I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 611 How to meet the Water God (two in one)

At the entrance of the Debor Hotel, I saw two magicians standing here after their performance, and they seemed a little surprised when they saw them.

Are you waiting for us specifically? Li Qiuzhi was secretly puzzled.

"Hey, Linny, Linnette, why are you here?" Charlotte waved to them.

"Charlotte, it is indeed you. I accidentally caught a glimpse of a familiar figure during the performance just now. I didn't expect such a coincidence."

Linney, the magician wearing a black top hat, spread his hands and said.

The girl next to him wearing black stockings and short boots looked at him calmly, parted her soft lips slightly and added:

"He saw you staying with some famous adventurers, and he wanted to come over and make some friends."

"That's what I said!" Charlotte said with her hands on her hips that it was indeed the case.

"Hey, Charlotte and I seem to be very familiar with them?" Paimon looked at Li Qiuzhi and Ying with some surprise and said.

“I interviewed them a few times and they became friends right away.”

Charlotte explained.

"That's right." Linni nodded, then looked at Li Qiuzhi and the others, "These are the adventurers who have become famous recently. Hello everyone, I am Linni, and this is my sister Linnet."

He looked at the girl next to him and introduced himself.

"Hey, hello, I'm Paimon, this is Ying, and this guy is Li Qiuzhi."

Paimon also introduced the people on his side to them.

"The performance you just performed was wonderful." Li Qiuzhi said with a smile, and Ying also nodded.

"Thank you, thank you very much."

Linnie smiled politely, while Linnette nodded quietly.

[Linette has a good impression of you and gains 300 favorability points. The current favorability level is 3 (0/300)]

Looking at the prompts that popped up on the character panel, Li Qiuzhi felt that this Linnette, although she seemed taciturn, was quite indifferent to everything.

But he will still be happy when others praise him, and with the blessing of Li Qiuzhi's "girl lover" physique that naturally attracts girls.

The girl seemed to have a good first impression of him, and she developed a slight liking for him.

"Next, we have to go shopping. Do you have anything else to do?" Now that they had said hello, Charlotte was ready to continue today's plan.

"No, please do as you please." Linni shook his head.

"Well, goodbye you two. If you need to entrust us with anything in the future, you can leave a message at the Adventurers Association."

Li Qiuzhi nodded, and then the others said goodbye to Linni and left.

Looking at the retreating figures of Li Qiuzhi and the others, Linni rubbed her chin as if thinking about something. Linnette next to her glanced at him and said calmly:

"Brother, they seem to be the travelers that 'Father' mentioned. Do you want to introduce them to 'Father'?"

"Well, 'Father' said that the prophecy crisis is difficult to resist with the power of 'Hearth House' alone, and we need to find someone to cooperate.

"Among them, those travelers who have done earth-shattering things in several countries are the most preferred targets of 'Father''s cooperation.

"I didn't expect to meet them by such a coincidence today. Oh, I was not prepared at all. I met them in such a hurry and invited them to help me so much. Isn't it too hasty, and the identity of 'father'?"

Linnie rubbed his forehead in distress.

"Yes." Lynette nodded quietly, "Then let's go back and talk to 'Father' first."

"That's fine, just let 'Father' make the decision." Linni had no objection to this.

Fontainebleau, Lyonnais district.

Under the leadership of Charlotte, Li Qiuzhi and the others walked from the Narbonnet district to the Lyonnais district. On the way, they learned about various places in Fontaine.

"It's getting late. As our last stop today, let's go to the Adventurers Association. You are adventurers, so this place should be familiar to you."

Charlotte said to several people.

"That's right, I'll take some commissions when I explore Fontaine in the future."

Paimon, who was floating in the air, crossed his arms and said.

As an adventurer, when you go to a new city, you naturally have to know where the Adventurers Association is, otherwise you won't be able to accept commissions and make money.

"Speaking of which, Charlotte, we want to meet Lord Water God. Do you know of any way?"

Li Qiuzhi did not forget that the purpose of their coming to Fengdan was to cooperate with the Water God, mainly because they wanted to use her "Cardinal Adjudication".

"Well, if you want to see Lady Funina," Charlotte's fair face showed a thoughtful expression.

Seeing that she seemed a little embarrassed, Ying said:

"You don't need to take us there. I just want to ask if you know how to meet the Water God."

After all, she is the water god. As a reporter, Charlotte may not necessarily have that much energy to take them to see each other directly.

"I know." Charlotte nodded, and then said, "It's easy to see Lady Funina. You just need to make an appointment at Momang Palace."

"Hey!" Pamon said in surprise, "It's so simple!"

"It's really simple, but I haven't finished yet." Charlotte smiled slightly, "If you want to see Lady Funina, you really only need to make an appointment.

"It's just that because of a simple relationship, everyone in Fontaine wants to meet Lady Funina in person, and the number of people who have made appointments is too many to count.

"Except for special circumstances, when Ms. Funina wants to meet someone, she will strictly follow the order of appointment.

“For example, when I was a child, I made an appointment to meet Lady Funina, but until now, there are still astronomical numbers of people lined up in front of me.

"And Lady Funina does not meet with the person who made the appointment every day. She will only arrange to meet the person who made the appointment when she is free and happens to remember this matter.

"Alas, I think I may never have the chance to meet Lady Funina in person in my life, let alone interview her."

Charlotte looked regretful.

No reporter doesn’t want to be able to interview Lady Funina, who is a god, one day. This is the greatest honor for a reporter!

"Well, you may not be able to get a turn in your lifetime. Isn't it so outrageous!"

Paimon said in disbelief.

"It seems that we can't meet the Water God in the normal way." Li Qiuzhi also touched his cheek helplessly.

"If you just look at Lady Funina from a distance, there is nothing you can do."

Charlotte smiled and said.

"What can I do?" Ying asked curiously.

"Lady Funina has a well-known hobby, that is, she likes to watch every trial. As long as there is a trial at the Opicile Opera House, Lady Funina will not be absent.

"That is to say, when Opécle Opera House gets approval, you can go there and see her."

Charlotte explained.

"Uh, wait, how do the words trial and opera house come together?"

Although Paimon knew that his cultural level was not too high, he also knew that the trial should be in a court or court.

Isn’t the opera house for watching operas?

"This should be a characteristic of Fontaine. Didn't we ask Ning Guang to find out before we came here? It seems that Paimon is just eating the snacks prepared by Bai Xiao and others."

Ying looked at her with disgust.

Li Qiuzhi nodded slightly. He had also heard everyone say about this matter. The trial in Fontaine seemed to be no different from an opera.

"Hehe." Paimon also remembered at this time that he and Ying had indeed asked Ningguang about Fengdan's information.

"Yes, this is indeed the characteristic of Fontaine." Charlotte adjusted her monocle slightly and continued:

"For other countries, trials are more serious matters and should not be held in entertainment venues like opera houses.

“But in Fontaine, watching trials is something that most Fontaine people are very passionate about, just like watching an opera. Some trials are even more twists and turns than operas, with constant reversals.

“It’s good fun for them.

“Although this may seem counterintuitive, it is necessary for Fontaine because watching a trial and seeing prisoners convicted and arrested inspires people’s belief in justice.

"The reason why so many cities in Fontaine are able to function normally is precisely because of the law-compensating hybrid energy converted from the power of these beliefs."

"Well, each country has its own national conditions, and it's really hard for outsiders to evaluate them."

Li Qiuzhi expressed his understanding.

"Well, that's it anyway. As long as there is a trial, Lady Funina will go to the Opécle Opera House. If you want to see her, just go to the opera house when there is a trial."

Charlotte said at last.

After hearing Charlotte's words, Li Qiuzhi felt that there was no problem.

As long as he meets the person and finds an opportunity to appear directly in front of her, he has this kind of strength now.

"Understood, then Charlotte, do you know when the trial will be?"

Paimon asked curiously.

"I haven't heard of this, but whenever there is a trial, notices will be posted at the Opera House a few days in advance. I will inform you then."

Charlotte said.

"Okay, just leave a message at the Adventurers Association then. We should go there basically every day." Ying nodded and said.

Whenever you go to a new country, in order to explore the country and travel around, accepting a commission is the best way.

She can still earn Mora, even if she has shares in the Chamber of Commerce, she will not be short of Mora.

"Well, no problem." Charlotte nodded her white chin.

Speaking of the Adventurers Association, Li Qiuzhi and his group were walking and chatting, and unknowingly they came nearby, and saw the familiar figure of Catherine in the distance.

"Hi, Catherine!" Pamon greeted warmly.

"Toward the stars and the abyss, welcome to the Adventurers Association." Catherine smiled gently and said, "It seems that some of you are familiar with me from other cities. How can I help you?"

"Hehe, not yet. I just came to Fengdanting, so I want to familiarize myself with the surrounding environment."

Paimon smiled and shook his head.

"I see, then I wish you a pleasant journey in Fontaine. I will be here to serve you at any time." Catherine smiled suddenly.

Seeing that the time was almost up, a few people chatted briefly for a while and then left.

Paimon proposed to go out for dinner, and Li Qiuzhi and Ying had no objection. In order to thank Charlotte for accompanying them all day, they decided to treat them tonight.

After Charlotte declined a few times, she still couldn't talk to a few people, so she had to agree, and at the same time she had a slight affection for them:

[Charlotte has a good impression of you and gains 300 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (360/500)]

After dinner, Li Qiuzhi and the others said goodbye to Charlotte and returned to the fairyland space.

After a day of walking, Ying and Paimon were quite tired, so they went to take a shower and rest. Li Qiuzhi then started his work today.

Naturally, they go to the dark planet to gain experience points. I don’t know how many of them have become after “breeding” on that planet for a day?

Li Qiuzhi was curious, and then opened the "door" of the fairyland space and walked over.

As if walking into another room, Li Qiuzhi came to the dark planet that was unknown how far away.

This planet is not too big, and its gravity is only about one-third of Teyvat. It has no oxygen and no light. After all, there is no star nearby, so the most radiation is naturally cosmic radiation.

Of course, this is not a problem for Li Qiuzhi.

As long as Noelle's affection skill is activated, the "Heart Shield" can perfectly block things like radiation.

Although his physique is not afraid of radiation, there is no need to be exposed to cosmic radiation.

Li Qiuzhi floated hundreds of meters in the air with his shield on, releasing his mental power to sense the ground.

He found that after yesterday's cleaning, the insect population that had been greatly reduced had not only recovered, but also increased in number.

Is this "reproduction" power so outrageous? Those real stingworms can really give birth!

Li Qiuzhi couldn't help but be a little surprised.

He was a little curious about the "breeding" power possessed by the true stingworms. Can any creature really achieve this kind of breeding speed?

As long as there is food, it can continue to eat and eat. If this kind of creature reaches a living planet, it will obviously be a disaster.

Fortunately, when Li Qiuzhi used many "Ying Sword Gods" to clean up the insect swarm yesterday, he discovered that this gray planet was an uninhabited planet.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about any life being affected by the insect plague.

Precisely because it was an uninhabited planet, Li Qiuzhi decided to use a different method to clean up the insect swarm today.

While thinking about it, a bow and arrow appeared in his hand. It was the low-quality hunting bow that Durav had given him.

He touched the bow string nostalgically, and then the ice element began to condense on the bow string, and an arrow made entirely of ice elements was placed on the bow string.

Of course, Li Qiuzhi would not be so slow to clear out the insect swarms with bows and arrows. With a slight movement of his mind, he activated Amber's favorability skill and summoned a Earl Rabbit.

He is now at level 109, and Amber, like everyone else, is at level 90 and above, specifically level 93.

In other words, if the Count Rabbit summoned by Li Qiuzhi explodes, it can cause up to 2.02 million tons of fire element damage equivalent to the explosion power.

A Count Rabbit can kill seven or eight square kilometers, which is much easier than controlling the "Sword God of Ying" to clean up.

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