I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 567 Secret Control (Two in One)

"Mr. Li, I know it's you. We must have compensated Xumi back then. What you did would be against the spirit of the contract."

"Doctor" said into the void.

Hearing what the "doctor" said, the "skirmisher" next to him also reacted and said angrily:

"You mean, that bastard adventurer who is nosy all day long!"

In the unobservable barrier, Nilu could obviously guess that they were talking about Li Qiuzhi.

So she looked at the young adventurer beside her and said:

"Hey, Mr. Adventurer, they seem to have guessed you."

"Haha, it doesn't matter. They have been pulled into the mental world anyway, and it is not that easy to escape."

Li Qiuzhi smiled and continued:

"Nilu, please continue to stay in the barrier. I will go out to meet them."


Nilu knew that her own strength couldn't help, so staying within the barrier and not going out to cause trouble was the best choice.

The unobservable barrier is synchronized with the mental world, so Li Qiuzhi does not need to step out of the barrier.

Just let "Doctor" and "Skicker" see you.

In the deep starry sky, a figure slowly appeared in front of the two Fool Executives. It was Li Qiuzhi.

"Long time no see, you two."

Li Qiuzhi said hello to "doctor" and "skirmishers".

"It's really you!"

If he hadn't known that he couldn't defeat him, he would have rushed to teach Li Qiuzhi how to behave as a "scatterer", and because of this damn mental world, he couldn't connect with the "God of Positive Opportunities".

In this way, you are no longer an opponent.

"Mr. Li, is there anything wrong with doing this?" The "Doctor" wearing a mask could not see his expression clearly, but he said calmly.

"It's a pity. If you didn't secretly do things here, I would have almost forgotten you. Why would I come to trouble you?

"You still want to threaten Xumi, so you have no choice but to nip the crisis in the bud."

Li Qiuzhi spread his hands, shook his head and said.

"You should know that collecting the Heart of God is a task given to us by the Queen of Winter."

"Doctor" folded his arms with one hand and held his chin with the other.

Seeing the "doctor" trying to scare him with the Solstice Queen, Li Qiuzhi said with a calm expression:

"If you had used the Solstice Queen to scare me a while ago, it might have had some effect, but now it's too late.

"I have hugged the thighs of the Rice Wife Thunder God and General Thunder. If your Majesty the Queen dares to come to me and cause trouble, my Lord General will not sit idly by and watch!"

In fact, he didn't need Ying's help, and he wasn't afraid of the Winter Solstice Queen, but it was enough for him to know this, and he had to keep a low profile when speaking to others.


Inexplicably hearing the most annoying name, "Skicker", this guy became angry and clenched his fists with the urge to take action.

But he was held down by "Doctor" with his mental power.

It was obviously unwise to fight on someone else's home turf. He could feel the oppressive power of this mental world on him.

"Also, you probably didn't get the permission of the Winter Queen when you brought the Heart of the Thunder Elemental God to Xumi to do the god-making experiment.

"That 'lady' ran back to Winter immediately after getting the Heart of God. Your current behavior may have angered the Queen of Winter.

"She may not necessarily come forward for you!"

Li Qiuzhi smiled.

At the same time, he kept moving his hands, first summoning the "Ying Sword God", and then continued to activate the favorability skill "Shadow Twins", summoning the phantoms of the shadow and the general.

The "Doctor" raised his eyebrows. He actually felt a terrifying aura similar to that of the Winter Queen from the shadows of the two lightning generals.

Faced with such an existence, even the "Doctor" can only choose to run away again.

"Use your mental power to hit the front, immediately."

"Doctor" ordered in a calm and unquestionable tone.


The "skirmisher" was reluctant on the surface, but he did not hesitate in his actions and immediately blasted all his mental power forward.

The "Doctor" also quickly followed up with his mental power and cooperated with the skirmishers to see if their mental power could interfere with this mental world.

As long as he can get out, he has a hundred ways to escape, and even the gods won't be able to find him.

Invisible spiritual power bombarded the mental world, and Li Qiuzhi felt like a weightlifter who was pressed under his palm and wanted to forcibly lift his palm.

With a little bit of confrontation, the combined spiritual power of the two people cannot be underestimated.

But it's still a long way from breaking through his mental world. Li Qiuzhi simply strengthened the mental world.

At the same time, the golden "Sword God of Ying" took the lead. She summoned a golden sword, stepped forward, and disappeared without a trace.

When he appeared again, he was already in front of "Doctor".

The pupils under the black mask suddenly shrank, pushing the "skirmisher" back. The transparency of the whole figure seemed to be reduced, turning into an illusory shadow and being swept away by the sword blade, and instantly dissipated like smoke in the day.

"Oh, illusion?"

Li Qiuzhi controlled the "Sword God of Ying" to shuttle her to a position dozens of meters away on the left, and then used her fierce swordsmanship to attack.

In his mental world, it's not a joke to hide.

Then control the general's shadow to join the battlefield and move in the direction of the "Doctor" again.

Seeing that the fight had begun, the "skirmishers" were also wrapped in thunder, and their whole bodies flashed in front of Li Qiuzhi like an aurora.

Endless thunder followed by palms pressing down on Li Qiuzhi.

Although the "stragglers" were a little impulsive, their IQs were still high enough. To capture the thief first, capture the king. As long as Li Qiuzhi was captured, those phantoms would no longer be able to exist.

But the idea is great, but the implementation is a little overestimating.

"Skicker" saw that his attack was about to hit him, when suddenly he felt a sense of suffocation from his neck, and his whole body was grabbed by the throat and lifted up.

He opened his eyes with difficulty and saw the shadow of a shadow.


The whole body's strength was suppressed, and the "skirmisher" was like an ordinary person, unable to do anything except move his hands and feet instinctively.

Soon, "Skicker" felt a huge spiritual power crashing into his mind.

He also instinctively wanted to resist, but he was only at level ninety-nine, not even a god. The difference in strength was too great, and he couldn't resist for even a second.

Soon his consciousness was knocked away, his eyes rolled up, his hands and feet drooped and he fainted.

[Defeat powerful enemies and gain 110315 experience points. 】

Looking at the prompt that popped up on the character panel, Li Qiuzhi was not surprised. The strength of the "skirmishers" was much stronger than those weak remnants of the demon god.

It is normal to obtain more than 100,000 experience points.

Over there, the phantoms of the "Sword God of Ying" and the general were still attacking the "Doctor". He used illusions to avoid them, and then turned into elements and dissipated.

It's really quite evasive.

If it weren't for the mental world, it would be really difficult to deal with him.

However, Li Qiuzhi ignored him for the time being, and took advantage of the "straggler" to faint and set the "Command Spell" for him.

In this way, like the "lady", he forcibly obeys his orders without being discovered by the Queen of Winter.

Although fools like "Skicker" and "Doctor" have done many bad things over the years, in order not to attract the attention of the Queen of Winter, they secretly slowed down her collection of God's Hearts.

Therefore, taking control is the best option. After taking down the "Doctor", three of the eleven seats of Fools will be secretly controlled by him.

How can fools play like this!

Li Qiuzhi felt that his idea was good. If he had the opportunity, he could control all the remaining fools and evade the Winter Queen. It was perfect!

After setting up the "Command Spell" according to the previous process, Li Qiuzhi controlled the phantom of the shadow and dropped the stragglers casually.

Mentally locking the position of "Doctor", he immediately controlled the phantom of the shadow and struck it with a purple sword that had the same appearance as "Dream Isshin".

Wuxiang's knife seemed to tear open the space, and the ultimate thunder power seemed to appear in front of the "Doctor" regardless of the distance.

He wanted to evade again, but Wuxiang's artistic conception locked him and he couldn't move at all.

The elemental power surged within the body, instantly forming a very thick elemental shield to block the sword light.


With the resistance of the elemental shield, "Doctor" finally broke free from the lock of Wuxiang's artistic conception and once again turned into a phantom and disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, there was a bell in his hand. With a slight shake, invisible ripples echoed in the mental world.

Li Qiuzhi felt slightly dizzy when he heard the ringing.

"It's not a soul or mental attack, but it uses sound waves to cause the brain to have an acclimatized reaction, causing physical symptoms of dizziness. As expected of a researcher, he knows a lot."

Li Qiuzhi shook his head, channeling his mental energy to block the incoming sound, and immediately felt much better.

The move just now is basically impossible for people around level 80 to resist, and they may faint when they hear the sound. It is really insidious.

Is it really useless? "Doctor" was not surprised that Li Qiuzhi was not affected. He let the bell continue to sound.

One side disappeared again, splitting into several identical shadows, trying to confuse Li Qiuzhi.


Li Qiuzhi found that there was no difference between these phantoms at all, and even his mental power could not tell whether they were true or false.

However, he knew that the "doctor" guy must still be in the mental world. Without his permission, he could not get out no matter how hard he hid.

Although it is impossible to tell which phantom is the "Doctor", it doesn't matter, as long as he has more hands to attack together.

"Ying's Sword God", "Shadow's Shadow", and "General's Shadow" were controlled by Li Qiuzhi and each selected a shadow to attack.

Even Li Qiuzhi activated the elemental power and summoned spiritual tentacles to hit the remaining two phantoms.

The moment they were hit by the attack, several phantoms were scattered again like smoke phantoms.

The next second, many "doctors" appeared, surrounding Li Qiuzhi inside and outside. They raised their lips and raised their hands towards him.

"Hmph!" As many "doctors" sneered, large clouds of black smoke spewed out from their palms.

It looked like something obviously poisonous.

Although Li Qiuzhi is relatively confident in his body, even if the toxin can poison the gods, it is unlikely to have any impact on him.

But self-confidence is not arrogance. There is no need to resist when there are better ways to deal with it.

He did not use elemental shields or spiritual shields to resist, but directly entered the unobservable barrier and hid.

The poisonous mist puffed into the air, and "Doctor" frowned.

Scanning his mental energy everywhere, no trace of Li Qiuzhi was found.

I'm not here anymore, let's see how you still beat me. Li Qiuzhi stood next to Nilu and smiled.

These poisonous fogs were quite dangerous, and Li Qiuzhi found that the shadows of the "Sword God of Ying" and General Ying He had been eroded to a certain extent.

It turns out to be a toxin that can corrode the spirit. There are quite a lot of weird things!

"Mr. Adventurer, are you not injured?" Nilu said worriedly. Emerald green eyes looked at his entire body up and down.

"Of course not, let's see how I deal with him!"

Li Qiuzhi shook his head, and with a smile on his face, he increased the suppression power of the mental world. At the same time, he controlled the shadows of the "Sword God of Ying" and others, wielding powerful moves such as the sharp sword energy and the Wuxiang sword.

Attack all "Doctors" in all directions without distinction.

Those "doctors" were basically vulnerable to Li Qiuzhi's attack, after all the "doctors" were eliminated.

Li Qiuzhi found a bunch of "doctors" appearing above his head.

"Can you hide so well?"

This time the "doctors" did not ring the bell or release the poisonous mist, but instead unfolded a huge green magic circle.

A huge white claw protruded from the magic circle, followed by the body and wings, and finally the head.

"Giant dragon?" Li Qiuzhi said unexpectedly.

I didn't expect that "Doctor" could summon an elemental dragon. It shouldn't be some kind of elemental dragon king.

Li Qiuzhi's golden sin-judging eyes looked at the ice-white "dragon", and a bright level mark immediately appeared on its head:

[Level: 101]

It is only one hundred and one level. It seems that this is just an ordinary elemental dragon. The elemental dragon king is definitely impossible.

Seeing this, Li Qiuzhi breathed a sigh of relief.

If there were an elemental dragon king like Ruo Tuo, his mental world would not be able to trap the "Doctor".

Although I don't know whether this elemental dragon has been promoted to level 100 or above by himself or whether the "doctor" helped him to do so, it doesn't matter, it will not threaten Li Qiuzhi.

He first allowed the environment in the mental world to change.

Bright yellow cracks opened on the starry ground, and a large amount of magma rose from the cracks. At the same time, a large number of flames appeared in the sky.

Not only that, but also on the left and right.

The flames enveloped all the enemies, as if they were in an alchemy furnace.

For such an environment, the ice-white dragon couldn't stand it at all. He opened his mouth and spat out ice elemental breath frantically, trying to cool down the environment.

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