I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 612 Screw Gum (two in one)

Li Qiuzhi controlled the ice element arrow to extend ice threads and tied Count Rabbit to the arrow. This is how an intercontinental missile was completed.

He drew the bow string, chose a place with more insects, and shot out.

With the blessing of Liutian Archery, the ice-white arrows streaked across like meteors and hit a relatively concentrated insect swarm across dozens of kilometers in an instant.

First, the ice element bloomed, and then Count Rabbit exploded under Li Qiuzhi's remote control. A huge amount of fire element exploded, and at the same time, the ice element melted.

Such an attack is indistinguishable from a so-called natural disaster. Centered on the explosion point, everything within a dozen square kilometers was instantly burned.

The area of ​​tens of square kilometers outside was also swept away by the shock wave, and the weak bugs among them were directly destroyed. Only the slightly stronger ones could barely survive the shock wave.

At the same time, Li Qiuzhi's character panel began to pop up crazily with prompts for gaining experience points:

Experience points +4265

Experience points +2371

Experience points +3547

The whole process lasted for a long time before it was over. Li Qiuzhi looked at his character panel and found that in just one click, he had gained more than two million experience points:

[Experience point: 6715572]

It would be nice if the insect swarm was denser, in which case there would definitely be more than two million.

The violent explosion causing so much damage made the insect swarm a little commotion, and they frantically searched for the enemy.

Because Li Qiuzhi could not fly very high, the insect swarm quickly discovered him.

Then he flapped his wings crazily and flew up, trying to attack him. Li Qiuzhi used space to escape and reappeared dozens of kilometers away.

A Earl Rabbit was summoned again, and the ice element arrow was once again placed on the bow string, and it was fired towards the location where he was just now.

The reason why we have to avoid the swarm of insects head-on is not because we are afraid of them, but mainly because we are worried that the giant true stingworm in the outer space of this planet will detect something abnormal.

After all, if it summons the insect swarm back, it won't have to gain experience points. As for the attack, Li Qiuzhi is not afraid.

Even though it was indeed very powerful at level 130, Li Qiuzhi didn't know much about how strong level 130 was because he had never seen a battle at this level.

But it doesn't matter no matter how strong he is, he has many life-saving skills, and no matter how strong he is, he can't destroy himself with one blow.

Just wait for him to react and run away, but if it calls the insect swarm away, it will be a bit troublesome.

So next, he had to move quickly, but try not to be discovered by the insect swarm, lest they notify the giant stinging insects in outer space.

As the second arrow landed at his original location, the bursting flames once again turned the surrounding dozen kilometers into a sea of ​​flames.

A large number of prompts popped up on Li Qiuzhi's character panel:

Experience point +6421

Experience points +5217

Experience points +6562

[Experience point: 9881223]

When the prompts on the character panel stopped, Li Qiuzhi's experience points on the character panel were approaching 10 million.

At this speed, he was confident that he would earn enough experience points to upgrade his level tonight, and it was not impossible to even upgrade two levels again.

But this is the limit. I cleaned up so many bugs last night that I almost cleared them all and only upgraded two levels in a row.

Although I had recovered a lot after a day, it was still not to the point where it was all over the planet.

Li Qiuzhi changed his position and continued to summon Count Rabbit repeatedly, condensing ice element arrows and firing them, causing a large-scale melting reaction.

The next step is to record more experience points.

About twenty minutes later, the experience points on his character panel already exceeded 20 million:

[Experience point: 22140893]

Now that he has enough experience points, Li Qiuzhi is ready to take a short rest and improve his level.

But at this moment, his mental power sensed that there was a huge thing approaching from outer space, it was the giant true stinging insect.

He sighed silently, and it seemed that he was still aware of the abnormality here.

Li Qiuzhi's Rabbit Count and Shuang Huaya's super melting reaction attack is indeed useful for clearing out the insect swarm, but it cannot be said to be useless against this giant true stinging insect.

The main reason is that the outer shell seems to be very hard, and the melting reaction only has an attack range of more than ten kilometers.

For giant true stinging insects that are thousands of kilometers high, they may not even be able to break through the outer shell.

His sword intention has the characteristic of "sharpness". If he attacks with the "Sword God of Ying", he should be able to break its defense.

With such a big difference in size, his attack might be equivalent to being bitten by a mosquito.

Even though the giant true stingworm has already cast its own "death curse" in its stomach, it seems that the impact on it is not that fast due to the disparity in strength.


Invisible sound waves descended, and Li Qiuzhi, who was flying in the air, saw the ground below explode instantly, affecting a range of more than hundreds of kilometers.

This gray planet has no atmosphere, and therefore no medium for sound transmission, so it can actually cause such a large attack with sound waves.

It seems that it contains a lot of energy!

But even so, its attacks were all received by the "Heart-Heart Shield" without even shaking.

It seems that its attack is not as strong as imagined.

Li Qiuzhi summoned Earl Rabbit and prepared to shoot it with an arrow. After all, he was attacked. Out of courtesy, he should also hit him with a blow!

Count Rabbit was once again tied to the ice element arrow, and when the bow string was pulled apart and he was about to let go, a voice suddenly came from the side:

"please wait."

Li Qiuzhi blinked and tightened his grip on the arrow he was about to shoot.

If he remembered correctly, this should be a lifeless planet, but someone suddenly told him to wait? !

And he didn't feel anyone nearby at all just now.

To be able to suddenly appear next to him, I guess the other party is not a simple person. At least he is as accomplished as himself in space teleportation.

Li Qiuzhi subconsciously turned his head to the side. The other person stood five or six meters away from him and nodded slightly to him.

"Robot?" he blurted out in surprise.

Yes, it was a robot that suddenly appeared near him. He had a similar appearance to a human and wore a black top hat on his head.

The head is made of metal, generally black, with only the face and ears made of a very metallic cyan.

A pair of eyes are round, the pupils, well, they should be pupils, exuding a light cyan color, and there is a golden monocle on the right eye.

In addition, he was wearing a formal suit and tie, making him look like an elegant gentleman.

With his metal head clearly on his head, he was so dressed and so elegant, without the slightest bit of embarrassment, as if that was how it should be.

"Correction: In academia, robots generally refer to metal creations that follow programmed instructions. People like me should be called inorganic beings."

The robot wearing a black top hat said in a gentle tone.

"Uh." After hearing what he said, Li Qiuzhi probably knew that he had been a little rude to others unintentionally, so he had to apologize first:

"I'm sorry, sir, I was offended."

He heard that although the other party's tone was gentle, the voice did not sound like a woman at all, nor did the appearance. Although he did not know whether inorganic life had a so-called gender.

But since the other party behaved like an elegant gentleman, Li Qiuzhi felt that it was probably right to call him "sir".

"It doesn't matter. Most people who are not scholars or people working in professional fields will not distinguish between robots and inorganic life. You don't need to care."

The elegant gentleman shook his head slightly.

Hu Li Qiuzhi breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he didn't make the other party angry. After all, the other party looked very polite and gentleman, but at the same time, he also gave people a feeling of being invisible.

Obviously the strength is much stronger than his own, and he doesn't want to cause the other party's disgust.

Li Qiuzhi had the urge to open his golden sin-judging eyes to see the level of this inorganic being, but his eyes turned golden in front of him.

You don't need to guess to know that he may use some ability to snoop on his own information, which is a very impolite behavior.

Therefore, Li Qiuzhi suppressed his curiosity and asked instead:

"Mr. Inorganic Life, my name is Li Qiuzhi, and I am an adventurer. I don't know what to call you yet?"

"Oh, I'm rude, Mr. Li Qiuzhi, please call me 'Screw Gum'." The mechanical gentleman said as he pushed his monocle with his black-gloved hand.

"Screw Gum" is such a strange name, but screws are indeed very mechanical. Li Qiuzhi's mind was spinning, and he said with a smile:

"Hello, Mr. Screwgum, do you have any deeper meaning in asking me to stop attacking just now? Also, may I ask, why can you communicate with me without any barriers?"

When he first traveled through Teyvat, he found that he was able to communicate with Amber without any obstacles. It might be due to the physique of the traveler.

It seems that she received information from this world while traveling to Teyvat. After all, Ying is also from outside the world, and she can also communicate with the locals in Teyvat without any barriers.

Or it could simply be the ability given to him by the character panel, but it's just not displayed on the panel.

Could it be that this ability not only works in Teyvat, but can also communicate with people in other worlds outside the universe without any barriers?

"Let me answer your two questions one by one." Screwgum is still such a gentleman. There is no expression on his face, but it still makes people feel that he is smiling:

"First of all, the blow just now was a test by the giant true stinging insect. It didn't notice your specific position. If you fight back, it will confirm your position, and a more powerful attack will come here.

“As for why I can communicate with you without any barriers, it’s because my body is equipped with a ‘synesthesia beacon’, which is the cornerstone of interstellar civilization communication.

"Originally invented by Leah Salas, member No. 56 of the 'Genius Club', it was only covered in dust for hundreds of years before it was promoted to the entire galaxy by the 'Interstellar Peace Company' and the 'Erudition Society'."

"Huh? Wait, you said this is the Milky Way? There are also the 'Genius Club', the 'Interstellar Peace Company', and the 'Erudition Society'. What kind of organizations are these?"

Li Qiuzhi was fine if he didn't ask, but when he asked, he became even more confused.

"Haha, it seems that Mr. Li Qiuzhi, you have not been exposed to interstellar society. It is speculated that an extraordinary individual from an unexplored planet has entered the universe by his own ability and is in a wandering state."

Screwgum chuckled twice, crossed his arms and continued:

"You have never been in contact with interstellar society, and it is difficult for me to answer it clearly for you in a short time. I have recently been a guest at the Black Tower Space Station.

"If you want to learn about interstellar society, I can take you there with me when we return."

As a gentleman, he doesn't mind helping a human being who has just come into contact with the universe to save some time in contacting the interstellar society.

Screw Gumu believed that even if he did not help Li Qiuzhi, with his ability to roam in the deep space of the universe using only his physical body, it would be a matter of time before he came into contact with the interstellar society.

"Black Tower Space Station"

It sounds like it should be a place in the universe where intelligent creatures gather, similar to a city. Li Qiuzhi would not refuse such an opportunity. He said happily:

"Then please leave it to Mr. Screwgum!"

"It takes a little effort." Screw Gumu nodded slightly.

"By the way, Mr. Screwgum, you said you were a guest at the Black Tower Space Station. How did you end up here? Is it because of this huge insect?"

Li Qiuzhi asked doubtfully.

"Exactly." Screwgum replied, "I am a scholar and I am working on a project with Miss Black Tower, the owner of the Black Tower Space Station.

"Heita suddenly said the day before yesterday that she discovered that a giant true stinging insect suddenly jumped from the star field twelve light years away.

"She was worried that this giant true stingworm would suddenly jump to the vicinity of the azure star below the Black Tower Space Station and bring disaster to her home planet, so she wanted to kill this 'disaster' in advance.

"But Miss Heita is a willful person. She is too lazy to take action herself, so she has no choice but to ask my guest to make a trip."

After hearing Screw Gumu's explanation, Li Qiuzhi could already imagine what kind of character the owner of the Black Tower Space Station was like.

It would be too strange to tell guests to go when you have nothing to do.

"That's it." Li Qiuzhi said that he understood a little. It must have been Screwgum who just came over and saw him shooting arrows randomly before calling him.

He looked at Screw Gum and asked curiously:

"How are Mr. Screwgum going to defeat this giant stingworm? Do you need my help?"

Li Qiuzhi himself couldn't handle this huge bug, so he was a little curious about how to make Screw Gumu.

Judging from his tone, he didn't seem to think this was anything difficult.

"There is no need to bother Mr. Li Qiuzhi." Screwgum shook his head, "The Black Tower Space Station has quite a few Star Destroyers, so I asked the stationmaster to borrow one.

"With the power of the Star Destroyer Cannon, it should only take one hit to defeat this giant stingworm, but it is too close to the planet now.

"Although this planet has no life, I don't want it to turn into dust in the universe, so I plan to lure the giant stingworm away from here before taking action."

"Uh, Star Destroyer" Li Qiuzhi was a little silent. He had only seen this word in science fiction works before.

Thanks to "book friend 20240222095613968" for the 100-coin reward!

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