I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 577 Hajihime-kun (two in one)

Yuanxia Palace, the road of snake intestines.

Upon hearing Xinhai's agreement, Li Qiuzhi took two steps forward, walked to her side, leaned forward slightly, stretched his arms to her back knees and back and hugged her.

The two palms touch Xinhai's arms and thighs respectively. Even through the sleeves and white knee-high socks, you can feel the softness in them.

Her chest was in close contact with Xinhai's waist, and her warm body temperature was transmitted through her clothes.

Subconsciously, I hugged such a soft and warm girl tighter, trying to feel the body temperature of a larger area.

"Uh-huh, don't hold me so tightly."

When Coral Palace Xinhai felt the body temperature of Li Qiuzhi, a faint blush appeared on her fair face, and she instinctively looked away and looked outside.

She felt Li Qiuzhi's tightening action, which caused the skin on the inside of her arms and side chest to be squeezed, causing a slight pain.

"Uh, sorry." Li Qiuzhi smiled awkwardly.

"Forget it, I forgive you."

Coral Palace Xinhai did not turn away from his slightly blushing face, but continued to cast his gaze into the mist in front of him.

It seems to be searching for unknown creatures hidden within.

Wow, it feels so embarrassing to be held by a boy like this. If I had known earlier, I would have asked Li Qiuzhi to find another way - holding hands, he would be able to protect himself very well.

Coral Palace Xinhai was dominated by shyness.

[Coral Palace Xinhai has a good impression of you and gains 320 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (470/900)]

Li Qiuzhi looked at the favorable opinion prompt that popped up on the character panel, and summoned the wings of wind with a little joy, inflating the wind field and taking off quickly.

The tail of Xinhai's beautiful skirt, which looked like a fish's tail, also lifted up under the influence of the wind field, and slid into the middle of her legs wrapped in white stockings like a streamer.

When he slid all the way to his knees, he was stopped by Li Qiuzhi's arm holding Xinhai, preventing him from sliding further up his snow-white thighs.

Li Qiuzhi felt the softness of the girl's body in his arms while flying in the direction of the Great Sun Yuyu.

During this period, I looked below. Covered by fog, it looked to the naked eye like an unknown abyss, as if it was infinitely deep.

But Li Qiuzhi used his mental power to investigate and found that there was a huge lake at a height of only seventy or eighty meters below. All the rivers and streams in Yuanxia Palace eventually flowed here.

In the lake below, there are many deep-sea dragon lizards, rays of various colors and other water monsters.

Perhaps this lake is the place with the most creatures in Yuanxia Palace.

Speaking of which, it's no wonder that the fog here is so heavy. After all, there is an entire lake below, and with so much water vapor, it is naturally easy to fog.

It didn't take long.

Li Qiuzhi held his heart and flew to the sky near Dairi Yuyu. Looking down from here, he could find that the buildings on the entire island were of a relatively large style.

The stone paving floors and steps were broken in many places, but even in such a broken place, there were many monsters wandering around.

If you look carefully, you can even find some wandering souls staying here.

Li Qiuzhi remembered that the country he lived in Yuanxia Palace was called Baiye Kingdom, and those remaining wandering souls were the residents of Baiye Kingdom.

I don’t know whether it’s because Yuanxia Palace is special or because these residents have extraordinary strength.

No matter what the reason is, the remnants of their souls that can still be left behind after their bodies have been gone for such a long time mean that they are quite special.

But Li Qiuzhi only came to help Xinhai get coral and jade branches.

I have no plans to explore the secrets here for the time being. Anyway, I have explored it once in the game, and I think the situation is similar in reality.

But he remembered that there was an abyss chanter named "Abyss Shang" who disguised himself as an ordinary person and infiltrated here similarly.

In the game, the traveler thought he was sent by the Coral Palace, but he turned out to be the Abyss Chanter, and he was also a very arrogant guy.

This made the traveler feel like he was being cheated, and he kicked the bucket.

I remember that the Abyss Chanter came to the Abyss Palace to look for a book called "The Past of the Sun and the Moon". That book recorded a very long history.

That was the history of the White Night Kingdom before the establishment of the Imperial Palace of the Sun.

The Great Sun Yuyu is a device that can artificially adjust day and night, so it refers to the "sun and moon", and "the events before the sun and the moon" refer to the things before the completion of the Big Sun Yuyu.

During the period of history recorded in "Previous Events of the Sun and Moon", Yuanxia Palace was still connected to the mainland above the surface of the earth.

At that time, gods had not even appeared on the continent of Teyvat, and all humans on the continent belonged to the same civilization.

The reason why the Abyss Chanter on the Abyss looked for this book seemed to be to prove that the "gods" and Sky Island, also known as "Heavenly Principle", were outsiders.

The reason why the Abyss Religion is doing this now is probably to find a legitimate reason for their war against "Heavenly Law".

For example, expel outsiders, outsiders are not worthy of ruling Teyvat and so on.

The Abyss Order is a remnant of the Kanreia civilization. Under the leadership of Kong, its main purpose is to restore the country and avenge the "Heavenly Reason".

It should be for this reason that they don't deal with the surface civilization ruled by the Seven Gods and the Sky Island.

But you can’t say that externally.

Although the Abyss Order is notorious on the Teyvat continent, its unprovoked attack on Sky Island may also arouse people's dissatisfaction.

It's different if there is a legitimate reason, so even if no one comes to help them, no one will take the opportunity to interfere.

And after the restoration of the country is successful, their new "Kanria" will always establish trade relations with other countries.

But with the reputation of the Abyss Order, most people would not dare to do business.

It is obviously very important to have a legitimate reason to clear up what you have done before.

Even if they want to defeat "Heavenly Law" and rule Teyvat instead of "Heavenly Law", they still need a specific reason before anyone will surrender.

Just like in ancient times, when the emperor's rule was overthrown, he had to find an emperor who was fatuous and had a reputation of making the people miserable under his rule.

Otherwise, if the position is not right, even if you surrender to the new emperor on the surface, no one is willing to do so secretly, and small tricks will continue.

This "throne" will not last long.

Li Qiuzhi thought of this guy mainly because he was afraid that he would cause trouble in Yuanxia Palace. After all, Yuanxia Palace was right under the Coral Palace.

It would be troublesome if something went wrong and affected the Coral Palace.

Therefore, Li Qiuzhi wanted to find out if that guy was nearby. If he was there, he would control it first.

Then he can do whatever he likes in Yuanxia Palace.

By the way, I learned about the implementation of the Abyss Cult through the guy "Abyss", so that I could stop him in time when my uncle wanted to cause big trouble.

After all, compared to war, Li Qiuzhi still wants peace where he lives.

And if that guy Kong kills himself when he is causing trouble for "Tianli", then Ying will definitely be very sad.

If it can be stopped, Li Qiuzhi will naturally stop it.

"Let's go down and look for it. According to records, the Coral Jade Branch should be nearby."

Coral Gong Xinhai, who was being held by Li Qiuzhi, raised his head and glanced at the Great Sun Yuyu, which was emitting strong light, and said to Li Qiuzhi.

"Yeah." Li Qiuzhi nodded.

After removing the blessing of the wind element, the two began to descend slowly. Li Qiuzhi released his mental power. While looking for the coral jade branches, he also looked for the guy in Yuanshang.

Soon, the two landed on the ground, and he let go of his heart. At the same time, Li Qiuzhi's mental power also noticed slight fluctuations in elemental power underground.

If I remember correctly, that should be the place where the deep-sea dragon lizards are located in the game.

You need to get down from the lift platform below the mechanism that operates the Great Sun Gogo, but it seems that you need to unlock some mechanisms to use the lift platform.

But there is no need for Li Qiuzhi to go to such trouble now. He can just use the space to shuttle over.

Li Qiuzhi told Coral Palace Xinhai about the discovery of elemental fluctuations underground and asked her if she wanted to go take a look together.

"Oh?" Coral Palace Xinhai showed an unexpected look, "So there is still space underground. Maybe the Coral Jade Branch is also there. After all, the things used to guard the deep sea dragon lizards should not be placed in too conspicuous places. .”

After all, if it is too conspicuous, it can easily be taken away by people who accidentally come to Yuanxia Palace.

Unfortunately, the records left behind are a bit vague. They only mention the Great Sun Yuyu located in the center, but do not say whether it is above or below.

Otherwise, there would be no need to go to such trouble to find it.

But since it is not seen above, it is very likely that it is below, so Coral Palace Xinhai nodded and said that he could go and have a look.

"Then, hold my hand."

Li Qiuzhi smiled and extended his hand to Xinhai.

"Hey!" Coral Gong Xinhai had already guessed that Li Qiuzhi was just taking this opportunity to hold hands with her, but she didn't point it out and just smiled and extended her hand.

Holding Li Qiuzhi's hand also made her feel a sense of security from the warmth of his hands, which was most suitable in the lonely atmosphere of Yuanxia Palace.

[Coral Palace Xinhai has a good impression of you and gains 330 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (800/900)]

Li Qiuzhi held Xinhai's hand tightly, and the next moment the two of them disappeared.

When they reappeared, they had already passed through the thick strata and arrived above a platform in the water.

Li Qiuzhi once again held Xinhai in his arms naturally, this time instead of holding her sideways, but letting her sit on his arm and holding her waist with his other hand.

Coral Palace Xinhai put her hand on Li Qiuzhi's shoulder, her fair face stained with a slight blush. She didn't have time to be shy, and the next second she was attracted by the fluctuation of elements below.

"Just a despicable sewer bastard lizard, feel the scorching grace!"

On the water platform, the red and tall Abyss Chanter opened its mouth and hands as if it were holding up the void, and a strong fireball appeared on its head.

Then he threw it forward.

In front of the crimson Abyss Chanter were two huge deep-sea dragon lizards, one ice and one purple, with their tails pointing together.

An equally huge ice ball flashing with lightning took shape instantly.

Then it was launched against the big fireball, "Bang!" The flames first reacted with the lightning overload, and then reacted with the ice ball to melt.

The explosion carried high-temperature steam and violently spread out in all directions.

In mid-air, Li Qiuzhi looked at Coral Palace Xinhai facing the attack, his soft lips slightly opened, as if he subconsciously wanted to give a warning.

Although they were far away from the battlefield in mid-air, Li Qiuzhi had already seen through the golden sin-judging eye that the strength of the abyss chanter and the two abyssal dragon lizards were level ninety-three, level ninety, and level ninety respectively.

The strongest level 93 is the Abyss Chanter.

With their strength, if Xinhai speaks out, they may be noticed, and then they may very well regard them as enemies.

Although Li Qiuzhi was not afraid, he still wanted to see why the Abyss Chanter fought two powerful Abyssal Dragon Lizards.

So Li Qiuzhi first used an invisible mental shield to protect the two of them from the aftermath of the attack.

At the same time, she instinctively wanted to cover Xinhai's mouth with her hand to prevent the sound she made from being noticed.

But suddenly he thought that his hands were hugging the sea of ​​​​heart, and her clothes had been worn all day long, and the two of them had been flying in Yuanxia Palace for a long time.

There will inevitably be some dust on it, and it seems a bit unhygienic to cover Xinhai's mouth with your hands while watching Xinhai make a sound.

Li Qiuzhi was probably used to kissing girls, so he subconsciously moved his mouth towards her.


Xinhai's soft lips were completely blocked, and the words he wanted to say were swallowed back into his stomach.

Even if she wanted to say something, she couldn't because her mind suddenly went blank at this moment. She didn't expect that Li Qiuzhi would suddenly kiss her!

Although she has accepted Li Qiuzhi's expression of goodwill, the behavior between the two has quietly become much closer.

But the kiss was too sudden, and Xinhai's fair face turned red instantly.

As a resourceful strategist, he can remain calm and strategize in fierce battles, but when encountering such a thing, his heart is not as calm as it appears.

"W-what are you doing!"

Coral Palace Xinhai moved his mouth to cover his face and said in embarrassment.

At this time, she had a mental shield and her voice would not be transmitted. Li Qiuzhi did not stop her from speaking. He coughed slightly and said with a little embarrassment:

"Ahem, I'm sorry. Actually, I wanted to stop you from talking, but seeing your soft lips so close to me, I instinctively moved my mouth towards them."


Coral Gong Xinhai shyly buried her head on Li Qiuzhi's shoulder and pinched his collar with both hands, as if she didn't pay attention to what Li Qiuzhi said.

[Coral Palace Xinhai has a good impression of you and gains 380 favorability points. The current favorability level is 10 (full level)]

At this moment, Li Qiuzhi saw the favorable impression prompt popping up on the character panel.

[With sincerity and perseverance, you are deeply connected with your own destiny that has no intersection. From now on, the girl's star of destiny will shine with you, and you will gain the ability: Kaiji Hime-kun. 】

Then there are hints about the ability to gain favor.

Li Qiuzhi looked at the sea in his heart and it seemed that he had not calmed down yet, but she had developed a good impression of him, so she was probably lifeless, so while waiting for her to calm down, he clicked on the newly acquired favorability skill:

[Umihime-kun: When activating skills, you will get different buffs in different waters. Warm water: the injury recovery speed is additionally increased, cold water: the negative effect attenuation speed is additionally increased, ice water: the cultivation speed is additionally increased, fresh water and salt water are increased by 100% (the sum of the two people's levels), and the gain effect can be shared with people in the same group. For other people in a piece of water, different effects can coexist at the same time. 】

Change first and then change.

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