I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 550 Enhanced Effect (Two in One)

Wonderland space, library.

After successfully launching the game, Li Qiuzhi wanted to cover the "void" system into the space, so he came back to discuss it with King Daci Tree.

The Great Ci Tree King, who used to look like Nasida, seems to have grown up a lot and become more girlish due to the recovery during this period.

But it will take a lot of time to return to a woman's body shape.

After hearing Li Qiuzhi's intention, the Daci Tree King thought for a while, crossed his arms and said:

"It's not difficult to just use the backup sub-body of the 'Void' system to cover this space. Even now I can barely do it.

"But the price is that my recovery speed will be reduced by two or three times. Of course, it is all thanks to you that I have the chance to recover.

"Sigh~ If you force me to run the 'Void' system just for playing games, then I have to comply."

As he said that, he lowered his hands and sighed in frustration, as if he had been bullied.

Uh, Li Qiuzhi's eyelids twitched. What's going on? This deep sense of guilt makes me sound like a bad person.

But what King Daci Shu said seems to make sense.

He really wanted to let everyone have more entertainment activities, so he wanted to cover the "void" system. In fact, it was not urgent.

And if doing so would affect her recovery, that would indeed be inappropriate.

Even if you change to an entry that is more effective in soul recovery, the impact will still be there, and you may not be able to get a suitable entry.

If you think so, it would be more appropriate to wait until King Daci Tree is almost recovered.

Even so, isn't it a little inappropriate for you to act like you're being bullied by me?

Li Qiuzhi suspected that King Daci Shu knew that he was relatively gentle and always loved everyone, so he deliberately pretended to be bullied, in order to arouse his guilt!

I didn’t expect that such a gentle girl like Daci Shuwang would be a little bit sinister!

Anyway, the feeling of guilt had already arisen. If he didn’t really bully him, Li Qiuzhi felt that he had suffered a loss, so he covered his hands with mental power, grabbed the cheek of the Great Ci Tree King and said:

"Okay, okay, let's wait until you are almost recovered first!"

He rubbed King Daci Shu's face vigorously to express his dissatisfaction.

"Oh, you're bullying me!" King Daci Shu was caught accidentally, but he couldn't resist, so he could only shout angrily.

He grabbed Li Qiuzhi's wrist with both hands and tried to pry his hand away.

"Humph, it's so rude to bully a girl!"

Guizhu, who was also in the library, saw King Daci Shu being bullied. He immediately spoke out and temporarily materialized his own hands, flying over to grab Li Qiuzhi's cheek.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, King Daci Shu did not break off Li Qiuzhi, but grabbed the soft flesh around his waist.

Being attacked from above and below, Li Qiuzhi was very depressed and said helplessly:

"Isn't it a bit unfair for two to bully one of me?"

"Who would be fair to a bad guy who bullies a girl?" He finally stuck out his tongue and said with a naughty smile.

Feeling the touch on his cheeks and waist, Li Qiuzhi admitted that he was at a disadvantage. The two girls were on the same side. They couldn't fight, couldn't fight, really couldn't fight.

He sighed and said:

"Okay, I know I was wrong."

To show his sincerity, he took the initiative to let go of King Daci Tree's cheek.

"Huh, that's pretty much it!" After all, he rubbed Li Qiuzhi's face for the last time, then let go of his hands and hugged his flat chest, raising his face with a proud expression of a winner.

In the end, the Daci Tree King stepped on Li Qiuzhi with his fair-skinned feet without shoes, and then stuck out his tongue and pretended that nothing happened.

The corners of Li Qiuzhi's mouth twitched.

Sure enough, it was too comfortable in the fairyland space. He remembered that these two people were quite reserved when they first came here, but now their true nature was exposed.

The Daci Tree King is a bit sinister and childish after all.

Forget it, ignore them. Li Qiuzhi turned around and left because he had a headache. Since the Daci Tree King has not recovered enough to help.

He had no choice but to think of other ways.

Seeing that Li Qiuzhi was defeated and fled, he finally clapped his hands with the Daci Tree King and said "yeah", and then he reluctantly developed a little affection for the person who took the initiative to admit his mistake:

[The Great Merciful Tree King has a good impression of you and gains 320 favorability points. The current favorability level is 7 (120/700)]

[I finally have a good impression of you and gain 320 favorability points. The current favorability level is 6 (120/600)]

Li Qiuzhi was a little surprised when he saw the favorability prompt that popped up on the character panel. It seemed that they also had some disagreements.

You say he is a bad guy, but in your heart you really like this kind of intimate interaction.

Li Qiuzhi secretly laughed.

He went downstairs and sat down on the sofa in the living room, thinking about other ways to make the "void" system cover the space.

If the Great Merciful Tree King is not recovering enough, then he thinks he can start with the characteristics of space.

The fairyland space can enhance the origin of the soul, mainly to nourish the soul, so add a spiritual entry to this space characteristic to enhance the effect.

That should be able to speed up the recovery of the souls of Daci Tree King and the others, so that they don't have to wait a year or two until Daci Tree King can run the "Void" system.

This method is obviously worth a try. Anyway, the spirituality he has now is enough for him to squander it.

Li Qiuzhi felt the soul-nurturing characteristics of the fairyland space. He locked it with his spiritual power, then consumed double spiritual energy and designated effect-enhancing entries to bestow it.

He saw spirituality dispersing and disappearing in the space, and then a message came back:

[Lingge Entry·Great Sword Technique: This entry will only appear in the ability characteristics. For those who have this entry, the sword energy of the skill will be doubled, and the power will be the same. 】


Li Qiuzhi felt a little speechless as he felt the feedback.

Where does the spatial characteristic of "nourishing the soul" come from? It is not a "sword array" or the like. Even if it is magnified a hundred times, it will have no effect.

He ignored this spiritual entry and continued to spend twice as much spiritual energy to specify the type, hoping that this time he could come up with one related to the soul.

Maybe it’s because Li Qiuzhi was blessed by the Eightfold Divine Son, and his luck has indeed improved. The second spiritual entry is related to the soul:

[Lingge entry·Soul enhancement: This entry will only appear in the ability characteristics. Those who possess this entry will have soul blessing ability characteristics, in addition to the original effects, additionally enhanced, greatly increasing the soul strength during the duration. 】

Li Qiuzhi felt the information of the entry.

I probably understand what it means, that is, people within the scope of the spatial characteristics and soul nourishing will have their souls greatly enhanced during the duration of the effect, in addition to the original effects.

As long as you are in the fairyland space, this effect is equivalent to being sustainable, and it looks very good.

I just don’t know what the extent of this enhancement is. It would be useful if the Great Ci Tree King could be enhanced to the point where even running the "Void" system would have no impact.

Otherwise, this effect cannot take effect except in the fairyland space, and it will not be of much use to everyone.

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while, and immediately walked to the library to see if there were any changes in the Great Ci Tree King after being greatly strengthened.

Daci Shuwang, who had been having a good chat with him in the library, suddenly found that his soul had become much more solid.

She knew it was Li Qiuzhi's fault without even thinking about it. After all, his portable space had new functions from time to time, and she was used to it.

Sure enough, she saw Li Qiuzhi running up again.

Li Qiuzhi smiled and said, "How is it? Do you feel the change in your soul?"

"Changes are changes, but this kind of strengthening is like wearing armor on the outside of the human body to us. It is indeed harder and more powerful, but the human body inside is still the same as before.

"It doesn't matter if we are normal people, but we are in a weak state that is constantly recovering. Even if we have armor that can defend against stronger attacks, the power of the armor will still affect us."

King Daci Shu shook his head.

"I see. It seems that this entry is inappropriate. Let me change it." Li Qiuzhi himself also has a strengthened soul, which is indeed similar to what the Great Ci Tree King said.

Ascension is an improvement, but these improvements do not belong to you. If you are injured, you will naturally not be able to recover due to the improvement of your soul.

Li Qiuzhi didn't want to go any further. He had a lot of spiritual energy stored in him, so he continued to write entries until he found a suitable one.

In the library, you can take a look at the changes in the Great Ci Tree King and Gui Shang.

The two of them also looked at Li Qiuzhi to see if he could come up with an entry that would improve their recovery. If so, that would naturally be very gratifying.

What was a little surprising was that Li Qiuzhi refreshed it more than a dozen times in a row, and his soul-nourishing properties were enhanced in various ways.

But it just doesn't make sense.

"Okay, why don't you forget it, so as not to waste your spiritual energy!" He finally spread his hands and sighed.

"The last time, I have a hunch that it will definitely come out this time."

It was not that Li Qiuzhi was unlucky. The previous entries were all very good, but they were just not suitable for his current needs.

He once again consumed double the spiritual energy. When they disappeared into the space, the information of the entry was fed back again:

[Lingge entry·Effect enhancement: This entry will only appear in the ability characteristics. For those who possess this entry, the original effects of their ability characteristics will be greatly enhanced. 】


Li Qiuzhi felt the information emerging in his mind and looked slightly stunned. He directly enhanced the original effect. Is it so simple and unpretentious?

"Hey, I feel like the origin of my soul has strengthened several times faster!"

The green-haired man was surprised to feel that his recovery speed had improved a lot.

"Phew, this is the entry. As long as you choose this entry, even if I run the 'Void' system to cover the entire space, I can still maintain the original recovery speed!"

A trace of joy appeared on the white face of the Daci Tree King.

"Oh, really?" Li Qiuzhi also felt that his soul's enhancement speed had increased several times, and his efficiency had indeed improved a lot.

He thought for a while and said:

"Well, although you said that you can run the 'Void' system now, it's better to recover at this speed for a few months. I think it will be better for you."

Knowing that consuming power to run the "Void" system would affect the Great Merciful Tree King, even if the effect of the "Soul Nourishing" characteristic was improved, he did not want to take the risk.

At least wait until the Great Ci Tree King recovers for a few months and his soul becomes more stable.

"Oh? Okay, you are quite considerate." The Daci Tree King and Gui Zhi were not surprised. Within a few days of living in the fairyland space, they knew what kind of person Li Qiuzhi was.

Apart from his great strength, he is obviously just a carefree ordinary human being.

Moreover, he actively tried to find a way to save her, and in the end, there were only remnant souls like Heulia and Raiden Jin. Oh, it seems that he recently brought back another Foxzaigong who had not woken up from the artifact bell.

The reason why he did this was just to covet their bodies. He made random excuses by saying that he wanted to gain knowledge from the gods and needed their help.

I never saw him ask them what they asked for, and he had absolutely no enthusiasm at all.

Of course, there was nothing wrong with this. She found that Li Qiuzhi always spared no effort to help the girls, just like he was doing to them now.

For girls, he can be regarded as a qualified lover.

[The Great Merciful Tree King has a good impression of you and gains 380 favorability points. The current favorability level is 7 (500/700)]

[I finally have a good impression of you and gain 380 favorability points. The current favorability level is 6 (500/600)]

Li Qiuzhi looked at the character panel and another favorable opinion prompt popped up. He was also very satisfied, smiled and said:

"Haha, this is natural."

Generally speaking, gods such as the Great Merciful Tree King and Gui Zhong naturally have no feelings for human love and affection.

However, as long as the favorability is high enough and you express your intention to become a lover, then they will probably not refuse, just like the shadow.

Or it doesn't matter.

Then as long as they get along for a long time, they will naturally have feelings of love and affection. After all, they are not stones without feelings.

The problem of the "Void" system covering Fairyland has been solved for the time being, but it will have to be delayed for a few months, so Li Qiuzhi is not in a hurry.

There was nothing to be busy with in the next time, so Li Qiuzhi went to call Heulia, Raiden Zhen, and Raiden Movie to the library.

He was going to learn some new skills from them, especially invisibility.

The secret-level "Shadow of the Abyss" can "stealth" into deep space, but the deep space is still within the world of Teyvat.

He has always wanted to try to ascend to the divine realm level to see if he could jump to a more "outside" space, and then bypass the "False Sky" and the maintainer of heavenly principles to come to the outside of the universe.

If he could, then he wouldn't have to face such dangerous laws in the future and could live a safe life. No one would want to make enemies for himself.

After all, it would be really bad if he accidentally encounters trouble that he cannot handle, unless he is strong enough to deal with any trouble.

But obviously he's not there yet.

The monsters in the wilds of Teyvat were not strong enough, and the experience points they provided were not as fast as training with girls for what he needed now.

Therefore, it is very important to go outside the planet and explore the star sea to find new sources of experience points.

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