I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 584 Breeding (two-in-one)

The stomach of the cosmic beast.

The ferocious dark bugs are naturally small compared to the giant beasts in the universe. They are not even considered to be mosquitoes. It is no wonder that these bugs sleep in the blood and have no impact on the giant beasts.

After all, there are many bacteria and viruses in the human body, and the energy they consume is negligible to the human body.

Those bugs in the blood inevitably wake up from their slumber because they are separated from the blood environment with energy supply.

They immediately noticed Li Qiuzhi's unfamiliar aura, and flew over at great speed, fluttering their wings.

Li Qiuzhi first used Shenzi's favorability skill to obtain their information:

[Secondary stingworms: The larvae of true stinging worms have sharp tail needles. Being stung can cause the organism's body hormone imbalance to enter an 'angry' state. At this time, it is easy to act impulsively, leading to various mistakes, and secondary stinging worms can Actively self-destruct, causing a lot of damage to the enemy. 】

Hiss, Li Qiuzhi was a little surprised when he saw the information about these bugs.

If just the larvae are so strong, how strong should the complete true stingworm be? It can only be said that it is worthy of being a life in the universe.

In the blink of an eye, these stinging insects rushed in front of him, showing off their sharp tail needles and trying to sting him.

Invisible mental power quietly locked these insects. Li Qiuzhi exerted slight force, and cracks appeared in the shells of the sub-hungry insects.

The next second.

"Bang", it exploded like a tomato, and blood flew everywhere.

[Defeat powerful enemies*113 and gain 589295 experience points. 】

Hundreds of stinging insects were eliminated in an instant, and the character panel also prompted that more than 580,000 experience points were gained.

Obviously these bugs are not special beings such as the leaders of the group such as King Qiuqiu, otherwise a level 80 sub-worm can provide 40,000 to 50,000 experience points.

An enemy around level 80 usually has more than 5,000 experience points.

The average of these 580,000 experience points is about the same.

But even so, Li Qiuzhi was very surprised to earn so many experience points at once.

After all, this is just a bug in a stomach bleed, and its stomach is huge!

Li Qiuzhi inevitably became excited at this time. If the distribution density of bugs in the blood of the cosmic beast is high enough, he feels that he can level up again within today!

He once again used his mental power to lock onto a meteorite about fifty meters in diameter.

Such a large meteorite, based on the meteorites recorded by Teyvat, would weigh at least several thousand tons.

In a normal gravity environment, it would be difficult to shake it with just the physical strength of ordinary humans without the need for some power or other abilities.

Even in a gravityless universe it would be difficult.

But through Xiao Gong's favorability skill, Li Qiuzhi was able to easily catch it in the gravitational field and push it out in the direction of the first meteorite just now.

The universe has no gravity and no resistance. It is very simple for the speed of objects to add up before approaching the speed of light without being disturbed by other external forces.

The gravitational field he controls is like a booster mounted on this meteorite.

In a few seconds, it reached a speed that was difficult to reach in a normal gravity environment. It carried a huge amount of kinetic energy, just like the meteorite just now.

It hit the giant beast's stomach wall, causing the mucous membrane of the stomach wall to tear instantly, and a large amount of blood spurted out.

There are also a lot of black spots along with it.

It didn't take long for these black spots to wake up and flutter their wings and take off. Li Qiuzhi looked at them and found that they were also stinging insects.

But the level is much weaker than the previous batch, with an average of only about sixty levels.

Even the same kind of creatures have different strengths. Li Qiuzhi was not surprised, he just crushed them more easily:

[Defeat powerful enemies*214 and gain 535142 experience points. 】

With more than half a million experience points in hand, the number of experience points on his character panel has reached more than 3.6 million.

Coupled with the recent hard work in cultivation, the cultivation progress has been increased to more than 400,000, and the cultivation progress of 12 million required to upgrade the level is not far away!

Li Qiuzhi once again used gravity as a booster to launch a larger meteorite.

A large amount of blood was smashed out of the stomach wall again, and many bugs spilled out, but this time there was a bug that was significantly larger.

Li Qiuzhi locked it and activated the favorability skill of the Son of God:

[True stingworms: While having stronger abilities than secondary stinging bugs, they also possess the power of "breeding". As long as sufficient food can provide enough energy, they can continue to reproduce the youngest true stinging bugs' bodies as "larvae" insect". 】

Is this a real stingworm?

Li Qiuzhi felt that this was a bit outrageous. As long as there was enough food, he could continue to reproduce, and the entire universe would not be filled in one day!

While checking its specific information, he also discovered that the insect's level was as high as ninety-two, which was comparable to immortals!

These bugs have no intelligence at all. If they follow their biological instincts and continue to eat and eat, they will continue to reproduce.

You don't need to think about it to know that this kind of survival mode is simply a disaster for other organisms, if they reproduce very quickly.

That would be a disaster for the entire universe.

Just when Li Qiuzhi's thoughts were diverging, the true stinging insect also discovered him, but it did not attack immediately like the secondary stinging insects.

Instead, it flaps its wings in place and breeds insects that are younger than the stinging insects.

These newly bred bugs seem to be affected by the true sting bugs to a certain extent. Within a few seconds after they are born, they instantly enter a red temperature state.

And flew towards Li Qiuzhi.

Feeling the violent energy in those little bugs, it was just the rhythm of self-destruction as expected!

Li Qiuzhi did not hesitate to release the unobservable barrier, covering all the bugs silently, and then transferred the bugs that had self-destructed directly to the true sting bugs.


A series of explosions sounded, and they exploded right next to the real stingworm. The considerable power caused it to scream angrily!

Finally I couldn't help it and rushed over in person.

By controlling the things within the barrier, Li Qiuzhi easily reversed the direction of its flight. At the same time, a huge meteorite suddenly appeared in front of it.

Before he could react, it hit him at almost full speed, and his head was shattered!

[Defeat powerful enemies and gain 94355 experience points. 】

Maybe because the True Insect is a leader-level existence, just defeating it will provide you with a lot of experience points.

If it were just an ordinary level 90, it would probably only have about 15,000 experience points.

After taking down the most powerful true insect, he guided the wind element to form a huge spherical vortex for the remaining insects.

Throw it out and stop next to them, constantly attracting the defenseless bugs.

The moment it touched the vortex, the stingworm seemed to have entered a meat grinder and was crushed into pieces. The character panel kept popping up prompts:

Experience points +5124

Experience point +5331

Experience points +5195

Having found a way to quickly clear experience points, Li Qiuzhi stayed in the stomach of the cosmic beast and refused to leave.

It wasn't until the evening when Noelle prepared dinner and notified him to go back for dinner that Li Qiuzhi gave up for the time being.

At this time, Li Qiuzhi looked at his character panel:

[Experience point: 13675436]

For about half a day, Li Qiuzhi lost count of how many bugs he had defeated. He just kept using meteorites to blast open the stomach wall and kill the bugs with blood overflowing.

Even true stingworms have encountered several, with the average being above level 90.

One of them even reached level ninety-nine, but they were easily defeated by Li Qiuzhi. In the blink of an eye, his experience points had been increased to more than 13 million!

Since he had enough experience points, Li Qiuzhi put them into the level without hesitation. After all, the purpose of working so hard to gain experience points was to make himself stronger!

Experience point-11574768

Lv102 (425232/12000000)→Lv103 (0/13000000)

A huge heat flow appeared in his body, strengthening every cell in his body. The same was true for his soul, which had grown significantly.

The improvement in level also means that one's own foundation becomes stronger, and other skills will be more powerful when used.

Feeling the powerful power in his body, Li Qiuzhi was very happy.

He can earn tens of millions of experience points here in half a day. If he waits a few more days, he will catch up with the two top demon gods, Shadow and General!

But it may be the reason why Li Qiuzhi caused a lot of damage to the stomach of this cosmic beast in a short period of time.

He felt that this cosmic beast had some movement.

In order to avoid being discovered by the cosmic beasts, such a perfect place to gain experience points was lost.

Li Qiuzhi felt that it was better to take it slow.

After the giant beast's stomach wall has been repaired and there is no pain, then continue to gain experience points.

After all, if he desperately causes excessive damage to the giant beast's stomach at once and attracts the opponent's attention, then he is likely to be attacked.

This may result in the inability to continue earning experience points.

After all, the bugs in the blood are so powerful, so the body of this cosmic beast must be very terrifying.

Li Qiuzhi had previously thought of controlling this cosmic beast, but now it seemed that it would not be that simple.

However, as long as you gain experience points every time, it will only cause moderate damage, and it will most likely not attract the attention of the cosmic beasts, so you can gain experience points here for a long time!

This is to take a long-term view and not to obtain a large amount of profits at once in a short period of time, but to obtain experience points in a safe and sustainable manner.

This way the overall benefit will be greater.

Li Qiuzhi made a decision and looked at the damaged stomach.

With the recovery speed of this cosmic behemoth, it feels like it will take about a day to recover. It happens to be every other day, which is perfect.

Now there are more than two million experience points left on his character panel, and he only needs to swipe one more time to level up again!

Name: Li Qiuzhi

Level: Lv103 (0/13000000)

Race: human

Title: Honorary Knight, Outstanding Citizen of Liyue, Legendary Adventurer, General of the Sea, Xumi Sage

Inherent talent: Entangled favor

Skills: Power of Light · Divine Realm 10 (All Stars and Seas), Wuxiang's Sword· Divine Realm 10 (Wuxiang Wushuang), Objective Illusory Shadow Realm · Divine Realm 10 (Unobservable State), Flowing Sky Shooting Technique· Mysterious 10 (Frost Flower) Arrow), Elemental Control 10 (full level), Fighting 10 (subtle), Ninja Style Swordsmanship 10 (Destroy Demons), Oni Inherited Swordsmanship 10 (Monster Power and Chaos God)

Specialties: [Girl's Beloved (Exclusive)] [World Tree's Wuxiang Gospel (Exclusive)] [North Wind's Touch of Demon (Exclusive)] [Lingge (Exclusive)]

Experience point: 2100668

He has also practiced the two secret sword skills on the skill bar to the full level these days, and both skills have good characteristics.

It's not far off to collect some more sword skills and practice them, and to integrate new mystical skills.

I just happened to go back and ask everyone. Captain Qin also uses a one-handed sword, so he must know a lot of swordsmanship.

Even if she knows it, I have already learned it from her, but the Knights should also have related sword skills in their collection.

When I went to the library for the first time, I discovered a lot of ordinary swordsmanship. The powerful secret swordsmanship was not easy to display in the library.

That should be stored elsewhere in the Knights.

As Li Qiuzhi's honorary knight, he could easily apply to read some swordsmanship books even without asking Captain Qin for secret help.

With this in mind, Li Qiuzhi left the stomach of the giant beast and returned to the fairyland space to discuss with Qin.

Wonderland space.

Li Qiuzhi came back and had dinner with everyone, sat on the sofa and rested for a while, then approached Qin, who had a blonde high ponytail.

He hugged her soft waist and said:

"Well, Qin, I want to discuss something with you."

"Just tell me what you have to say?" Flicking up the golden hair hanging down on the side of her face, Qin looked at Li Qiuzhi doubtfully.

"It's not a big deal, I just want to see the swordsmanship of the Knights."

Li Qiuzhi quietly put his hands inside the white tights and kneaded her soft buttocks.

Qin grabbed Li Qiuzhi's wrist, took his hand out of his pants, nodded slightly and said:

"It's simple. You just come to the Knights and write an application for me."

As an honorary knight, you can enjoy many preferential treatment in the knights. It is not a problem if you just want to read some swordsmanship secrets.

"Okay." Li Qiuzhi also nodded, then as if he thought of something, he coughed lightly and continued:

"Well, there is one more thing I want to tell you."

"Say it." Qin helplessly took away the hand that reached into her clothes.

Really, I just talk and I always like to use my hands and feet.

"This is not a big deal, let's talk about it while we take a bath." Li Qiuzhi smiled, picked up Captain Qin and walked upstairs.

"Always so immoral!" Qin hugged Li Qiuzhi's neck and rolled her eyes at him, but she was used to it, so she didn't refuse.

Soon the two of them walked to the hot spring bathhouse on the second floor and came to the changing room. Li Qiuzhi put Captain Qin down.

"Take it off for me, it's quite troublesome to do it yourself."

Captain Qin raised his hand and reached behind his head to untie the hair tie. The fair skin under his armpits was completely exposed, giving people a feeling of being defenseless.

"No problem!" Li Qiuzhi walked happily behind Captain Qin, first helped her take off the shawl and put it on the hanger in the dressing room.

Looking at Captain Qin's white back, the lines of her shoulder blades were so delicate and graceful that he didn't rush to help her pull up and take off her sleeveless top.

Instead, he put his hands on her back and gently stroked the white and soft skin lines of her shoulder blades.

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