I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 607 Interview (two in one)

Fontainebleau, Roudeng Harbor.

The sun had set, leaving only a faint glow in the sky to brighten it... Night was approaching.

It's just that when it's getting dark, one side of the pier seems to be quite lively.

Li Qiuzhi and the others also approached curiously.

"Miss Navia, it was all thanks to you and your Rose of Thorns Club just now, otherwise those guys would have been able to sneak into Fontaine!"

Among the crowd, a pink-haired girl wearing a red hat was holding a camera and pointed at a woman in front of her who was holding a parasol and also wearing a hat, but a black top hat.

Under the black top hat is a head of long golden curly hair.

Judging from the situation, someone tried to sneak into the country just now, but the young lady with blond hair found out. Then the pink-haired girl may be a reporter or something, and she is doing an interview.

Li Qiuzhi secretly guessed.

Subsequent developments proved that his guess was indeed correct.

“The staff of our Thorny Rose Society are very professional in all aspects, and they can spot such petty thieves at a glance.

“If you encounter any difficulties, you are welcome to come to our professionals at the Thorn Rose Society to handle them.”

The young lady with long blond curly hair took this opportunity to advertise.

"Haha, don't worry, Miss Navia, if there is anything important, the Rose of Thorns Club will definitely come to you."

People watching the interview said so.

They all know that Thorn Rose is a gang involved in all walks of life, and occasionally cooperates with the government.

Just like now, when there is not enough manpower, we will replace the soldiers and do some patrol work in Roudeng Port.

Being able to gain the trust of the Fontaine authorities, people felt that the Thorn Rose Society was naturally trustworthy.

The pink-haired girl continued to ask a few questions, and that was about it for the interview.

Seeing that the interview was completed, the onlookers gradually dispersed.

"I heard that people in Fontaine like to be lively and watch dramas. It's true. A simple interview with so many people watching.

"Can there be any dramatic accidents?"

Paimon spread his hands and said.

"But didn't we come around curiously? After all, people just like to watch the fun." A smile appeared on the fair face.

"Well, you said so, it seems so." Pamon scratched his head.

"Okay, the ship is coming soon, let's go, otherwise we will have to stay here tonight."

Li Qiuzhi looked at a ship in front of him that was slowly sailing along the waterway into the dock. It had no sails and was most likely driven by hybrid energy.

"Yeah." Ying and Paimon also nodded.

Several people can return to the fairyland space at any time, so it doesn't matter whether they stay here or not.

It's just that we still have to go to Fontainebleau. It's better not to miss this boat.

Just when several people were about to leave and buy tickets to board the ship.


Suddenly a girl's surprised voice came from behind.

Li Qiuzhi and the others turned around and found that it was the girl with pink hair. She looked at Li Qiuzhi and the others in surprise, and then ran over quickly:

"Are you the legendary adventurers, Li Qiuzhi and Ying, and the flying elves?"

"What, why don't I have a name!"

Paimon said with some dissatisfaction.

"Hehe, I know, your name is Paimon, right!" the pink-haired girl said with a smile.

Li Qiuzhi knew that they were famous and it was normal for them to be recognized by people like reporters, so he nodded:

"That's right. What can I do for you?"

"It's really you, great!" the pink-haired girl said excitedly.

[Charlotte has a good impression of you and gains 320 favorability points. The current favorability level is 3 (20/300)]

Li Qiuzhi was not surprised when he saw the favorability prompt popping up on the character panel.

As a legendary adventurer with a good reputation, people who have heard that he has done so many good things, normally speaking, most people will not hate him even if they don't like him.

Then we started to interact with each other. After the first impression was good, it was natural for us to develop a good impression of Li Qiuzhi.

The pink-haired girl parted her soft cherry lips and continued excitedly:

"Hello, my name is Charlotte, and I am a reporter from the Steam Bird Newspaper. I heard that you are traveling around the seven countries, and you will do some earth-shattering things in every country you visit.

"I've always hoped to do an exclusive interview with you. In that case, it would be super big news, and it would easily make the front page of Steambird Newspaper!

"I didn't expect that when I went out today, I not only met the president of the Rose of Thorns Society, but also you guys. Isn't today my lucky day?"

Charlotte felt that big news was beckoning to her. As far as she knew, Li Qiuzhi and Ying had only been reported, but they had never received an exclusive interview from others.

If she can successfully win it, as long as it is reported, it will definitely be the super big news she is pursuing.

This opportunity must not be missed!

Navia in the back looked at Charlotte, who had just finished interviewing her, and ran excitedly to others without even saying goodbye. She couldn't help but feel a little bit disgusted, and she was also a little more curious about Li Qiuzhi and the others.

She stepped forward, and her black high-heeled over-the-knee boots made a crisp sound on the ground.

As soon as I walked over, I heard the white elf shaking his head and saying:

"Well, let's forget about the interview or anything like that. It's already so late now, and we'll miss the last boat to Fontainebleau."

Li Qiuzhi is naturally very interested in interviews and so on.

After all, if he can be on the news, his reputation will be greater, and the more spiritual beings he can collect, but it is indeed a little late now.

Just when he was about to agree and make an appointment at another time.

Navia, who had just walked over, recognized Li Qiuzhi and the others after seeing them.

After all, as the president of the Thorny Rose Society, he also often dealt with Charlotte, a reporter from Steam Bird News.

After she interviewed herself, she would always bring newspapers with reports on the Rose of Thorns Society to her as soon as possible the next few days.

Therefore, Navia also knew something about the various reports in the Steam Bird Newspaper.

Among them, she remembered that a long time ago, the Steam Bird News reported that several adventurers helped repel the Wind Demon Dragon that attacked Mondstadt City.

Subsequently, they also defeated the ancient demon god in Liyue Port, the adventurer named Li Qiuzhi, and even received a sword from the Thunderbolt General in Daozhi.

Navia would naturally recognize such a powerful legendary adventurer, or anyone who likes to read newspapers should recognize him.

It’s no wonder Charlotte is so excited. After all, she is the kind of person who is always looking for big news. It would be strange not to be enthusiastic about interviewing two legendary adventurers and their elf companions.

In this regard, Navia also had the idea of ​​​​helping her. After all, Charlotte often advertised her thorn rose club.

So she smiled and said to Li Qiuzhi and the others calmly:

"Gentlemen and ladies, Charlotte is a legend in the media industry and has won the Fontaine media industry's highest honor, the Lavelle Prize, many times.

"Legends deserve legends. If a few of them are willing to accept her interview, the popularity might really detonate Fontaine.

"There will definitely be many businessmen coming to you for endorsements, and you may not have to worry about the money you make for the rest of your life!"

"Oh, really!"

Paimon's eyes widened, and his starry pupils seemed to really twinkle.

She is very interested in Maura. Only with Maura can she have food!

Ying glanced at Paimeng speechlessly. She didn't care whether he was interviewed or not. She mainly wanted to see Li Qiuzhi's opinion.

"What do you think?" She looked at Li Qiuzhi and asked.

"Well, that's fine, but let's make another appointment. Now is not the right time for the interview."

Li Qiuzhi naturally agreed.

He has no interest in endorsements or anything like that. With his shares in the Tiantian Flower Merchant Association, he already has no shortage of Mora.

"Really!" Charlotte was extremely excited after hearing Li Qiuzhi's words. "No problem. When are you free? I can come over for an interview at any time!"

[Charlotte has a good impression of you and gains 380 favorability points. The current favorability level is 4 (100/400)]

She had a slight affection for Li Qiuzhi again.

At the same time, Navia also said that she helped and the other party agreed. She felt the respect from the other party.

Therefore, I felt quite happy, and developed some good impressions of Li Qiuzhi and the others:

[Navia has a good impression of you and gains 300 favorability points. The current favorability level is 3 (0/300)]

Looking at the two consecutive favorable impression reminders, Li Qiuzhi was also in a good mood. He looked at the pink-haired girl and said:

"For the interview, maybe it will be tomorrow. Next we are planning to go to Fontainebleau, and the location can also be arranged there.

"It's just our first time to visit Fontainebleau. We don't know much about Fontainebleau. It's up to you, Miss Charlotte, to decide the specific location."

"Yeah, no problem." Charlotte nodded happily, and then said:

"In that case, let me take care of this. Our Steambird newspaper office has a special interview room. We can just go directly to the newspaper office tomorrow for interviews.

"And it's your first time to visit Fontaine, so you also need a guide. In return for being interviewed, I can accompany you to get familiar with Fontaine in the next few days!"

As a reporter, she usually travels around looking for news, discovers the truth of various events, and presents them in newspapers.

Therefore, being a guide for Li Qiuzhi and the others will not delay his own work.

"Hey, I'm sorry to trouble you, Miss Charlotte."

Paimon said with a smile.

At this time, the ship was about to leave. Li Qiuzhi and the others quickly went to buy tickets. Charlotte and Navia also went to Fontainebleau, so they followed.

When buying the boat tickets, Ms. Navia, the president of the Rose of Thorns Club, helped Li Qiuzhi and the others pay in a very generous manner.

She said she was happy to have met new friends.

In addition, she also bought two extra boat tickets, which she said belonged to her butler and attendant.

They helped escort those trying to cross the border to the temporary detention center in Roudeng Port and should be back soon.

With the tickets, Li Qiuzhi and the others successfully boarded the ship to Fengdanting, just as it was about to start.

Navia's housekeeper and attendants finally came back.

One of them is an old man with white hair but in good spirits. This is Navia's housekeeper Miles. The other is a much younger man with navy blue hair.

Both of them were wearing black formal suits, black top hats, and glasses on their faces. Miles's glasses were round-framed, while Silver's were sunglasses.

On the boat to Fengdanting, Li Qiuzhi and the others also got acquainted with the two of them.

As the ship started, it would take several hours to arrive at Fontainebleau. Li Qiuzhi and the others had no choice but to learn about the situation at Fontainebleau with Charlotte, Navia and the other locals.

From humanities to geography, from history to recent developments, several people learned a little bit about it.

Li Qiuzhi felt that the conversation was quite manageable and there was no awkward situation.

At almost nine o'clock in the evening, Li Qiuzhi and the others finally arrived at Fontainebleau. After disembarking from the boat, Navia, her housekeeper and attendants said goodbye first.

It is said that I need to collect the commission fee.

Next, when Charlotte saw that it was already so late, she was going to take Li Qiuzhi and the others to find a hotel to stay.

Otherwise, as outsiders, they may not be able to find a hotel so quickly.

Li Qiuzhi and the others had the wonderland space, so they naturally did not need to waste Mo La staying in a hotel, so they declined the request without bothering.

She just asked Charlotte to help show her the location of the Steam Bird newspaper where she worked, otherwise it would be bad if she couldn't find it tomorrow and would be late.

When they arrived at the Steam Bird Newspaper Agency, Li Qiuzhi and the others also said goodbye to Charlotte and returned to the wonderland space.

At this time, everyone was either taking a shower or already sleeping, before Li Qiuzhi went to find the girls to practice.

Prepare to go to the giant true stingworm first to check the situation.

After all, it's rare to find a place where you can earn a lot of experience points. It would be a pity if it ran away.

The sea of ​​​​stars is so big, it is not easy to find such a good place to gain experience points again.

However, just in case, Li Qiuzhi decided to drive through the invisible field, mainly to avoid the risk of being discovered.

He can't defeat that giant true stingworm yet.

Now his stealth skills seem to have been improved to the extreme. It is obviously troublesome and troublesome to improve his sword skills to a "world level" that is even more powerful than the divine level.

That requires at least two new god-level stealth skills.

Of course, there is another solution, which is to integrate the "Objective Illusionary Shadow Realm" into the world-class skill of "Ying Zhi Wu Xiang".

The original "sword-based" characteristic of this skill is still useful now.

If the stealth skill is integrated, it can become a part of "Ying Zhi Wu Xiang", which is equivalent to the stealth skill having a world-class essence.

Although the God-level stealth skills no longer have the risk of being discovered, there is nothing wrong with improving them a little more.

Li Qiuzhi began to integrate the two skills:

Objectivity Illusory Shadow Realm·God Realm 10 (Unobservable State) + Ying Zhi Wu Xiang·World 10 (Star Sea)→Ying Zhi Wu Xiang·World 10 (Void Star Sea)

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