I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 583 Naganohara Ryushi Meteor Swarm (two in one)

Narukami Taisha Shrine, down the mountain road.

The advertisements for the Arataki faction are too childish and make people feel that they are not a serious gang.

In order not to make his sister suspicious, Kuki-nin tried his best to brag about the highlights of the Arataki sect. When he reached the middle of the mountain, he already felt that it was more tiring than filing a lawsuit for others.

But after a while, all the flyers will be cleared away, and then you can find an excuse to leave.

Kuki Shinobi was inexplicably looking forward to this.

If she delayed it any longer, she felt like she wouldn't be able to hide it for much longer. She hoped those guys wouldn't post so many leaflets.

Just as a few people continued to prepare to continue walking down the mountain road.

Suddenly, I saw several familiar figures standing at the bottom of the steps.

The moment he saw these people, Li Qiuzhi knew that Kuki-nin's plan was going to fail, because these guys were Mamoru, Akira, and Genta!

Kuki Nin also raised his eyebrows when he saw a few people, with a look of surprise in his pupils.

Why are these guys here? Shouldn't they be staying at the monastery?

"Sister Ninja, I heard from the soldier brother at the execution station that you went to the shrine to find that woman to seek forgiveness for us.

“The thought of you facing that terrifying woman alone worries us.

"In the end, I begged the soldier brother for mercy, please let us come out temporarily and come over to face the woman together, and the incident started because of us.

"Of course I have to be responsible for cleaning up all the flyers too!"

Mamoru, Genta and Akira said.

"Ahaha, that's it. So you guys should have sorted out Yamashita's leaflets. Then go back first. I'll finally go to the shrine to tell Mr. Miyaji."

Kuki-nin glanced at his sister out of the corner of his eye and found that she didn't notice anything, so he quickly changed the subject to prevent them from saying anything more and exposing the secret.

"No, Sister Ren, we will not let you face that woman alone!"

A Mamoru and the others shook their heads, thinking about something and said with a look of horror on their faces:

"Sister Nin, you don't know that that day, Ahuang, Genta and I were posting advertisements on the mountain road, and suddenly a scary fox woman with a sullen face appeared behind us.

“Then our vision went dark, and when we opened our eyes again we were already at the monastery!

“It must be that fox woman who did it!

"Just let us go and apologize to Sister Ren. You'd better not go, otherwise she might attack you too!"

"Don't, I." When Kuki-nin was about to say something, the miko Ayuki next to him suddenly looked at her and said:

"Wait a minute, Ninja, there was a flyer just now that seemed to have members of the Arataki sect, including Genta and Mamoru.

"Didn't you say that they are your seniors and are much more capable than you? Why don't they look like them?"

Axing showed a suspicious expression.

Just now she asked Kuki-nin why such a large Arataki faction needed her to come and apologize, so Kuki-nin said that she was the youngest and lacked experience and ability compared to other seniors.

And they are also developing the Arataki sect's business, so they don't have time to come over for the time being.

Now these guys came over inexplicably, making all her previous efforts in vain.

"What are you talking about? Sister Shinobu is the most capable person in our Arataki sect besides the boss. How can we possibly compete with her!"

Genta said to A-Xing dissatisfied.

"Oh, okay, stop talking." Jiuqi Ren sighed, holding his forehead with a look of helplessness.

"So there are bad rumors about your gang?" Akiko looked at Kuki Shinobu and understood that his sister had lied to him.

"It's probably true." Kuki Shinobi spread his hands, "But even if you tell your parents, I won't go back. The job of a miko is not suitable for me."

"Uh, did we say something wrong?"

A Mamoru and the others were a little confused after hearing the conversation between the two.

"Oh, you." A-Xing looked at her sister and sighed helplessly, "A-Nin, you are not young anymore, and you have been to more places than my father and mother combined.

"I can understand that you have your own thoughts. Your colleagues are obviously afraid of Mr. Gong Si, but I heard that you came here to apologize, and they are still willing to come and help.

"Besides, even the famous legendary adventurer Mr. Li Qiuzhi is optimistic about your gang and joined you. I think that even if the scale is not large now, the potential must be good.

"Even if there are some small mistakes now, it is a normal situation in the development process. As long as you accept the mistakes responsibly and work hard to correct them.

"You can definitely explain it to me."

"I'm sorry, sister." Kuki Ren, who knew he was in the wrong, lowered his shoulders and lowered his head and whispered.

Li Qiuzhi and Xiao Gong felt that it was not the right time to interrupt, so they looked at each other and looked at the scenery outside in tacit agreement.

"Okay, I won't tell my family for the time being. I hope you can really develop the Arataki Sect into a big gang like you said, and your family won't have any objections when they hear that you work in it."

Ako glanced at Kuki-nin and said.

After hearing his sister's last words, Kuki Shinobu immediately cheered up from his depressed state: "Thank you, sister!"

With the support of my sister in my work, I naturally feel a lot more relaxed.

Phew, seeing that the two sisters didn't have any conflicts, Li Qiuzhi also breathed a sigh of relief. After all, he didn't know how to persuade her to deal with family matters.

"Well, now that Yamashita's advertisements have been cleared, let's go back and talk to Shenzi. After getting her letter of understanding, Mamoru and the others can officially leave the practice."

Li Qiuzhi reminded.

"Yes, thank you for your hard work, Sister Ren." A Mamoru and the others said.

They are not considered to have left the practice house now. They have to hand over the letter of understanding to the practice house.

"Yeah." Jiu Qi Ren nodded, indicating that there was no problem.

Immediately afterwards, the group began to walk up the mountain, during which Jiuqi Ren once again expressed his gratitude to Li Qiuzhi.

If he hadn't said that he was also a member of the Arataki sect, it might not have been easy to get his sister's understanding.

[Kuki Shinobu has developed a liking for you and gained 360 points of favorability. The current favorability level is 8 (320/800)]

Seeing that the leaflets near Narukami Taisha Shrine had indeed been cleaned up, Yae Kamiko did not embarrass Kuki-nin and handed her the letter of understanding he had written long ago.

Afterwards, she only needs to hand over the letter of understanding to the execution office.

Although the whole process did not help much, the wish was finally achieved, and the tasks of Li Qiuzhi and Xiao Gong were naturally completed.

In this way, the two tasks given to them by Kamisato Ayaka were successfully completed, and it was time to go back and submit the tasks.

Leaving Narukami Taisha Shrine, the space changes.

Li Qiuzhi hugged Xiao Gong and teleported directly back to the vicinity of Kamisato Yashiki, and the two of them walked into the shrine together.

Soon I saw Kamisato Ayaka inside.

She looked at the two of them and smiled softly and said:

"As expected of you, you completed the commission so quickly."

[Kamizato Ayaka has a good impression of you and gained 360 points of favorability. The current favorability level is 6 (380/600)]

"No, it's mainly due to Li Qiuzhi's efforts." Xiao Gong said with some embarrassment.

[Xiaogong has a good impression of you and gains 300 favorability points. The current favorability level is 10 (full level)]

Looking at the two consecutive favorable impression reminders, Li Qiuzhi was secretly happy.

Here Kamisato Ayaka and Xiaomiya continued to talk about the commission process, and Li Qiuzhi saw prompts popping up on the character panel:

[With sincerity and perseverance, you will be deeply connected to your own destiny that has no intersection. From now on, the girl's star will shine with you, and you will gain the ability: Naganohara Ryuushi Meteor Group. 】

As expected, it is indeed a new affection skill.

When Li Qiuzhi saw the name, he felt that it was an extremely powerful skill. He clicked on it curiously:

[Naganohara Ryuushi Meteor Swarm: Using gravity as a string, it can move objects with a maximum weight of "the sum of two people's levels" that its full force can push, and the damage caused can gain 100% of the "two people's levels". and” increase. 】

Um? The description of the skill is surprisingly simple, but its meaning is not simple.

Using gravity as a string, that means that when he activates the favorability skill given by Xiao Gong, he can control gravity to a certain extent!

Tsk, this is one of the basic forces of the universe, and its power is reflected in its interference with macroscopic objects.

Even huge planets can be easily dragged by it.

For example, the reason why planets orbit the sun is because of the role of gravity.

The effect of the affection skill was enough to surprise Li Qiuzhi. First of all, he said that the maximum weight that could be pushed was times the sum of the two levels of the weight that Li Qiuzhi could lift with all his strength.

To put it simply, Xiao Gong's current level is level 60, and if he is included, the level will be one hundred and sixty-two times.

This is the amount of gravity he has mastered, which can push objects up to one hundred and sixty-two times the size of his own force.

With his strength, he can easily lift objects weighing more than a hundred tons by simply exerting his mental power, and it is also easy to use his mental tentacles to hold objects weighing thousands of tons.

Coupled with the blessing of various skills, there is basically nothing he can't push except the planet itself.

If this is multiplied by more than 160 times, it will not be a problem to pull the huge meteorite in the universe!

Li Qiuzhi suddenly thought of the cosmic beast he discovered outside the universe.

Because it is so huge, a normal attack may be no more than scratching it, but the impact of a meteorite may cause greater damage to it!

Li Qiuzhi is willing to go to the cosmic beast to test new skills now, but the society still has to give him and Xiaogong commission money.

So he waited a little.

Soon, at the command of Kamisato Ayaka, the people from the society brought them the corresponding commission money.

After asking about it and finding that there was no commission that required their presence for the time being, Li Qiuzhi sent Xiao Gong back to the fireworks shop.

Later, he returned to the fairyland space, and then couldn't wait to return to the stomach of the cosmic beast last time.

It's still so dark here that you can't see anything with your eyes. Only by using your mental energy can you clearly perceive the nearby situation.

And this cosmic behemoth eats a lot of miscellaneous things, so there are many meteorites floating in the stomach of the behemoth that looks like the deep space of the universe.

Li Qiuzhi tested his skills mainly to see if he could control these meteorites to cause damage to this cosmic beast.

If possible, the idea of ​​defeating the cosmic beast and controlling it will most likely be realized smoothly!

Rather than coming here occasionally to collect some blood to make nutritional potions, how could it be better to control the giant beast in the universe and do whatever you want.

Without hesitation, Li Qiuzhi started to activate the new skills given by Xiaogong's full-level favorability. Suddenly, he found that he could sense the existence of gravity.

The perceived gravity felt like an invisible force field to him.

And he can control this force field, wrap it around meteorites or other objects, and then throw them out!

This is the principle of the favorability skill given by Xiaogong's full-level favorability.

Putting it this way, the effect of the skill is easier to understand, that is, by manipulating gravity, it can emit power more than a hundred times stronger than its own strength.

After thinking about it, Li Qiuzhi used his mental power to capture a huge meteorite floating without gravity from nearby.

This huge meteorite has a radius of at least forty to fifty meters. Li Qiuzhi tried to grab it with gravity, and then discovered that it might be in a gravityless universe.

He didn't use much force at all, just pushed it gently with gravity, and found that the meteorite moved quickly, and kept accelerating and crashing into a certain direction!

No matter which direction it goes, it will eventually hit the stomach wall of the cosmic beast.

It didn't take long for Li Qiuzhi to use his mental power to sense that the huge meteorite pushed by gravity directly hit the stomach wall of the cosmic beast.

No sound came out, but he saw a huge gap in the stomach wall, and a large amount of blood spurted out.

They float like blood clouds.

If you carefully sense it, you can also find small creatures in the blood. Li Qiuzhi looks at it as if he has a golden sin-judging eye.

Then, on their heads, there were all level marks above level 80.

There were at least hundreds of them, and Li Qiuzhi's eyes lit up as he looked at them.

Although a hole of tens of meters looks huge, for a cosmic behemoth whose stomach alone is hundreds of kilometers in size, it is no more than a mosquito bite.

Apart from a slight sting, it was not a serious injury at all.

Moreover, Li Qiuzhi had already seen the stomach wall slowly healing, but even with this small injury, there were hundreds of level 80 or above bugs in the little blood that spilled out.

It's hard to imagine how many bugs are living in the blood of this cosmic beast.

For Li Qiuzhi, this is like a paradise. Doesn't this represent a terrifying experience point?

Just when Li Qiuzhi fell into a joyous mood, as the overflowing blood continued to float and disperse, the small insects sleeping in it gently vibrated their wings and came to life.

They also discovered the unfamiliar existence of Li Qiuzhi immediately. After all, he did not hide himself.

Change first and then change.

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