I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 568 Obtaining the Heart of God (Two in One)


The ice element dragon roared loudly, and the boundless ice and snow fell to resist the invasion of the flames.

But the flames in the mental world are more intense, and the opponent is suppressed, so there is no way to exert his full strength.

So the general phantom here held a long-handled naginata in his hand, and directly attracted a large number of thunder to bombard the ice element dragon.

The thunder element and the fire element produced a violent "overload reaction" together, instantly blasting the ice element dragon into coke.

[Defeat powerful enemies and gain 135282 experience points. 】

The character panel promptly popped up a prompt to obtain experience points. Li Qiuzhi glanced at it and found that the total number of experience points he had was almost nine million:

[Experience point: 8670647]

His current practice progress has improved by almost one million after returning to the space to practice with girls at night these days:

[Level: Lv101 (921242/11000000)]

The level should be improved very quickly. Recently, one of his "Sword Gods of Ying" has explored the beast realm to the end.

The area there is about 2,500 square kilometers in size, which is not too big. After exploring, no other traces of the "Golden" Reindot were found.

A little bit regretful.

However, I found a lot of large and small beast realm monsters. I will clean them all up later when I have time. I should have millions of experience points.

This is just enough to level up.

With one of his trump cards defeated, "Doctor" had no choice but to speak out again:

"It will do no good to antagonize a crowd of fools. Let us leave. I promise never to enter Sumeru again."

Naturally, if you want to negotiate terms, you need to have leverage. "Doctor" continued:

"Of course, whether you want mola or other treasures as compensation, I believe we fools will satisfy you."

Once I have you under control, no matter it is Mora or the others, they are all mine. If you are beaten like this, who will give you a chance to escape?

Li Qiuzhi controlled the "Sword God of Ying" to attack even more fiercely.

Soon, under the burning of the flames and the intensive attacks of several phantoms, all the "Doctor" phantoms were eliminated.

The identity of "Doctor" was finally revealed again.

He held up the elemental shield to resist the burning flames around him. He didn't seem to be hurt, but it looked like it would take a lot of energy.

After all, he can no longer separate a large number of shadows to confuse.

Seeing that being soft was useless, "Doctor" had no choice but to use threats, although this method was not a good method for a being who was stronger than himself.

After all, this will completely offend the other party. Even if you successfully leave, you will be remembered in the future, which will bring you endless trouble.

If he is as cautious as he is, he will naturally not cause himself so much trouble.

But now Li Qiuzhi doesn't seem to be willing to negotiate with him, and the "doctor" doesn't have any good tricks for Li Qiuzhi, who is hiding from his real body and only uses his avatar to fight him.

According to the other party's character of being nosy, only threats like this are useful:

“I still have several experimental specimens of this kind of elemental dragon cultivated using biological alchemy, and they are still being cultivated and grown.

"It will only take about half a year to grow into the same complete body as before. At that time, if I hadn't completed the final control, they would instinctively rush out of the laboratory and destroy everything they saw."

"Doctor" said calmly.

These elemental dragons he cultivated were developed from the results he obtained from the "slice" who studied the "Magic Dragon" Dulin, combined with the previous god-making technology.

The great thing is that they do have strength comparable to ordinary demon gods, but their lifespan is only a few years, so they are not very practical.

Give him a few more years, and the "Doctor" is confident that he can cultivate these biological elemental dragons into something that is almost the same as the naturally born elemental dragons.

At that time, he will master the complete god-making technology. As long as he has enough raw materials, he can completely create demon gods in batches!

"Unfortunately, such threats are useless."

Li Qiuzhi, who was in the unobservable barrier, said something, and regardless of whether the "doctor" heard it or not, he continued to control the "Sword God of Ying" and their shadows to launch attacks.

The "Doctor", who had already spent a lot of energy, barely managed to dodge and resist such intensive attacks such as the sharp sword energy and Wuxiang's sword for a while.

In the end, he was knocked down by the violent "overload reaction"!

The entire body was the same as the elemental dragon just now. It was charred and black, and it completely exhausted its resistance and fainted.

[Defeat powerful enemies and gain 273146 experience points. 】

With the defeat of "Doctor", Li Qiuzhi also provided a lot of experience points. Two hundred and seventy thousand is quite a lot. He is worthy of being "Doctor", the executive officer of fools.

Li Qiuzhi took this opportunity and quickly went out to set a "Command Spell" on him to prevent him from waking up and having to beat him again.

After taking care of the "Doctor" and "Skicker", he took back the mental world and returned to the outside of the Red King's Tomb.

"Doctor" and "Skicker" fell from mid-air.

In order to wake them up quickly, Li Qiuzhi controlled the "Sword God of Ying" to heal them.

As the golden sword light scattered, the injuries suffered by the two people quickly healed. Not long after, the "straggler" lying on the ground woke up.


His eyes showed a trace of confusion at first, and then he jumped up as if he suddenly woke up. When he saw Li Qiuzhi in front, he took two steps back very vigilantly.

Although he didn't understand what was going on now, since he had come out of that damn space, he immediately flew towards the "God of Positive Opportunities".

With his strength, only by driving the "God of Positive Opportunities" can he have a chance to evacuate from that guy.

Just when the "skirmisher" turned around and flew up, a "come back" sound came from behind, and he was horrified to find that his body had involuntarily landed on the ground again.

"Asshole, what did you do to me!" He knew there was something wrong with his body without even thinking about it. "Did that bastard Balzebub have a back-up plan?"

The "skirmisher" thought that he was a puppet created by Ray Films. This kind of body was inexplicably out of control, and only that guy could do it if he had a back-up plan.

"Don't worry, it's different from what you think. Don't be nervous. It's just a small trick."

Li Qiuzhi smiled, turned his attention to "Doctor" who was still lying on the ground, and said:

"Mr. Doctor, there's no need to try. You can't leave now without my permission."

The moment he cured "Doctor", Li Qiuzhi knew that he had woken up, and the first thing he did was to try various means to leave.

But Li Qiuzhi still had something to give him, so naturally his various methods could not be used successfully.

"Haha, what an incredible trick. It seems that we have to obey your orders."

At this time, "Doctor" obeyed the order and stood up, but this was not his intention, but his body moved on its own.

The expression under the black mask was extremely gloomy. He had always been the only one who could control others, but this time he fell into the trap of doing what he was best at.

One can imagine how he felt.

"It's good that you know." Li Qiuzhi looked at the two of them and asked, "Are you using the power of the Red King to strengthen the 'God of Positive Opportunities'?"

"That's right, it won't take long to complete the strengthening. By then the 'God of Positive Opportunities' will be even stronger and even control the power of sandstorms."

The answer came from the "Doctor" who was leading the strengthening work of the "God of Positive Machinery", and he couldn't help but take the initiative to speak.

This made him clenched his fists subconsciously, anger burning in his brain.

In the process of being ordered, he couldn't find any way to resist, as if his body was meant to do that, and even his mental power was cooperating.

This feeling of being unable to resist made "Doctor" feel a sense of powerlessness for the first time in a long time.

"Well, let's continue to strengthen it. It's best to find a way to find all the power left by the Red King in the desert, and then strengthen it on the 'God of Positive Opportunities'."

Li Qiuzhi nodded and said.

Now that "Doctor" and "Skicker" are under his control, the "God of Opportunity" is also his. Naturally, the stronger, the better.

It happened that Nasida wanted to improve the desert environment, but because of the remaining power of the Red King, the rain forest could not spread.

Before coming to the desert, she asked herself to look for the power left by the Red King.

Now it would not be a waste to let "Doctor" and the others use the power left by the Red King to strengthen the "God of Positive Opportunities".

Thinking of this, Li Qiuzhi talked about his purpose:

"By the way, the heart of the Thunder Elemental God is still with you. Give it to me."


The "skirmisher" responded. He directly summoned the heart of the thunder elemental god fused with the "god of positive opportunity" and handed it to Li Qiuzhi.

Li Qiuzhi looked at this chess piece-like thing and smiled.

After going round and round, he finally got it.

"You said, if I take this 'Heart of God' away, will the Queen of Winter know about it? Or, just treat it as if it is still in your hands, how long can you keep it?"

Li Qiuzhi asked the two "doctors".

“Her Majesty the Queen knows that the process of collecting the ‘Heart of God’ is somewhat difficult, so she will naturally be relatively tolerant when she does not know that the ‘Heart of God’ is already in our hands.

"It's just that the Heart of the Thunder Elemental God was obtained from the Eighth Palace Secretary using the resources of the Winter Solstice Kingdom, and Her Majesty the Queen naturally understands this.

"I told Your Majesty that capturing the Heart of the Grass Elemental God requires the help of another Heart of God, so she allowed me to keep it in my hand for one year.

"Then the Heart of the Thunder Elemental God and the Heart of the Grass Elemental God must be taken back to Zhidong and handed over to her."

"Doctor" explained in detail.

"So that's it, one year?" Li Qiuzhi touched his chin.

If you put it this way, you don't have to worry about the Queen of Winter Solstice coming for you in one year. With his growth rate, he won't be afraid of her at all in one year.

Huh, as long as you hide it well and don't let the Queen of Winter know about it, then you can use this Heart of Thunder Elemental God with confidence.

Looks like good luck.

After completing the main purpose, Li Qiuzhi later ordered the "doctor" and the "skirmisher" to collect the power of the Red King here.

Then he hid the fact that the two of them were controlled by him and didn't let the Fools know.

When you have time, upload your knowledge to the "Void" system.

At the same time, he will continue to research in the fields he is good at, and any new results he obtains will be uploaded to the "Void" system to speed up the advancement of Teyvat's technological level.

Anyway, this guy "Doctor" has done so many bad things, and it's time to atone for his sins.

The same goes for the "skirmisher" guy. Li Qiuzhi ordered him to find an opportunity to control all the gilded brigades in the desert who were doing bad things and send them back to Xumi City for trial.

Anyone who dares to resist will be killed immediately, especially those guys from the "Legacy of the God King". They have done so many bad things recently, and they will definitely be punished in one fell swoop.

Don't worry about the Gilded Brigade who have not committed any crime.

After confirming that nothing was missed, Li Qiuzhi took the Heart of the Thunder Elemental God and entered the unobservable barrier and left the Red King's Tomb with Nilu.

It was getting late now. I had agreed to accompany Nilu to the oasis to collect scenery, but I didn't expect to be slightly delayed by "Doctor" and the others.

Of course, the harvest is also very great.

Obtained the heart of the Thunder Elemental God, and controlled two powerful Fool Executives, as well as the artificial god "The God of Positive Opportunities".

By the way, it also solved the impact of the Red King's remaining power on the desert.

Sure enough, as long as you are strong, anything you do can be extremely smooth, but pure luck cannot do this.

After leaving the Red King's Tomb, Li Qiuzhi first returned to the Oasis of Plenty with Nilu. After all, her mission of collecting winds had not yet been completed.

"Huh, those two fools just now are really powerful, especially the guy wearing the mask. Not only can he create so many clones, he can also summon a terrifying dragon."

Walking in the woods with Li Qiuzhi, Nilu patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Mr. Adventurer was relatively strong and had the upper hand during the battle, so she wasn't so worried.

"Hehe, after all, they are the executive officers of the Fools. It is normal for them to be stronger."

Li Qiuzhi smiled.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now. After staying in the Red King's Tomb for so long, it took a while to fly back. It's almost evening now, so why don't we have a picnic by the lake.

"Then let's enjoy the scenery of the oasis at night, and we should be able to go back almost there."

He looked at the dark sky and suggested.

"Yeah!" A smile appeared on Nilu's fair face, and she had the same idea.

So the two found a flat and open location by the lake in the oasis and started setting up the pot.

Because I am not planning to spend the night here.

So there is no need for a tent or anything like that, which is easier.

While setting up the pot, Li Qiuzhi also took out two fishing rods and planted them by the lake. If he was lucky, he would be able to eat fresh fish.

He used his mental power to explore and found that although it was a desert, there were indeed fish in the lake.

Maybe the birds passing by at high altitude accidentally dropped the fish in their mouths, so they had a good life in the desert lake.

Of course, a real fisherman will not wait for the fish to take the bait.

If they are unlucky and no fish bites the hook, Li Qiuzhi will let them try the power of "mental bait"!

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