I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 576 The Big Sun (Two in One)

The favorability level has increased again, and is almost close to level nine, not far from the full level.

Li Qiuzhi smiled and said:

"Now they are under control and can't make much noise."

As he spoke, he used his mental power to smash the insides of the heads of the two deep-sea dragon lizards, killing them easily.

Experience points +4355

Experience points +4275

The corpses of the two dragon lizards fell to the ground, as if they were asleep, but they slept a little completely.

"Well, let's continue walking forward. According to previous records, the location of the Coral Jade Branch is still ahead."

Coral Palace Xinhai nodded.

There was a layer of water on the ground below. In order to prevent their pants and clothes from getting wet, the two chose to fly.

The main thing is to open the wings of wind and let Li Qiuzhi use the wind element to push him to fly.

When passing by the small raised island in the middle of the shallow pool, Li Qiuzhi and the others discovered two more deep-sea dragon lizards, but both ends were blue, different from the purple and ice ones just now.

Near them, there is an exquisite treasure chest stuck in a crack in the underwater ground.

Although there won't be many things in the treasure chest, as an adventurer, it is instinct to want to open the treasure chest when you see it.

Just when he was about to tell Xinhai that he wanted to get the treasure box, she stopped first.

His sea-blue eyes looked at the two dark blue abyssal dragon lizards.

Li Qiuzhi asked with some confusion:

"What's wrong with them?"

"Look at their dorsal fins, they are starting to turn ice white. They are evolving." Coral Palace Xinhai explained simply:

"This form of deep-sea dragon lizard is the original species. They are very adaptable and can evolve if they live in an environment with a lot of elemental power for a long time.

"After evolution, most of them can master some kind of elemental power, just like the two people just now."

Li Qiuzhi looked at the dorsal fin of the deep sea dragon lizard and found that it had indeed turned ice white. Could it be possible that they could evolve infinitely like the mushrooms?

If this is the case, then the value of research is still quite great.

"It's a pity that the deep-sea dragon lizard is originally a water elemental creature and a dragon species. In this way, the purity of the species itself has been lost through evolution.

"The Water Elemental Dragon King should not be born in this population."

There is a legend on the continent of Teyvat.

It is said that in the ancient times before the Seven Gods were born, the continent was ruled by seven elemental dragon kings.

After they fall or lose their position as Elemental Dragon Kings, a new generation of Elemental Dragon Kings will be born again over time.

As a species of dragon, the Deep Sea Dragon Lizard is also a water elemental creature. According to common sense, the probability of the Water Dragon King being born in this group is relatively high.

But when they began to evolve towards mastering the elements of thunder and ice, they were no longer pure, and the Water Dragon King would naturally not be born among them.

"That's it." After hearing Xinhai's explanation, Li Qiuzhi nodded slightly and said with a smile:

"But this is just right. You must know that they live in Yuanxia Palace.

"If the Water Elemental Dragon King is born from this species, then our leader of Haiji Island, the living Goddess Miko, the master of the Coral Palace, and the resourceful strategist will be restless and have trouble sleeping at night!"

"Please don't make fun of me!" Coral Palace Xinhai heard Li Qiuzhi's teasing and said with some dissatisfaction:

"If something like that really happens, I will not hesitate to take the residents of Kaiji Island away from here!"

If the Water Dragon King was really born from the deep sea dragon lizard, considering the safety of the residents, she would indeed have no choice but to ask everyone to move away from Haiji Island.

"There's no need to go to so much trouble. If you're really in danger, just call me over."

Li Qiuzhi smiled and said.

The wind element dragon king of this generation has not recovered his strength due to injuries sustained in the battle with the demon dragon, but the rock element dragon king is the Ruotuo dragon king.

His strength is level 118. If the newly born Water Elemental Dragon King is at a similar level, then Li Qiuzhi is confident that he can completely contain him.

"Thank you, but I can't trouble you with anything."

Coral Palace Xinhai certainly wanted to ask Li Qiuzhi for help when Haiji Island encountered a crisis that he could not solve. After all, he was the most powerful among his friends.

But I also understand that I can’t look to him for everything.

After all, the Elemental Dragon King is a being that is comparable to a god, and may even be more powerful. It is too dangerous for Li Qiuzhi to face that kind of existence.

Even with his strength, he might be able to handle it, but if it resulted in injury, she would feel very guilty.

Therefore, it is a better choice to take the residents away from Haiji Island now.

After all, the most you can do in changing places is real estate, crops, etc., with a slight economic loss. This is much better than having a head-on confrontation with the legendary and powerful Elemental Dragon King.

"It doesn't matter, we are friends." Li Qiuzhi looked at the sea in his heart and realized that now was a good opportunity to send out the "beacon", so he summoned a golden light group:

"By the way, this is a 'beacon' that you can contact me at any time. If you are really in danger, use it to contact me and I will rush over immediately."

He briefly explained the function of "beacon" to Xinhai.

"Hey, give me such a precious thing." Coral Gong Xinhai is not a simple fool. Even if Li Qiuzhi has many "beacons", they are nothing to him.

But after all, the function of "beacon" is to be able to contact him at any time and even teleport him.

If it is not an extremely important person, there is no need to contact him at any time or even rush there at any time for the safety of the other person.

An imperceptible blush appeared on Coral Gong Xinhai's fair face, and she lowered her gaze to look at the reflection of the two of them in the water.

It seemed that he had encountered something that he was not that good at. He thought for a while and then whispered:

"Then, I still need to think about that. After all, it's such a valuable thing. If you accept it, I won't be able to give you a gift in return."

"Don't think too much, just think of it as something like Xumi's Void Terminal. The Void Terminal can also be contacted at any time. Mine just has an additional teleportation function."

Li Qiuzhi saw that Xinhai was hesitant, so he took her hand and put the "beacon" into his palm.

"..." Looking at the beautiful golden light ball in his hand that looked like stars, Coral Palace thought of Li Qiuzhi, who had been trying his best to help her before.

And it's excellent in every aspect.

He regarded himself as an extremely important friend and was willing to come and help her anytime and anywhere, and she also had a good impression of Li Qiuzhi.

It is not impossible to take advantage of the opportunity of "beacon" to make the relationship between the two people closer... Coral Gong Xinhai thought so.

Now that she had made up her mind, she accepted the "Dao Bei" and integrated it into her body. A smile appeared on her fair face and she said half-jokingly:

"Huh, since this is the case, I can't go back on my word. If I encounter any trouble in the future, no matter how big or small it is, I will always ask you for help.

"You can't bother me!"

[Coral Palace Xinhai has a good impression of you and gains 420 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (150/900)]

Looking at the favorability prompt that popped up on the character panel, Li Qiuzhi also smiled and answered:

"Of course, you can come to me even after eating and don't want to do something as trivial as washing the dishes!"

"I will remember this, and I will ask you to wash the dishes every day from now on..."

Ouch, Xinhai, what are you talking about? Why are you saying this like a coquettish person? As soon as he finished speaking, Coral Palace Xinhai felt annoyed in his heart.

"Well, let's get the treasure box and set off quickly. Try to get the Coral Jade Branch before night. There are still many things at the Coral Palace that I need to deal with."

Coral Palace Xinhai changed the topic and said.

"Okay, let's go then." Li Qiuzhi reached out and used his mental power to directly pick up the exquisite treasure box stuck in the gap in the ground.

As for the two deep-sea dragon lizards, ignore them. They are only over thirty levels, and they don't have many experience points if they are defeated.

Let's wait until they become stronger.

After all, gaining experience points is like fishing. The big ones can be caught and sold, while the small ones have to be put back into the water. Only in this way can we develop sustainably.

Fishing for nothing is not a wise choice.

I opened the exquisite treasure box and looked at it. I found that it was the same as the treasure chests I encountered before, including some Mora and Low Star holy relics. There was nothing special.

So he put it into the fairyland space and continued to fly forward with Xinhai.

Next, they encountered a lot of deep-sea dragon lizards on the way. The powerful ones were defeated to gain experience points, while the weaker ones were ignored.

During this period, I also encountered a lot of treasure chests. After all, no one has been to Yuanxia Palace for hundreds of years, so there are naturally more treasure chests here.

Li Qiuzhi even encountered a gorgeous treasure chest, and harvested two valuable four-star purple quality holy relics, as well as a large number of molas.

We also encountered many ruins on the way, which were obviously left by the residents who once lived in Yuanxia Palace.

"The location where we are now is called the 'Snake Intestinal Road'. The coral jade branch used to suppress Yuanxia Palace is in the center of Yuanxia Palace."

Coral Palace Xinhai explained.

As her words fell, the two of them flew to the end of the "Snake Gut Road", where there was a ruins.

When the two came here, their vision suddenly became clear again.

The underground space in front suddenly became many times larger. Gray mist filled the entire underground space, and a huge island in mid-air could be vaguely seen.

The shining light shines from the top of the island, as if it were the sun.

"That's where the residents of Yuanxia Palace mainly live, as recorded in the book!" Coral Palace Xinhai's understanding of Yuanxia Palace was based on previous records.

I knew that Baiye Kingdom was floating in mid-air, but seeing it with my own eyes was still very shocking.

Li Qiuzhi also showed a curious expression. The shock he saw in the game was always far less than what he saw in reality, with islands floating in mid-air and artificial suns!

It is conceivable that the original residents of Yuanxia Palace may have mastered many incredible technologies.

However, whether it is Captain Qin, Ningguang, Shenzi, etc., they should not have time to find anyone to come to Yuanxia Palace to explore or study anything for the time being. After all, various countries have a lot of things to be busy with.

On the other hand, there are many scholars in Sumeru. If any of them are interested, they can arrange to come over and study it.

After all, there once was an extraordinary country here. It would be a waste not to study it.

And Yuanxia Palace is right below the Coral Palace. Xinhai can arrange some navy soldiers to look after the scholars, and there shouldn't be any big problems.

As for the powerful monsters such as the deep sea dragon lizard, there is no need to worry. Li Qiuzhi will naturally turn the more powerful existences into experience points first, and then let the scholars come to explore.

The rest can naturally be dealt with by navy soldiers.

Just when Li Qiuzhi was making plans, Coral Palace Xinhai looked at the shining "sun" on the high-rise buildings on the opposite island and said:

"That one should be the 'Dainichi Yuyu'. It is said that it can adjust the day and night conditions of Yuanxia Palace.

"Its location is in the center of Yuanxia Palace. The coral jade branch that suppresses the deep sea dragon lizard should also be located near there."

"Oh, it seems that I'm not looking for you either." Li Qiuzhi said with a smile, "Since the goal is clear, let's just fly there."

"Yeah." Xinhai had the same idea.

With Li Qiuzhi, there is no need to worry about any dangerous monster attacks, so flying directly to the target is the best option.

Li Qiuzhi used his mental energy to penetrate into the thick fog in front. In order to prevent any danger, he naturally had to conduct reconnaissance first.

The invisible spiritual power was like an airtight net, scouting every place in the fog.

Soon, he discovered that there were no flying monsters in the fog, but there was a kind of ray that looked very similar to the one he had just discovered in the cave pool.

Li Qiuzhi recognized them. If he remembered correctly, they should be called "UFO rays", and they were much larger than the rays he met just now.

Able to swim in the air as well as in water.

Thinking about it, this is an extraordinary talent, not something that ordinary fish should have. Li Qiuzhi observed their levels through the golden eyes of sin-judgment.

I found that they are indeed much stronger than ordinary fish. They are basically above level ten, but there are relatively few that can reach level twenty.

Perhaps they are still ordinary fish in nature, just because they are larger in size, so they are stronger than ordinary fish, but they are not monsters.

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while and said to his heart very naturally:

"I found some flying things in the fog. They are very big and may be a little dangerous, so when they fly over, you don't need to open the wings of the wind.

"How about you let me carry you and fly there?"

Could the flying thing be a UFO? Coral Palace Xinhai had read the records about Yuanxia Palace, so he naturally remembered what was in the fog.

However, records say that although creatures like UFOs can swim in the air, they should not be dangerous.

But since Li Qiuzhi said it so seriously, could it be that what he found was not a UFO? Xinhai nodded without thinking too much and said:

"Okay, then it's up to you."

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