Fontaine is a country of water.

Its geographical environment is quite special among the Teyvat continent. If the entire continent is regarded as a flat surface, then the entire Fontainebleau plate is convex, at least tens or hundreds of meters higher.

It's like the peaks of a huge mountain have been flattened from the roots, and the altitude is much higher than in other countries.

Then a large amount of water flows down from the border of Fontaine, as if it is a circular super-large waterfall!

The water flowing down leads to all directions, connecting the water system of the entire Teyvat continent. Basically all the water in the continent flows from Fontaine, and will eventually return to Fontaine.

That’s why Fontaine is called the kingdom of water, and Roudeng Harbor was built along the cliffs on the border of Fontaine.

Divided into upper and lower floors.

The lower level is located under the Fontaine border cliff and covers a large area. Many merchant ships parked nearby to unload their cargo, making it very prosperous and lively.

Follow the lift platform on the lower level to reach the upper level.

The upper level is located on the cliff. The area here is relatively small, but there are also many merchant ships parked nearby, which are here to load goods.

It seems that the lift platform at Roudeng Port cannot lift the entire ship up, so there must be a merchant ship above to pick up the goods.

Standing on the hard ground, Li Qiuzhi and the others, who had just got off the boat, marveled at the large number of boats nearby. At the same time, they also felt that the waterfall surrounding the entire island was a bit incredible.

"Is this Soft Light Harbor?"

Ying sighed with emotion, even though he has traveled across the sea of ​​​​stars and seen many wonders, geography like Fontaine is still rare.


Li Qiuzhi nodded in agreement.

When he traveled through time, the map of Fontaine was not yet open, so this was the first time he saw Fontaine, and he didn't expect it to look like this.

However, the rest of the Teyvat continent was quite normal, only Fontaine was like this, and there was no reason for it, Li Qiuzhi thought to himself.

It doesn't feel like a natural geographical environment.

"Let's go to the elevator. It seems we need to register." Paimon pointed to the front and said.

Generally speaking, you do need to register when entering another country.

But when Li Qiuzhi gets familiar with the place and applies for a long-term residence permit, it won't matter whether he registers or not.

Now, you still have to follow other people's rules.

Otherwise, if he and Ying were so famous, it would be easy for someone to know that they entered the country illegally if they were seen in Fontaine.

Putting aside the issue of Fang's inconvenience, it would damage his reputation if word spread.

This has a detrimental effect on collecting "spirituality".

Recently, Li Qiuzhi has accumulated enough "spirituality" to grant hundreds of entries, but he has not used it for the time being.

Now there are suitable entries for girls in the fairyland space, including Hu Zhai Palace who just recently awakened from the "Bai Chen Phantom Soul Bell".

She had just woken up and her soul body was still weak, so the spiritual entry was naturally the type to speed up the recovery of her soul body.

At the same time, the soul body of the Daci Tree King also returned to a more stable state.

After slightly improving the previous plan, she and Nasida have successfully deployed the "void" system in the fairyland space.

The specific plan is to use the "beacon" connection to feed back all the conditions of the "void" system she feels to the Great Ci Tree King in real time.

In this way, Daci Shuwang only needs to use the power of dreams to project them in the form of a virtual dream interface.

In this way, it consumes much less than directly carrying part of the "Void" system, and it also allows everyone in the Wonderland space to experience the complete "Void Internet Network" without the need for a Void terminal.

This was a new plan that King Daci Shu and Naxida had discussed over the past few days, which gave Li Qiuzhi a very familiar sense of immediacy.

I quickly recalled it at that time.

Isn't this the principle of cloud games? The "void" system on Nasida's side is responsible for calculations, and the Great Mercy Tree King is projected in the fairyland space.

Soon, with Pai Mengfei in front, Li Qiuzhi and Ying following behind, the three of them arrived at the elevator.

There are several staff members wearing blue soldier uniforms here, and there are several light golden robot guards around them.

Obviously it is used to prevent violent rush.

"Hello, we are going to enter Fontaine." Paimon said to the staff in blue uniforms.

"No problem, please show me your ID."

The staff in blue uniforms nodded.

It seems that the main purpose here is to check passport documents and the like. Only if there are no problems can you go up.

Li Qiuzhi and the others certainly had the pass documents. When they first became honorary knights of the Knights of the West Wind, Captain Qin had applied for Mondstadt's pass documents for them.

There is a special mention of honorary knight status on it.

"Well, no problem. Honorary Knight of Mondstadt, Fontaine welcomes you. After you take the elevator up later, please register with the port attendant."

said the staff member in blue uniform.

He guided a few people into the elevator that looked like a round house, then automatically closed the door and the elevator started to start.

A slight force came from their feet, and they could feel the elevator lifting very quickly.

After about a minute, the elevator stopped and the door opened.

There was a staff member in a blue soldier uniform guarding the door with a hat on his head. He said to the people inside the elevator:

"Welcome to Fontaine, please come here with me to register."

"Okay." Li Qiuzhi nodded.

Then he walked out of the elevator with Ying and the others and followed him to the port office right next to him.

The staff member here is a young woman with orange-red hair. She folded her hands in front of her belly, looked at Li Qiuzhi and the others and said:

"Hello, I am Yarad, the port attendant here. If you are a new arrival, please fill out the form and show your passport again."

"Well, please excuse me, Miss Jarrad."

Li Qiuzhi and others gave her their IDs and saw a thick stack of forms on the counter, which should be used to fill them out.

Each of them took one and started filling it out.

It's mainly just some identity information, like where you come from, what you do for a living, etc.

Soon, they filled it out, got the documents to legally stay in Fontaine, and left the port office.

Walking out of the gate of the port office, you will see the upper pier outside. If you want to go to Fontainebleau or other areas of Fontainebleau, you generally need to take a boat.

"Wow, there are so many people here!" There is a waterway in the middle of the pier, and there are many people on both sides waiting for the boat.

Because Roudeng Harbor is close to Shenyu Valley in Liyue, most of the people here are Liyue people in addition to Fengdan people.

Some of them are ordinary people who come for tourism, and some of them are businessmen who come to do business.

"Hey, look to the left, why are there so many people around?" Paimon put his hand to his forehead and looked at it, saying with some confusion.

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