high-heeled shoe with the other hand to slowly take it off.

Soon, he put the two golden high heels aside, and the girl's feet wrapped in black stockings gently stepped on Li Qiuzhi's abdomen.

"The socks are all dirty!" After more than ten minutes, Mona looked at Li Qiuzhi with disgust and told the guy not to move.

"Are you done with your work? Take off your clothes when you're done."

Li Qiuzhi felt a little happy when he saw Mona's angry expression. He stood up and reached out to unbutton her shawl.

"Oh, I'm still almost done with the calculation!" Mona was unwilling. She grabbed Li Qiuzhi's hand and wanted to make him wait for a while.

"If you're still a little short, let's do the calculation tomorrow. I'll help you improve your strength first so that you can calculate faster tomorrow!"

Li Qiuzhi shook his head in denial, untied his shawl and hugged her. While kissing Mona's lips, he reached behind and stroked her back with his hands, skillfully searching for the zipper of the one-piece suit.


Mona stepped on the beam between the chair legs with her feet together, and pressed Li Qiuzhi's shoulders with her hands to push him away, but obviously failed.

She helplessly relaxed her body, and when she felt the zipper of her clothes being unzipped and sliding down automatically, Mona knew she wouldn't be able to work tonight.

She had to wait until tomorrow to accept the facts, and she took the initiative to open her mouth and cooperate with Li Qiuzhi to kiss each other.

Li Qiuzhi held Mona's buttocks and motioned her to stand up slightly. She couldn't take off the purple bodysuit while sitting.

"Hmm!" Mona parted Li Qiuzhi's lips and gasped softly. Because her clothes slipped off, her lower abdomen and the white skin above were exposed.

Following the support of Li Qiuzhi's hand, she stood up and pressed against his body. She leaned her face on his shoulder and stretched out her tongue to lick against his collarbone.

Feeling the warm touch from his skin, Li Qiuzhi pressed the two sides of the bodysuit and slid it down to Mona's thighs, revealing her soft buttocks wrapped in black stockings.

He rubbed her hands for a while, then patted the sides of her legs, indicating to Mona to lift her legs and take off her clothes.

"It's too high, slide it down a little." Mona's face flushed, she raised her legs and found that the one-piece tights had also slid up a little.

Li Qiuzhi nodded and prepared to pull down his clothes a little more.

But just when he touched the bodysuit, his hand stopped again, smiled and said:

"Forget it, there's no need to go to such trouble, just lie down on the table."

"No, what if my calculation manuscript is crushed!" Mona shook her head. She let go of Li Qiuzhi's neck, walked behind the chair, leaned on the backrest and bent down, turning to look at him with a blushing face:

"That's it, hurry up!"

"Haha, that's okay." Li Qiuzhi smiled, hugging Mona from behind and leaning over her smooth white back, without even taking off the black stockings that wrapped her buttocks.

It's already stained anyway, so it doesn't matter if there's another hole. Of course, replacing it with a new one would be a waste, so just ask the ingenious Noel to repair it.

By the way, add a zipper for future use.

The next morning, Mona, who had not slept all night, had already reached level 90, and Li Qiuzhi's practice progress had also increased by 80,000 to 90,000:

[Level: Lv101 (510312/11000000)]

Not only Mona, but with her own efforts, the girls who lived in the fairyland space and have not reached level 90 have now reached it, and some have even succeeded in breaking through.

It can be regarded as standing at the pinnacle of mankind.

Now they can try to understand their own power. When they fully understand their own power, they can be called gods, which is level 100.

Of course, this process is relatively difficult.

Because everyone was strengthened to this point by Li Qiuzhi's "harmonizing energy", when he becomes stronger, he can slowly be strengthened to level 100, which is comparable to that of a god.

It's just that their bodies and souls have reached a level comparable to gods.

He has not realized his own power, and then uses his power to strengthen his body and soul into a divine body and soul that can accommodate divine power.

No matter how strong they are, they are still human beings, and their lifespan is long but not endless.

If there was no such thing as "wear and tear", gods would be able to achieve the same power as humans, and their life span would be basically unlimited.

Of course, the premise is that you don't seek trouble from gods who are stronger than yourself, otherwise you will still perish if you are killed.

Li Qiuzhi learned this while chatting with several gods in the fairyland space.

The main reason is that everyone's strength is already at level 90 and almost approaching level 100, so they have to ask in advance how to become a demon like them.

After all, except for the legendary Vanessa who landed on Sky Island and became a god, there is no example of a human being becoming a demon in Teyvat.

But if anyone wants to become a demon, he must be prepared to help in advance.

He learned from the Great Merciful Tree King that no matter what kind of creature wants to become a demon god, there are only two ways to do it. It can either rely on its own talents to realize its own power, or it can inherit the power of other demon gods.

For example, those who have been strengthened by Li Qiuzhi, at most, the strength of their body and soul are comparable to that of a demon god, but without understanding the power and using it to strengthen their body and soul, they are still essentially human beings.

Obviously, most of the girls in Wonderland have been strengthened to level 90 by Li Qiuzhi's "harmony energy".

Scholars like Lisa and Mona who study elemental power and astrology may find it relatively easy to comprehend power.

But people like Amber and Fischer, who have risen from level 30 to 40, basically rely on "harmony energy" to strengthen them. It is obviously more difficult to understand their own powers.

Fortunately, Li Qiuzhi has a fairyland space and "harmony energy" that can increase life span, so there is no need to worry about everyone's life span.

So it doesn't matter whether you can understand power and become a god.

Even if they really understand the power, they probably won't use it to strengthen themselves and transform their bodies into divine bodies.

Because Li Qiuzhi is still a human being, if they become demon gods, they will most likely be reproductively isolated. Unless they see Lei Yingying and Li Qiuzhi Tietie, they can still get pregnant. Wrong, although Ying has a physical body, his essence is still a soul body.

No matter how much you stick on the stickers, you won't fall into the trap. It should be said that no one will consider becoming a demon god until they see Li Qiuzhi and General Thunder or other demon gods can conceive and give birth to offspring through the stickers.

After all, with Li Qiuzhi's "harmonizing energy" to strengthen and improve his strength, he will not be worse than the Demon God after he understands the power. There is no need to risk losing his offspring with Li Qiuzhi to become a Demon God.

But now I don’t know if there is too big a difference in strength, or if there may be some genetic differences between Li Qiuzhi, a human on Earth, and humans on Teyvat.

Despite posting many times, he found no sign of pregnancy.

Of course, Li Qiuzhi himself didn't care much about this. After all, neither he nor the girls had to worry about running out of life. It just didn't matter whether the offspring that would inherit the genes would have any.

The girls have no idea of ​​having offspring for the time being, but if they don’t think about it now, they may think about it later.

Therefore, their idea is that they would rather retain their human nature rather than become demon gods and lose the chance to have offspring with Li Qiuzhi.

Li Qiuzhi and Mona had been hugging each other in the laboratory all night, and their bodies were dirty. He had to carry Mona, who was sleeping on him, downstairs to the hot spring bathhouse to clean up.

In the hot spring pool, Li Qiuzhi helped Mona clean her body. Seeing that she hadn't woken up yet, he let Mona sit on top of him and pressed her against her a few more times to successfully wake her up.

Mona bit Li Qiuzhi dissatisfied, and half an hour later the two of them dried their bodies with towels and left the hot spring bathhouse.

After eating the breakfast prepared by Noelle early, Mona went back to her room to catch up on her sleep, while Li Qiuzhi, Ying, Paimon and the others came to Sumeru City again.

Today, the guy from Dolly said that he could handle the licensing of "Seven Saints", and Li Qiuzhi was going to see what was going on.

He first discussed online games with Nasida, Ying and Paimon in the Palace of Wisdom.

Li Qiuzhi planned to come back later and asked Nasida to copy an online version of "Seven Saints' Summons" to the "Void Internet Network".

After all, if we can get it done early and promote it early to make money, the development of Xumi still needs Mora.

Of course, Li Qiuzhi hadn't played an online game on his mobile phone for a long time, and he was a little bit interested in trying it.

And in addition to "Seven Saints Summons", he plans to upload "Liyue Millennium" that Ningguang has researched, as well as playing cards, mahjong and other things.

"Nacida, is there any way you can use the void terminal in the fairyland space?"

Li Qiuzhi had asked Naxida this question before, and the answer was no. After all, the fairyland space is an independent world. No matter how large the scope of the "void" system is, it cannot cover the fairyland space.

Unless he keeps a "door" open at the Wisdom Palace to allow the "signal" of the "Void" system to cover inside.

Moreover, the fairyland space is completely under his control. If Li Qiuzhi doesn't let anyone in, no one can sneak in.

But keeping the "door" open will continue to consume power, and the power consumed is mainly to fight against the instinctive rejection of the Teyvat continent.

There is no problem if it lasts for a day, two days or even a month. With Li Qiuzhi's strength, he can withstand it, but the power of repulsion will slowly continue to increase.

One month is enough, but two months would probably be a bit difficult for Li Qiuzhi based on the rate at which his repulsion power increases.

No matter how much it takes, it may be too much. There is absolutely no need to do this just to be able to use the void terminal in the fairyland space for a month or two.

But he is still a little unwilling to not be able to play the Void Terminal in the Wonderland space. This is no different from playing at home without a mobile phone!

"Well, it's not impossible." Nasida put her finger against her lower lip and thought for a moment, then continued:

"The power I have is the same as the power to create the 'void' system, and the power of the Great Ci Tree King.

"As long as I give part of the authority of the 'Void' system to the Great Ci Tree King, she will be able to use her power to cover the 'Void' system in your portable space."

"Oh? It seems there are more solutions than difficulties."

Li Qiuzhi's eyes were filled with joy. Isn't this equivalent to asking the Great Ci Tree King to be the administrator? She was the one who created the "Void" system, so she is definitely capable of doing the job.

But looking at Nasida's troubled look, I knew it wasn't that simple.

So he asked:

"Is there any difficulty in solving it?"

"Well, if the Daci Tree King Zaisumi wants to become a system administrator, just open up the permissions of the 'Void' system to her.

"But if you want to be in the fairyland space, you need to back up the 'Void' system with a sub-body for her to carry. This is equivalent to letting the Great Ci Tree King use his own power to run the 'Void' system.

"She probably hasn't recovered to the point where she can carry the 'Void' system yet."

Nacida explained simply.

Well, although there are only more than 20 people in the fairyland space who have the need to use the "void" system, even if there are more in the future, there will not be much.

The burden of such a "void" system is naturally reduced by more than 99% compared to the "void" system covering the entire Sumeru.

But even so, the currently weak Daci Shu King probably wouldn't be able to bear it.

She now has entries for accelerating soul recovery, and also has assistance such as nourishing the soul and calming the mind in the fairyland space, but it will take about five or six years to return to normal.

Unless she was given a spiritual entry that would have a better and more powerful effect on soul recovery, his spiritual entry already contained spirituality equivalent to more than one hundred and twenty entries.

If you're lucky, you should be able to get it.

Li Qiuzhi nodded to express his understanding, then left the Wisdom Palace and walked to Xumi City. After finishing the game, he went back to write entries for the Great Ci Tree King!

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