Shen Yugu, Qiao Yingzhuang.

As soon as Li Qiuzhi and Ying left, they encountered the caravan being robbed by Qiuqiu people. They helped fight them off and were thanked by the caravan.

One of the young bodyguards introduced himself as Jiaming. As a bodyguard and a holder of the Eye of God, he was naturally not afraid of these mere Qiuqiu people.

But he still expressed his gratitude to Li Qiuzhi and the others for their generous help, and was willing to take a few people around Shenyu Valley after the escort was in place.

"Okay, it will be more convenient for us if we have a local as a tour guide."

Pamon nodded happily.

"Who forgot who is the best tour guide in Teyvat~"

Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

"You guy!" Hearing Li Qiuzhi's teasing, Paimeng stamped his feet in mid-air angrily, then looked at Ying, "Look at him, he knows how to bully me!"

Ying crossed her arms and cast a disdainful look.

"Okay, okay." Li Qiuzhi said that he was wrong, and then said to Jiaming:

"In that case, I'll trouble you."

"No trouble, I just happen to have a escort over there." Jiaming smiled.

He continued:

"You guys, let's go first. I'll send Uncle Yuan Ming and the others to the store first, and I'll catch up with them later."

"no problem."

Li Qiuzhi nodded.

Jiaming and the caravan left, and Li Qiuzhi and the others also set off again, heading towards Yilong Port.

The distance between the two places is a little long. Now that we are in the automobile age, there seems to be no need to walk as we did in the past.

It’s also nice to go for a drive.

It just so happened that it took some time for Jiaming to come over. It was enough time for him to find a car and come over.

Li Qiuzhi told Ying and Paimon his thoughts, and they nodded slightly:

"Okay, then I'll leave this task to you."

"Okay." Li Qiuzhi laughed "haha" twice, then disappeared from the place, and when he reappeared, he was teleported to Ningguang's side.

There are many new test vehicles in the chamber of commerce, and recently there is a special model for adventurers with particularly good off-road performance.

Li Qiuzhi can just help test it.

He will bring a steam car specially designed for adventurers with excellent off-road performance into the world of imagination.

Then it was teleported back to Ying.

She and Paimon walked to a river. The water was clear and there was light mist rising, giving it a beautiful artistic conception.

"Come on, let's sit on it."

Li Qiuzhi released the steam car. Its roof was designed to be foldable and could be opened or closed.

It has no problem handling various weather conditions.

"Okay, it seems like we have never been in a car." Pamon couldn't wait to fly to the car.

But she just hovered above the seat and did not actually sit down.

"..." Li Qiuzhi laughed a little, "It seems that little Paimon wants to test whether he can fly faster or the car is faster."

At this time, the steam car is in an open-top state, and will be left in place as soon as it drives. It is obviously very difficult to catch up with her flying speed.

"Hey." Paimon also realized the problem, so he sat down with some embarrassment.

"Let me drive." Ying seemed to be quite interested in driving.

"Okay, but let's wait for Jiaming for a while, otherwise he won't be able to catch up later." Li Qiuzhi nodded.

"Well, let me practice nearby first."

Ying has actually never driven a car, but with her ability, she can master it completely with just some practice.

About ten minutes passed, and Jiaming's figure finally caught up:

"Phew, I didn't expect you to go so fast."

He saw a few people relax slightly.

"Humph, for adventurers, trekking through mountains and rivers is normal. Once you get used to it, your pace will naturally become faster."

Paimon Jr. said with his hands on his hips.

"I see... Huh?" Jiaming nodded. As an escort, he often traveled in the wild and felt almost the same.

He suddenly saw the steam car parked on the side of the road, his eyes widened slightly and he said:

"Is this yours? Why didn't you see it just now? It's so cool!"

"I just got it, of course it's not important." Li Qiuzhi started to sell:

"This is the latest car from the Tiantianhua Chamber of Commerce. It has the ultimate off-road performance and is just right for you to travel. If necessary, I will apply for a big discount for you!"

"Well, forget it. Even if our escorts have a car, we may not be able to use it. It mainly depends on whether the caravan or the accompanying boss has a car."

Jiaming shook his head and said.

He is also familiar with the new steam cars recently launched in Liyue Port.

It can be driven with a piece of fire element ore, and as a holder of the Fire Element God's Eye, even the money for the fire element ore is enough.

No need to go out.

Energy bills are free for him.

Jiaming himself is interested in such things.

It's just that the price is a bit expensive for him. Although he can't afford it even if he bites the bullet, having no money in his pocket makes him feel insecure.

So Jiaming decided to wait.

When you have more savings, you can buy a car of your choice.

"It doesn't matter. I'll find time to go to the Chamber of Commerce and get you a discount coupon for buying a car. You can buy it anytime you want."

Li Qiuzhi smiled and said.

"Haha, thank you first!" Jiaming accepted Li Qiuzhi's kindness.

"Okay, you two get in the car quickly, don't wait any longer." Paimon in the passenger seat waved to the two of them.

Ying is already in the driver's seat and ready.

Li Qiuzhi nodded, and then sat in the back seat with Jiaming. The relatively quiet sound of the fire element steam engine started.

The exhaust valve opened, a large amount of water vapor spurted out, and the car began to speed on the hardened road!

Along the way, Jiaming, a local, introduced various scenery of Shenyu Valley to Li Qiuzhi and the others, and also explained to them the knowledge of various teas.

The car drove for a long time, and when it was almost noon, they finally arrived at Yilong Port.

There is a branch of the Tiantian Flower Merchant Association here. Li Qiuzhi and the others can just park their cars there, and then when the people from the branch go to Liyue Port, they can just drive back.

When they arrived at Yilong Port, Jiaming first took them to book a ferry ticket to Roudeng Port at two o'clock in the afternoon, and then acted as a tour guide and took a few people to visit Yilong Port.

Time passed, and at almost one o'clock, Jiaming left first. He had to start preparations.

Although he arrived at Yilong Port much earlier because of the car, he would have started work earlier if he came earlier.

The sooner you complete the escort service, the easier it will be for your customers to feel at ease!

After Jiaming left, Li Qiuzhi and the others wandered around Yilong Port for a while. When it was almost two o'clock, a few people went to the pier to take a boat.

Shen Yugu's current passenger ships are also equipped with steam engines, making them much faster than before. It took a few hours of boat ride.

It was almost dark when they arrived at Soft Light Harbor.

Yesterday I went to have a wedding banquet. I came back after ten o'clock and fell asleep. I forgot to tell everyone that I haven't finished writing it yet, and there is another chapter that is a little late.

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