I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 613 Annihilation (two in one)

He was still worried about ordinary spacecraft, and suddenly someone brought a Star Destroyer in front of him. Is this step too big?

Judging from the materials Li Qiuzhi was wearing, Screw Gum could guess that the industrial level of the world he was in should be pretty good.

The accompanying cultural development is probably not much worse.

At this time, the story creators will always imagine the star sea first, so it doesn't matter if they know the Star Destroyer.

He nodded slightly and said:

"Next, Mr. Li Qiuzhi, please follow me to the ship. I will leave it to the commander on the ship to lure away the giant stinging insects."

Although Screwgum was called over by Ms. Black Tower, he naturally didn't need to take action himself to deal with a giant stingworm.

He just came here to sit in, just in case.

After all, the observed giant stingworm is just a transportation vehicle with a low status in the insect swarm. Who knows if there are any more powerful insects hidden in its body.

It's clearly not worth destroying a Star Destroyer just to deal with it.

But he didn't expect that when he was about to attack the giant true stingworm, he suddenly discovered the energy fluctuations on the planet, and the giant true stinging insect also moved closer.

Only then did Screwgum come out to take a look.

"Well, please ask Mr. Screwgum to lead the way." Li Qiuzhi was just about to put away Earl Rabbit and his bow and arrow, and follow Screwgum, when he suddenly thought that there were still many insect swarms here that had not been cleared away.

Later, when the Star Destroyer annihilates all the giant true stingers, he will not be able to find a place to gain experience points for a while.

Therefore, these remaining insects cannot be missed, so Li Qiuzhi said:

"By the way, Mr. Screwgum, these bugs feed on everything. If they are allowed to continue to develop here, the planet may be devoured.

"I'll leave a few avatars behind and continue to clean them up."

As he spoke, Li Qiuzhi summoned more than a dozen "Sword Gods of Ying", who were controlled by him to move in all directions.

"You can do whatever you want." Screwgum nodded.

In fact, there is an "insecticide" on the Star Destroyer for insect swarms, which is particularly effective on weak individuals.

But since Li Qiuzhi was so enthusiastic, he couldn't ruin the other party's good intentions.

When leaving later, if the life detector on the Star Destroyer finds that there are still insect swarms, it will not be too late to use "insecticide".

"Well, let's go then."

Li Qiuzhi followed Screw Gumu and teleported out into outer space.

With Screw Gum leading the way, they teleported directly to the vicinity of the Star Destroyer.

This is a battleship that is very similar to the space battleship in the science fiction works that Li Qiuzhi has seen before. It is overall silver and rectangular. It may be that it is in a stopped state and no tail flames are visible.

The size is estimated to be more than ten kilometers long. This size should not be large among space battleships.

However, as a Star Destroyer, if it is only responsible for short-term annihilation missions, a smaller size should be a reasonable design.

In this way, power consumption and the like should be much smaller.

"This is the White Star, a standard model Star Destroyer purchased from the company at the Black Tower Space Station. Let's teleport in."

Seeing that Li Qiuzhi seemed a little curious about this battleship, Screw Gumu simply explained.

"Hey, you can actually purchase a Star Destroyer. Mr. Screwgum, how much does a warship like this cost?"

Li Qiuzhi's eyes lit up. He didn't expect that things like Star Destroyers could be sold in the interstellar society.

If the price is right, he can just buy one directly without waiting for the Teyvat continent to study it slowly.

"Haha, Interstellar Peace Company welcomes customers no matter where they come from, but dangerous warships like Star Destroyers will not simply be sold to individuals.

"But the company also has ordinary aircraft. The cheap ones only require tens of billions of credits."

Screw Gum's light blue eyes projected a virtual screen, which seemed to be a shopping website, with star sea vehicles of various shapes placed on the shelves.

Li Qiuzhi took a brief look and found that a small craft of a few hundred meters in size that could only travel short distances within the star system using chemical fuel would require 30 billion credits.

Although he didn't know the difference between credit points and Mora's purchasing power, he felt something bad when he saw the number 30 billion.

Not to mention that only being able to sail within the star system was completely inconsistent with his requirements, let's just say that he didn't have any credit points. To him, these interstellar spacecraft were just pictures.

Forget it, let’s wait and see if there is a chance to buy the aircraft later. For now, let’s place our hopes on Teyvat.

Maybe Teyvat has researched and built it, but he doesn't have enough credits to buy a spacecraft that can only sail within the star system.

Those with jump engines that can run the entire galaxy cost astronomical amounts of money.

If there is a chance, he would like to build one. After all, Teyvat has no theoretical basis for developing a jump engine.

Using elemental power has no effect, after all, this is a distance measured in light years in one jump.

"I can understand Mr. Li Qiuzhi's interest in aircraft, but it's just where we are now." Screwgum looked at Li Qiuzhi staring at the shopping website motionlessly, and had no choice but to remind him aloud.

"Uh sorry."

Only then did Li Qiuzhi realize that they were still in the universe, and he suddenly looked embarrassed.

By the way, I don’t know what the principle of the “synesthesia beacon” is, but it can transmit sounds even in the vacuum of the universe.

He was a little curious and wanted to ask, but he felt like a curious baby. Asking everything might get boring.

So I plan to get to the Black Tower Space Station later and learn more about it. There should be a lot of people in the space station where the Star Destroyer docks.

Find someone you like to chat with and ask him casually, which should help him understand some things in the galaxy.

Next, he followed Screwgum and space shuttled into the Star Destroyer, where he appeared in a corridor.

This corridor is a beautiful silvery white color, probably made of some kind of alloy.

There were soldiers patrolling nearby. When they saw someone suddenly appearing, they were startled at first. After discovering that it was Screwgum, they quickly ran over:

"S-Screw Mr. Gum, why are you here? Who is this?"

The soldier looked at Li Qiuzhi. The invisible detector he was wearing did not identify the man, indicating that he was not a person recorded in the battleship database.

As a patrolling soldier, it is natural to inquire about such a suspicious person.

"Hello, Mr. Soldier, this is a human being discovered by me on the unmanned planet No. 712, who can freely enter and exit the universe physically.

"He is a rare talent. I want to introduce him to the space station. Can I temporarily register an identity for him first?"

Screwgum understood the responsibilities of these soldiers, so he did not embarrass him, but explained them carefully.

"Of course, Mr. Screwgum." As a member of the interstellar society, this soldier has seen strong men who can destroy stars with one strike on the Internet, so he is not too surprised.

With the guarantee of Screw Gum, he naturally had no reason to refuse.

"Hello, sir, let me take a photo of you first," the soldier said to Li Qiuzhi.

Li Qiuzhi naturally cooperated, and then registered the basic information such as name and age.

The whole process is very quick, only takes a few minutes.

After registering and uploading, the patrol soldier walked away. According to him, this temporary identity was valid for three days.

During this period, other people had doubts about his identity, and the scanning system was able to provide Li Qiuzhi's temporary identity certificate.

No need to be suspected of being a suspicious person.

"Mr. Li Qiuzhi, come with me to the command room. You should also want to see the power of the Star Destroyer Cannon."

Screwgum said.

"Of course." Li Qiuzhi smiled.

The mechanical gentleman took the lead, and the two of them walked to the command room of the battleship. They met many soldiers on the way, and without exception, they all respected Screwgum very much.

It's right to think about it. Guests who can be the hosts of the space station should have a relatively noble status.

Not long after, the two arrived at the battleship's command room.

There are many operators here, and a middle-aged man wearing a white uniform seems to be the commander here.

When he saw Screw Gumu coming in, he greeted him politely and said:

"Mr. Screwgum, the 'bait' is ready and ready to start action at any time."

"Well, Mr. Commander, please proceed as planned." Screwgum nodded.

There was nothing going on with Li Qiuzhi, so he looked around curiously.

The entire command room is also silver-white, with Li Qiuzhi and the others standing on a higher command platform, and below are the various stations for controlling the warship.

The relevant personnel are busy.

Many virtual screens were projected in mid-air in the command room, some of which were particularly large and arranged side by side.

The middle one is the real-time image of the giant stingworm. The left one seems to be the status information of each system of the battleship. The right one is probably the radar scan of the battleship's surroundings.

Li Qiuzhi has never understood it before, so he doesn't understand it very well.

"Prepare to launch the 'bait'!" the commander ordered from the command podium.

"Understood." An operator at the work station below replied. He clicked a few times on the virtual screen in front of him. "The 'bait' is ready and can be launched at any time!"

Suddenly, another virtual screen appeared in mid-air. This screen was superimposed on the image screen of the giant true insect, showing the image of the launch chamber.

There is a capsule-shaped vehicle there, with the status of each area of ​​the unmanned vehicle displayed next to it.

All green, basically normal.

The battleship commander looked at it for a while and found no problems, so he said "can launch", and a five-second countdown appeared on the screen simultaneously.

five four three two one

When the countdown ended, the unmanned aircraft was ignited and launched, and then the virtual screen showing the unmanned aircraft changed into a trajectory map calculated by the battleship system.

It should be the flight trajectory of the unmanned aircraft. Li Qiuzhi knew from looking at its trajectory that it was not heading for the giant true stinging insect.

Because its trajectory does not intersect with the coordinates of the giant worm.

The screen showed that the unmanned aircraft accelerated to thirty kilometers per second and flew at this speed for more than ten minutes. The entire unmanned aircraft began to slow down slowly and emitted lights of various colors.

Just like those lights in a bar.

Li Qiuzhi asked curiously, and Screwgum explained that it uses light to simulate pheromones at a fixed frequency that can attract swarms of insects.

The interstellar society has conducted in-depth research on these true insects, and it is not difficult to do this kind of thing.

Sure enough, when he noticed the special light emitted by the unmanned vehicle, the giant true stingworm close to the gray planet began to slowly move in the direction of the light.

Perhaps the giant true stingworm's speed was not too fast in the universe. It took about half an hour before it was far enough away from the gray planet.

The minimum standard for a Star Destroyer to release a Star Destroyer cannon without affecting the gray planet has been reached.

At this time, the Star Destroyer Cannon has also been prepared in advance. When the Giant True Insect arrives at the specific location, the Star Destroyer Cannon will be launched immediately.

The blue-white beam of light directly hits the Giant True Insect at the speed of light. This is a weapon used to destroy stars. It is not easy to deal with a Giant True Insect.

There was no need to turn the power to the maximum. As expected, the giant stingworm hit by the beam directly opened a huge hole in its body, and the surrounding bodies were turning into light spots and disintegrating.

Although I don’t know how this Star Destroyer Cannon works.

But as expected, he was already dead. Unfortunately, it was not Li Qiuqi's hand, so no experience points were given to him.

But at this time, more than a dozen of his "Ying Sword Gods" had already cleared out the remaining insect swarms on the gray planet.

This resulted in the experience points on his character panel reaching an unprecedented number of more than 40 million:

[Experience point: 41251925]

Looking at this number, Li Qiuzhi felt that there was no problem in being upgraded to two levels again. However, he was still in the command room and there were many people, so he had not been promoted for the time being.

At this time, Screw Gumu looked at Li Qiuzhi and said:

"Next, the battleship needs to recover the undamaged unmanned vehicle and collect the body tissues of the giant worm for research. It is estimated that the operation will take more than ten hours.

"How about I ask someone to arrange a room for you to rest for a while, and let you know when I jump back?"

"No problem, then I'll ask Mr. Screwgum."

Li Qiuzhi nodded.

It was still night in Teyvat, and he happened to have to go back to rest and level up.


Screw Gumu took Li Qiuzhi out of the command room and found a soldier who asked him to take Li Qiuzhi to the rest room.

He himself returned to the command room. He probably had work to communicate with the commander later.

Li Qiuzhi didn't pay attention and followed the soldiers to a room with a good environment. Then he left a "Sword God of Ying" in the room and returned to the fairyland space.

Wonderland space.

Because I met Screw Gumu unexpectedly, I have been busy for a long time. It is already late at night and everyone has taken a rest.

Li Qiuzhi sat down on the sofa, opened the character panel and started to level up.

As he invested experience points into the level of practice progress, the process was the same as before, and he quickly improved two levels in a row, reaching level 111!

[Your level has been raised to 110, your evolution has reached a new stage, and you can obtain a "racial expertise", please choose. 】

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