I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 608 Gray Planet (two in one)

Yingzhiwuxiang·World 10 (Void Star Sea)!

Li Qiuzhi looked at the new skills integrated on the character panel. The names had not changed, but the characteristics had changed slightly.

The original "Starry Sea" is a virtual starry sky that he can control and change. This starry sky is essentially a mental world similar to "One Heart Pure Land".

When the skill is upgraded to world level, the characteristic becomes "Star Sea". At this time, it is no longer just a virtual starry sky.

It is a real starry sky with complete rules that can also be controlled by Li Qiuzhi.

The difference between the two is that when "The Sea of ​​Stars" serves as Li Qiuzhi's mental world, it traps the enemies inside.

As long as he has the same grasp of the world of mental images, or his own power greatly exceeds Li Qiuzhi, he can fight or directly break it.

But to become a real starry sky, it doesn't just have to be stronger than Li Qiuzhi. It is a part of the real world, and you have to have the power to break the world.

Or find a way to find Li Qiuzhi in the "Sea of ​​Stars" and defeat him. If he can't find it, Li Qiuzhi will encounter enemies that he can't handle.

But it can trap the other party in the "sea of ​​stars".

After integrating the god-level stealth skills, it becomes a "void star sea", judging from the feedback information.

Even the starry sky he controls has the unobservable characteristics of his previous stealth skills.

It can appear anywhere in the starry sky at will, carry things with it, become invisible in a large area, dive into deep space, projection space, etc.

Basically, the various characteristics of the stealth skills are integrated into the "Star Sea", but at least there is a foundation of world-class skills.

Therefore, after the fusion, some wonderful reactions occurred between the two.

For example, you used unobservable stealth skills to sink into the projection space. Because of the characteristics there, your own coordinates will change at any time.

But with the "Void Star Sea", he can use it as an "anchor point" to locate nearby places, and it will be at that location next time he comes over.

This is useful if you encounter something in the projection space, so you don’t have to worry about the location changing next time you come over.

Although it doesn't look like there is anything there, it's basically some weird projections, and I don't know what they are from.

Although Li Qiuzhi was a little curious about the projection space, he had no means to deal with its characteristics of changing coordinates at any time.

So after using it to escape to the outside of the universe, there wasn't much exploration left.

After all, if you encounter something, it will disappear the next moment. It is not in vain. If you can have an "anchor" now, you can explore it when you have time.

Li Qiuzhi felt that the projection space should not be as simple as changing the coordinates at any time.

After successfully integrating the invisibility skills, Li Qiuzhi made himself invisible, opened the "door" to the fairyland space and returned to an unknown corner of the sea of ​​​​stars.

When he returned here, he did not see the giant true stinging insect.

Li Qiuzhi had expected this. After all, it had no reason to stay where he was, and it ran in a hurry last time, so it didn't leave any mark on the giant true stinging insect.

However, last time I saw that it was not flying very fast in the universe, it probably wouldn't have gone very far if it didn't use space transfer.

I hope we can meet again. Li Qiuzhi unleashed his mental power and scanned the surroundings in a linear manner, just like a radar.

After a while, perhaps because of the blessing of Gan Yu's Xianlin luck, my luck became very good.

Li Qiuzhi discovered the giant true stinging insect about five thousand kilometers away to his left.

Without hesitation, he used space shuttle to teleport directly.

When it reappeared, it was about ten kilometers away from the giant stingworm, and its extremely huge body could be observed from here.

It is about three to four times the size of its stomach, which means that the height of this giant true stingworm is at least more than a thousand kilometers, which is very terrifying.

The speed of its forward flight is indeed relatively slow from a cosmic scale, and it only flew more than 5,000 kilometers in a few days.

Just when Li Qiuzhi was waiting for it to open its mouth before transmitting it into its stomach, he felt the spatial fluctuations coming from the front.

The gravity next to the giant stingworm seemed to be disturbed, and a large number of meteorites suddenly began to fly towards it.

It was as if there was a black hole ahead.

Li Qiuzhi felt that the space in front of the giant stingworm seemed to be sunken, and subconsciously raised his eyebrows.

Could it be that he wanted to teleport away?

Space teleportation has different forms of expression based on different principles, and this giant true stinging insect has made so much noise.

The space transmission method used should be the one that consumes a lot of money and has a long transmission distance.

This can also explain why after the first teleportation, it took so long until now to teleport again.

Obviously saving energy.

Li Qiuzhi couldn't let it run away like this, otherwise the universe is so big and he would have to find it somewhere next time.

He thought about it and decided to teleport into it before it teleported away.

As long as you enter the gradually distorted space around it, you should be teleported away with it.

With the decision made, Li Qiuzhi stopped hesitating and disappeared in the next second. When he reappeared, he was already on the giant true stinging insect.

Li Qiuzhi, who is in an unobservable and invisible state, will naturally not be noticed by it.

With its size, even if Li Qiuzhi is not in a state of invisibility, the giant true stinging insect may not be aware of it.

After all, because the space is concave, the gravity also changes, causing any meteorite that falls on it to be much larger than Li Qiuzhi.

But being hit by so many meteorites, the giant true stinging insect was not injured at all.

The main reason is that the outside of the body has a hard shell unlike its stomach. A mere meteorite impact to it is about the same as shooting a steel plate from a slingshot.

The violent distortion and fluctuation of space lasted for about half an hour. The giant true stingworm seemed to be finally ready and suddenly disappeared from the spot.

It was as if it had been ejected by space itself, leaving only the disturbed gravity still pulling nearby meteorites to fall.

They collided together, and a large number of meteorite fragments first bounced away, and then were slowly pulled back, eventually forming a sphere.

If the gravitational disturbance calms down over time, if nothing unexpected happens, an asteroid composed of meteorites should appear here.

Unknown star territory.

A huge true stinging insect suddenly appeared. It was obviously a space teleportation, but for some reason it had some inertia.

After traveling, it immediately flapped its wings in the opposite direction, but its huge body still bumped forward.

Fortunately, there was nothing in front of him, not even a meteorite, so he flapped his wings for about ten minutes before finally stopping.

Li Qiuzhi, who was standing on the giant true stinging insect, couldn't help but feel a little suspicious.

It couldn't really use space itself as a slingshot to shoot out, otherwise there would be no inertia.

All I can say is that there is no wonder in the world that this kind of thing can be done.

The giant true stingworm that had just been teleported seemed to be resting on the spot, while Li Qiuzhi looked towards the star field where the true stinging insect was.

The universe was dotted with stars, but nothing was found on either side or around it. There seemed to be relatively few meteorites.

But when he looked up, he saw a gray-colored planet above him. Li Qiuzhi was surprised. He didn't expect that this giant true stinging insect would suddenly run to the vicinity of a planet.

I don’t know if there are any living things on this planet!

Suddenly, Li Qiuzhi noticed that the huge mouth of the giant true stinging insect opened a gap.

A large number of insect swarms flew out of the mouth of the giant true stinging insect, and then flew towards the gray planet above.

Because this planet has no atmosphere, the swarms of insects swarmed over like locusts all over the sky and flew in without any obstruction.

The swarm of insects came to this gray planet and did nothing. They just devoured everything they saw.

Li Qiuzhi guessed that this was replenishing supplies or something.

He felt that now was an opportunity. Taking advantage of the large number of insect swarms running to the gray planet to replenish supplies, he could completely ambush the gray planet.

Then he took the opportunity to hunt down the insect swarms to gain experience points. At this time, these insect swarms that flew out automatically were much more than what he encountered in the stomach of the giant true stingworm.

After cleaning it up, there will be no problem in continuously improving the level again!

Thinking of this, Li Qiuzhi got excited and ran to the planet to gain experience. There was enough distance so he probably wouldn't be discovered.

This is much better than brushing experience points in the stomach.

Li Qiuzhi immediately teleported onto the surface of the gray planet. He first observed the surroundings and found that the land of the planet seemed to have been burned.

No wonder it looks gray and gray outside.

The swarms of insects that flew to this planet, whether they were soil or stones, were put into the mouth first, and then after a while, the full stingworms were seen giving birth to larvae one after another.

Li Qiuzhi was a little surprised.

It can give birth when it is full. It is indeed a bug that has the power of "reproduction".

He summoned dozens of "Ying Sword Gods" and began to control them to go to various parts of the planet to quietly clean up these insect swarms.

During this period, he deliberately avoided those true stinging insects that could breed large numbers of larvae. After all, for him, the more bugs, the better.

These are all experience points for him. Those true stingworms can be dealt with when they are about to leave.

Soon, dozens of "Ying Sword Gods" appeared all over the planet. Under the control of Li Qiuzhi, the "Ying Sword Gods" began to clean up the insect swarms on the gray planet.

He himself also took out his weapons and launched an attack on the insect swarm:

Experience points +4521

Experience points +6525

Experience points +4764

The efficiency of hunting dozens of "Sword Gods of Ying" at the same time is very high. The prompts that pop up on Li Qiuzhi's character panel are so refreshed that afterimages appear on the screen.

He looked at the experience points on his character panel. From more than six million at the beginning, it exceeded 10 million in less than five minutes!

These are just secondary stingworms and young stinging worms. Later, when these immature swarms are defeated, they will grow faster when they attack the true stinging worms!

About half an hour passed, controlling dozens of "Sword Gods of Ying" at the same time, which made Li Qiuzhi a little tired.

The energy in the body has been consumed a bit too much, and at the same time, most of the insect swarms on the gray planet have been cleared away.

The leading True Insects had already noticed it, but unfortunately they couldn't find the murderer at all.

It was a bit late, and to prevent the swarms of insects from being scared away, Li Qiuzhi planned to go back and take a rest.

At the same time, it also gives them time to recuperate. I hope that when I come here tomorrow night, there will be more insect swarms on this planet!

Li Qiuzhi was not worried that they would run away, after all, it would take several days to prepare for the giant true stinging insect's space teleportation.

Thinking of this, Li Qiuzhi returned to the fairyland space with peace of mind.

[Experience point: 38652090]

At this time, his experience points once again exceeded 30 million, reaching more than 38 million, almost approaching 40 million.

This is another new high!

Li Qiuzhi, who returned to the fairyland space, did not keep them. He sat on the sofa and started throwing them into the level column.

Experience point-33974538

Lv107 (1025462/17000000) → Lv109 (0/19000000)

After another two consecutive upgrades, huge energy appeared in his body, continuing to strengthen his body and soul as usual.

Li Qiuzhi's strength once again transformed in all aspects.

Now he feels that he can definitely defeat either Raikage or Raiden General, but fighting them both at the same time is probably not enough.

But this is already very powerful, which means that his strength has surpassed the top demon god in Teyvat.

Maybe even Zhongli, who is a little more powerful, can't beat him!

Name: Li Qiuzhi

Level: Lv109 (0/19000000)

Race: human

Title: Honorary Knight, Outstanding Citizen of Liyue, Legendary Adventurer, General of the Sea, Xumi Sage

Inherent talent: Entangled favor

Skills: Ying Zhi Wu Xiang·World 10 (Void Sea of ​​Stars), Flowing Sky Archery·Second Truth 10 (Frost Flower Arrow)

Specialties: [Girl's Beloved (Exclusive)] [World Tree's Wuxiang Gospel (Exclusive)] [North Wind's Touch of Demon (Exclusive)] [Lingge (Exclusive)]

Experience point: 4677552

Li Qiuzhi looked at the character panel. There were now more than 4 million experience points left, and he only needed to get about 15 million more to reach level 110.

It should be enough to go to the gray planet tomorrow to brush bugs, and then there should be optional racial specialties.

Li Qiuzhi was a little bit looking forward to it!

It is now past eleven o'clock in the evening. After a busy day, Li Qiuzhi is going to take a bath to relax a little and practice some practice with the girls.

It's just that he came back late, and he only stayed up a little late when practicing with Li Qiuzhi. Everyone seemed to have gone to bed and rested.

Going to a hot spring bathhouse alone without a soft girl to hold him felt like something was wrong.

And practice cannot be neglected, neither you nor the girls can slack off.

Li Qiuzhi nodded secretly and was going to see who had not rested yet so he took her to take another bath with him and practice a little bit.

For example, Mona often went to bed late because she was studying astrology. She might still be doing research in her room at this time. This was not good for her health. Li Qiuzhi decided to help her relax.

Thinking like this, Li Qiuzhi walked to Mona's room.

Change first and then change

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