I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 551 Objective Existence (Two in One)

For gods, even if they do not specialize in the art of invisibility, their relevant knowledge and accumulation over a long period of time are much deeper than ordinary people.

Seeing that Li Qiuzhi wanted to learn concealment skills, they naturally would not refuse.

The first is Heulia. Her concealment ability is considered to be relatively superior among the gods. Li Qiuzhi has been looking forward to this.

"My ability is achieved by using power. If you don't have the power of salt, you can only use elemental power instead, but the effect may be much weaker."

Heulia, who has salt-white hair with a few reflections, explained.

"It's not a big problem, just say it, I'm just using it for reference." Li Qiuzhi nodded lightly, and he naturally understood this.

"Yes." Heulia's lips did not part, and a low response came from her throat.

The ability she once used to hide herself and her subjects was to cover herself with salt crystals that were finer than dust, diluting and reflecting light to achieve the effect of blending into the environment.

And under the influence of power, salt crystals also have the effect of being unable to be touched and sensed by spiritual power.

Heulia's ability to run around in the Demon God War mainly relies on the effect of salt crystals that cannot be sensed by spiritual power. Even in front of powerful enemies who are also Demon Gods, Heulia can perfectly hide herself.

Because salt crystals do not interact with mental power, no matter how strong the mental power is when it reaches her position, it will be the same as what she sees, nothing.

This is determined by the nature of her special salt crystals and has nothing to do with the strength of her mental power.

Of course, this is not without its shortcomings. No matter how hard the salt crystal hides people, it will still be there. If you accidentally touch it, you will be discovered.

Even so, it does not affect the power of her ability at all.

Because Li Qiuzhi already possesses full-level invisibility ability at the secret level and full-level elemental control skills, he easily used the power of water element to replace salt crystals, and successfully gained access to Heulia's skills:

[Comprehended Skill: Lightless Salt Field]

He clicked on the skill to view detailed information:

[Lightless Salt Realm·Mystery 1 (1/5000): Use ultra-fine water element molecules to cover the surrounding area to make it invisible. It cannot be observed by optical vision. The concealment from mental vision is greatly improved, and the range can be adjusted by itself. 】

It seems that the secret level is due to the water element replacing the salt crystal. With Heulia's power, it should be the divine level.

She uses this skill to ignore her mental vision, while Li Qiuzhi only uses it to greatly improve his concealment. If his opponent's mental power is much higher than hers, he may be discovered.

He now has more than nine million experience points, and he can immediately upgrade this skill to the full level. However, he needs to learn all the skills first, and then directly integrate them into a god-level skill.

After Heulia finished talking about her abilities, the next step was to talk about her abilities in the thunder movie.

As a powerful demon with top-notch martial arts, she rarely encounters enemies that require her to use stealth to attack.

But although she won't encounter strong enemies that require her to sneak attack, it doesn't mean that she doesn't have stealth-type skills.

In order to deal with various enemies, Shadow has studied various types of skills, including stealth ones.

Although I didn’t put much thought into it, I also developed a secret-level stealth skill:

[Comprehended skill: Bubble Dream Body]

This skill is a bit more complicated in principle than "Lightless Salt Domain". Of course, complexity does not mean it is more powerful. The main reason is that Heulia's salt crystal is more suitable for invisibility.

Li Qiuzhi also spent a few minutes trying it out and got started easily. He clicked on the skill to see the specific effect:

[Bubble Dream Body·Mystery 1 (1/5000): When the skill is activated, Wuxiang's will envelopes itself, temporarily turning into a dreamy bubble-like incorporeal body. During this period, it cannot attack or receive physical damage, and will only be mentally stronger than itself. The strong existence found that when hit by a spiritual attack, it turned into bubbles and shattered, ignoring the damage. 】

Shadow's skill not only allows for invisibility, but also has a good defensive effect, making it much more functional.

After learning this ability, Li Qiuzhi continued to ask Gui Zhong, Lei Dianzhen and Daci Shuwang for stealth skills, and learned "invisibility into the dust", "dream true invisibility" and "breath of nature" respectively.

These skills are also at the secret level.

Although the skill of Guiyu has the effect of invisibility, it feels like it is incidental. For example, Guiyu's "invisibility into the wind and dust" is actually the ability to use the dust in the wind to travel.

But when using the skill, it can be completely integrated into the dust, so naturally it cannot be discovered. Li Qiuzhi does not have the power of dust, so the effect of using it is greatly weakened.

The real "Dream True Hidden" is similar to Kage's "Bubble Dream Body", except that instead of using Wu Xiang's will to become an incorporeal body, she uses the power of "dream".

The more dreams, wishes, etc., the more this skill can greatly enhance its invisibility effect.

The "Breath of Nature" of the Great Merciful Tree King is a skill that does not allow optical or mental invisibility. Its effect is to reduce the sense of existence and make oneself a part of nature.

Just like an insignificant little stone, even if it is seen, no one will take it seriously. This invisibility method that reduces the sense of presence should be regarded as a psychological invisibility technique.

After mastering the five stealth skills, Li Qiuzhi prepared to upgrade them to full level one by one, and then merge them with "Abyssal Shadow".

Normally, six arcana-level skills are enough to fuse into a god-level skill. Three of the same type and level are the minimum standard. Five can basically be integrated and promoted successfully.

Six should be more than enough.

Li Qiuzhi expressed his gratitude to several gods, and then left the library to return to his room and slowly upgrade.

It was almost noon, and today it was his turn to prepare lunch with Noelle, so he had to complete the upgrade as soon as possible to help.

Going downstairs and returning to his room, Li Qiuzhi lay on the bed and opened his character panel. As expected, five new secret-level skills appeared on it:

Name: Li Qiuzhi

Level: Lv101 (510312/11000000)

Race: Human

Title: Honorary Knight, Outstanding Citizen of Liyue, Legendary Adventurer, General Haiqi, Xumi Sage

Inherent talent: Entangled favor

Skills: Power of Ying·Divinity 10 (Star Sea Ten Thousand), Wuxiang's Sword·Divinity 10 (Wuxian Wushuang), Shadow of the Abyss·Mystery 10 (Deep Jump), Flowing Sky Shooting Technique·Mystery 10 (Frost Flower Arrow) ), Element Control 10 (full level), Lightless Salt Realm·Mystery 1 (1/5000), Bubble Dream Body·Mystery 1 (1/5000), Invisibility into the Dust·Mystery 1 (1/5000), True Dream Hidden · Secret 1 (1/5000), Breath of Nature · Secret 1 (1/5000), Fighting 10 (subtle)

Specialties: [Girl's Beloved (Exclusive)] [World Tree's Wuxiang Gospel (Exclusive)] [North Wind's Touch of Demon (Exclusive)] [Lingge (Exclusive)]

Experience point: 9330642

There are over nine million experience points. I originally wanted to wait until my practice progress reaches a certain level to use them to improve my character level, but now I have to use some of them first.

Experience point-224999

As Li Qiuzhi's thoughts moved slightly, the experience points on the character panel were consumed rapidly and invested in one of the skills:

The Matte Salt Realm·Mystery 1 (1/5000)→The Matte Salt Realm·Mystery 10 (Shenyin)

"Lightless Salt Realm" reached full level instantly, and all kinds of new knowledge and new usage techniques appeared in his mind.

It is worth noting that its mysterious properties allow Li Qiuzhi to ignore the perception of mental power like Heulia's salt crystal when using this skill.

Even without the power of salt, a similar effect was achieved with this skill!

Experience point-224999

Without hesitation, Li Qiuzhi continued to spend experience points to improve his second skill:

Bubble Dream Body·Mystery 1 (1/5000)→Bubble Dream Body·Mystery 10 (Dream Bubble)

All kinds of knowledge and information came to mind again.

The mysterious properties of this time are also very powerful. It can turn itself into a dreamlike bubble that cannot be captured and locked by anything.

Compared with the previous "divine hidden" feature, it doesn't make any concessions.

The only regret is that after turning himself into a virtual body like a dream bubble, his attacks can't cause damage. If others can't attack him, but he can attack others, he will be directly invincible.

Experience point-674997

The remaining "Hidden into the Dust", "True Hidden Dream" and "Breath of Nature" were also upgraded to the full level one by one by him:

Hidden in the wind and dust·Mysterious meaning 1 (1/5000)→Hidden in the wind and dust·Mysterious meaning 10 (Heguang Tongchen)

The mysterious nature of this skill allows him to disappear into the wind and dust between heaven and earth, as if he is everywhere, and can instantly appear anywhere his mental power can sense without using space teleportation.

Dream Hidden·Mystery 1 (1/5000)→Dream Hidden·Mysterious 10 (Time Slot)

After Raiden's stealth skill was upgraded to the full level, a very powerful secret feature - time slots - appeared.

It allows Li Qiuzhi to hide in the gaps of time.

In other words, if he escapes into the gap of time to hide at this moment, then after this moment, no existence that does not understand the power of time will be able to discover him.

The specific principle is that if he hides at 10:53 and 28 seconds when the clock is pointing at now, then after 28 seconds, he will be equivalent to staying in the past.

Time is still moving forward, and he does not exist in the present or the future, so naturally he cannot be discovered, unless he is like Raiden Jin and Raiden Movie, who know a little about the power of time and are much stronger than him.

Then there is a possibility of being discovered.

Breath of Nature·Mystery 1 (1/5000) → Breath of Nature·Mystery 10 (Objective Existence)

Once the skill of the Daci Tree King reaches its full level, it becomes even more powerful. The effect is that when the skill is activated, it turns into objectively existing objects such as air and time.

It won't attract anyone's attention, and the sense of existence is infinitely close to zero.

If someone saw the ordinary stones on the roadside and wanted to kick them on a whim, then when Li Qiuzhi activated his skills.

It doesn't matter if he stands directly in front of others, it won't attract anyone's attention at all, because he is already an absolute "objective existence".

No intelligent being possessing "subjectivity" would notice him.

Of course, even if he has become an "objective" existence, it is not perfect. If he is unlucky and someone kicks a rock and accidentally hits Li Qiuzhi, he will still be injured.

In this process, people with "subjectivity" did not actually discover Li Qiuzhi, so it could not be considered as exerting the subjective initiative of intelligent creatures.

It was just a stone kicked away by someone else. This objective object happened to hit another objective object, Li Qiuzhi.

It seems that people with extremely lucky values ​​can theoretically attack him unintentionally.

Or if he comes up with a big move across the map, he won't be able to do it even if he doesn't have time to run. If the robot runs according to the program and there is no "subjectivity", it is very likely that he will be able to discover his objective existence.

So it seems very powerful, but if you think about it carefully, it also has weaknesses.

After Li Qiuzhi basically understood the characteristics of each mystery through the information fed back in his mind, he began to fuse them together. The characteristics of the mystery level are so powerful.

Presumably the gods' domain level will definitely not disappoint him!

"Lightless Salt Realm" plus "Bubble Dream Body" plus "Invisibility into the Wind and Dust" plus "Dream True Hiddenness" plus "Breath of Nature" and "Abyssal Shadow" are integrated into six secret-level skills!

Soon Li Qiuzhi saw several skills on the character panel constantly twisting and changing, like various colors constantly rotating and mixing on the palette, and finally blending a new color:

[Acquire new skills: Objectivity Phantom Shadow Domain]

Li Qiuzhi felt a large amount of information appear in his mind, and then clicked on the new skills to view:

[Objective Illusionary Shadow Realm·God Realm 1 (0/10000): Using skills will expand an invisible barrier. This barrier is an objective existence. It cannot be detected by any subjective behavior in a philosophical sense and will not be detected. Affected by any objective rules]

Looking at the information introduced, Li Qiuzhi found that this skill had indeed become very powerful.

First of all, the mysterious characteristic "Objective Existence" inherited from the full-level "Breath of Nature" has become stronger. If someone uses the basic rules of objective existence of the world such as time to influence him who has already deployed the barrier, it will not work.

In addition, the characteristic of "hiding in the wind and dust" has also been integrated into the new skill. He can now make everything in the barrier "harmony with light and dust".

Ability to achieve instantaneous transfer within the coverage of one's own mental power without using the power of space.

The same goes for the Dream Bubble feature of "Bubble Dream Body" and the Time Slot feature of "Dream True Hiddenness".

The scope of effect changes from individuals to everything within the entire barrier.

The most important thing is naturally the deep jump characteristic of "Abyssal Shadow", which can also affect the entire enchantment, and in addition to surface space, shallow space and deep space, it seems that it can really jump to a "deeper" than deep space. "The place!"

Li Qiuzhi's eyes sparkled, and he sat up from the bed suddenly. Isn't it just for this that he spent so much effort and experience?

As long as he can break through the blockade of the "False Sky", he will be able to go outside. If everything goes well, he can also see what is going on and why the heavens want to block the planet Teyvat!

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