How did the village student know that Su Shu was so busy every day, how could he find the time to put up a show for Douzi?

Wang Yuxian looked at the aggrieved village student and said directly: "Let's go, just go back and remind him to pick up!"

Murao: "I will definitely ask him carefully when I get back!"

Afterwards, the two continued to wander around the space!

"That seems to be the grass of life planted by Brother Shu!" Village Student suddenly pointed in a direction and said!

Wang Yuxian subconsciously turned around to look, and immediately saw a grass of life growing on the ground over there! Exuding a tender green light.

Look at the aura of this grass of life, it’s a fourth-level plant!

"Why aren't they planted together?" The village student was a little confused!

Wang Yuxian shook his head and said he didn't know!

But as the next two people continued to look inside, they realized it!

There is a piece of grass of life in one place, which seems to have been transplanted from the beginning!

And what grows everywhere in space should be what grows from behind!

The two of them counted them carefully, and found that there were about thirty-seven trees on the second level, and as many as fifteen on the third level!

Even though the two of them have seen a lot, they can't help but be amazed!

Even for alien beasts, this thing is extremely exciting, let alone for the current human race, it is definitely a rare thing!

It can be said that if the effect of the Grass of Life is spread out now, the Grass of Life in the sack space will definitely cause the whole world to go crazy!

At this time, the village student who was walking suddenly stopped and stared in one direction!

Wang Yuxian was also attracted by the village student's gaze and subconsciously turned her head to look. Suddenly, she was also stunned!

In the distance, I saw a small sapling with golden color growing all over it!

But the two of them had no interest in the golden sapling! Instead, focus on the grass of life next to the sapling!

call out--

Without saying a word, the village student came directly to the grass of life and reached out to pull it out!

Unexpectedly, he stretched out his arm and directly grabbed Wang Yuxian's pear blossom gun.

Looking up, he saw Wang Yuxian looking at him with an unhappy look and asking, "What are you doing?"

Murata: "What else can we do? This is the fourth-level grass of life! It looks like it has been mature for a long time. Since Brother Shu doesn't use it, it means he has already used it!"

"Since he has already used it, the most suitable candidate left is me!"

Wang Yuxian stared after hearing this: "You? You are a sandbag, why should I be suitable for you? I am the most suitable now. I am at the gold level now. If I take this grass of life, I can become the gold overlord level!"

The village student suddenly became unwilling: "I still have the strongest defense! Then I can protect China!"

Wang Yuxian stared at the village student: "Then there's nothing we can do, let's have a fight! If you can beat me, I'll give it to you!"

The village student stared, and then said with aggrieved face: "You bully me!"

Wang Yuxian raised his head and said, "I'm just bullying you. Why?"

It can be said that Wang Yuxian is absolutely restrained against Muransheng. Wang Yuxian can easily break his defense!

The newly acquired spiked armor that Murakami acquired was of no use to Wang Yuxian. After all, by the time the spiked armor's counter-injury took effect on Wang Yuxian, he was stabbed to pieces by the pear blossom gun!

In the past period of time, the two of them have simulated it in their minds many times, but they have never fought!

The village student was dissatisfied: "You are bullying me. I want to tell Brother Shu that you can fight Brother Shu if you can!"

No matter how noisy the two of them are, they always understand that together, they are no match for Su Shu!

Hearing Su Shu, Wang Yuxian was startled, and then said: "Don't say that I bully you! Let's wait for Su Shu to let us out, and then ask him what he means. After all, this grass of life belongs to him!"

As soon as these words came out, the village students also reacted immediately!

yes! After all, this Grass of Life belongs to Su Shu, they have no right to make the decision!

Su Shu's ability to let them in safely and boldly shows his absolute trust in them. They should not mess with his things!

Immediately, the two of them turned off the engine and sat down on the ground! Even if we argue over it, we still have to look at Su Shu’s opinion!

Wang Yuxian: "If Su Shu wants to go back, something big must happen. He may have plans for this grass of life. We don't have to worry. Since one tree can grow, a second one will grow. It will always be our turn." Ours!”

Murakuo could only nod, that’s indeed the case!

In fact, gradually, the two of them also discovered that as the status of the three of them continued to improve, the issues they considered gradually became bigger!

In the past, they only had to think about themselves, but now it is different. They gradually have to think about China! In the future, we even have to consider it for the entire human race!

Unknowingly, their strength has made it difficult for them to return to their past!

Such changes made the village students feel inexplicably disappointed!

At this time, he turned his head and suddenly saw the golden sapling next to him, and couldn't help but ask Wang Yuxian: "What kind of tree do you think that tree could be?"

At this time, the ancient apricot tree was already the size of a walking stick and more than one meter tall!

Golden leaves hang on the branches, exuding infinite vitality!

Wang Yuxian: "Could it be a golden apple?"

The village student was speechless: "Golden Apple? What's your brain circuit? I think it should be Jinying Flower Dew!"

Wang Yuxian: “¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿”

While the two were discussing, the exit of the sack space suddenly opened, and Su Shu's voice came from outside: "We're here, come out quickly!"

Cunsheng and Wang Yuxian were almost suffocated. When they saw the exit was opened, they couldn't help but feel happy and quickly got up and flew out!

After they came out, they found that they had returned to Luo'an City!

Cunsheng couldn't help but ask, "Brother Shu, we are so anxious to come back, what are your plans!"

Su Shu: "I haven't thought about it yet, wait a moment, I'll call Linghuang!"

After that, Su Shu ignored the two of them and took out his mobile phone to call Linghuang!

Soon, the phone was connected, and the voice of the Spirit Emperor came out: "Su kid!"

Su Shu: "My Lord, I'm back!"

Spirit Emperor: "That's just right, the speed at which the gate of the strange beasts is opening is beyond imagination. By the way, are Cun Sheng and Wang Yuxian back too?"

Su Shu: "I'm back!"

Spirit Emperor: "That's just right, you go to take up the positions of the general managers of the three provinces respectively! The current priority is the construction of the Guard City. After you go there, organize the construction of the Guard City while organizing the masses to enter it!"

Su Shu stared: "Is the situation so critical that we need to organize the masses to enter the Guard City?"

You know, the Guard City has not been built yet, and now we need to organize the masses to enter it. You can imagine how critical the situation is!

Spirit Emperor: "Yes, the complete integration of the two worlds is not far away!"

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