I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Chapter 100: The end of the gifted

The situation in Heihe County is also beyond Su Chen’s expectations. It is not like a survivor’s base, but more like a huge refugee camp. It would be difficult for them to find people so quickly if it weren’t for the garrison. .

   The person from that city defense team found the person in charge of a jurisdiction, and then he successfully brought Su Chen and the others over.

   However, Su Chen didn't care about it. He saw Yu Hualong and first listened to Yu Hualong to introduce the situation in Heihe County.

   Yu Hualong said all of what he had seen and heard these days, and he didn't forget to say everything he did.

   After listening in silence, Su Chen expressed his appreciation for Hualong's recruitment and selection methods.

   People are the root cause. Su Chen cannot be single-handed for a lifetime. In the future, if a piece of aircraft, artillery, or other things is really made, some truly capable people will still be needed.

   But Su Chen said: "Now these people are enough for the time being, and there are no more. From then on, I won't bring people in for the time being."

After probably talking about the situation, Yu Hualong said nervously: "I recently received a piece of news. It is said that Yuanliao City has fallen into a complete space lockdown. Only one of us humans and monsters can live. The military is planning a big move. , I want to always attack Yuan Liao City and solve the problem completely..."

   Yu Hualong thought that this might be a heavy piece of information, but he noticed that Su Chen just hummed after hearing it, and fell into deep thought without any expression of surprise.

   Yes, Mr. Su himself has a military background, and these things must have been known a long time ago.

For a moment, after Su Chen came back to his senses, Yu Hualong later realized something again. He slapped his forehead and said, "Mr. Su, there is one more thing, the manager of this area is the corpse chaser. he……"

   Yu Hualong couldn't finish what he said, and suddenly there was a faint commotion outside.

  Yu Hualong and the others only have three rooms. In order to welcome Su Chen, Yu Hualong specially set aside one for the two of them to talk, not wanting to be interrupted at this time.

   Immediately afterwards, there was a rapid knock on the door outside.

   Yu Hualong frowned slightly, he glanced at Su Chen, and saw that he was not unhappy, then he breathed a sigh of relief: "What are you doing? Don't I know if I am talking to Mr. Su?"

   "Mr. Su, Boss Yu, it's... the person from the research institute is here!"

   The outsiders were a bit nervous when Yu Hualong said, but they couldn't hide the surprise and incredible in his tone.

The scientific research institute, that is the place where the Heihe survivor base has the highest treatment. The military and the federal government have raised experts in various fields as if they were for the Supreme Emperor. It is said that even the food and accommodation of the deputy commander Liao, who is in the head of Heihe. The conditions are not as good as a powerful expert!

   And because of the special nature of the scientific research institute, there is almost no intersection with ordinary people, but he didn't want to. Mr. Su only entered the Heihe County Survivor Base on the front foot. When he came here, the people from the back foot scientific research institute came straight to the door!

   Heihe County is not a big place, and news spreads quickly but it is normal.

   Su Chen didn't think that the scientific research institute valued himself, but instead thought that it might be Professor Chen, so he went out to check.

   Sure enough, the person who came outside was slender, with short hair, and it was Xia Chuwei who had not been seen for a long time.

   Compared with the last time we parted, her clothes and face are much cleaner, and she looks bright and capable.

   Seeing Su Chen, she smiled slightly and said: "Professor Chen wants me to invite you to the research institute, but I don't think you will go."

   Su Chen said: "Then what are you doing here?"

Xia Chuwei said: "Of course I came to see you and tell you something. Lin Mo is in the scientific research institute. His situation is very special. Professor Chen wants to arrange tests and experiments for him, but it is a pity that he has not been able to On the top...Because there are too many priority projects, compared to this, a strong talent is too unimportant..."

   Speaking of this, Xia Chuwei had a sudden stop and glanced at the people in a circle around him.

Here, there are people from Hualong, and other survivors living in this building. Those survivors can live here, which is a bit of background, but they are just small shrimps, but they did not expect to be affected by them. Yu Hualong, who is the same little shrimp as himself, is actually a deep diving dragon, and there are people in the scientific research institute and the defense team!

  With such a big background, why are more than 100 people still nesting in this place with bigger farts!

In fact, Yu Hualong didn’t know that Su Chen had such a background, but he understood that even if he knew it in advance, it would be useless. The answer is simple. These contacts and relationships are only useful after Su Chen arrives at Heihe Headquarters. Su Chen did not arrive. If Heihe always pointed out, or if he would never reach Heihe always pointed out, that's another matter.

   Su Chen glanced at Xia Chuwei, then took her to the room where Yu Hualong had cleared it out.

Xia Chuwei said: "I have been in the scientific research institute during this period. I have learned one thing. The abilities of some talented people have side effects. I don't know if you have heard of'rotten wood'. It was discovered before the cataclysm. , The first S-level talent, his ability has unlimited online, but... his ability has fatal side effects, the stronger the power he bursts out, his telomeres will become shorter, you know what the end Is it a grain? That is a special structure composed of multiple repetitive non-transcribed sequences and some binding proteins, which are closely related to apoptosis, cell transformation and immortalization. Each time a cell divides, the telomeres of each chromosome will gradually become shorter Some, and the power of deadwood infinitely intensified this process~www.readwn.com~Do you know what this means? The stronger he is, the closer he is to death.

"The research institute has done relevant research, but they have not found the root cause and solution. Especially after the catastrophe, this research was almost interrupted. Professor Chen believes that Lin Mo's crazy state of abnormal state may also be related to In this connection, the ability of the talented person may not only come from the dark energy itself, but also from the unbreakable mysterious genetic code of our humans.

"and so……

   "Su Chen, do you feel anything unusual?"

   Xia Chuwei's remarks made Su Chen frightened, but he understood that Xia Chuwei was worried about his situation. This is the reason why she ran here in the first time. She was worried about her friends.

However, Su Chen himself knows that there is nothing abnormal in his body, and he is even strengthening his body to "evolve" into an inhuman field, let alone any side effects. Strictly speaking, Su Chen is not aware of himself for the time being. Whether it is really a gifted person, because his ability comes from the ring of Anova, but the application of perception is the change of his ontology.

   Thinking of this level, Su Chen's heart jumped slightly.

   According to this kind of thinking, his own path is like the correct way for humans to apply dark energy, because there is no mistake, and it is changing for the better, but the talented people have a lot of problems...

But it’s a pity that Su Chen doesn’t know how to take this correct path. Otherwise, maybe he can help these people, especially Lin Mo and Mu Wenshan. The former is his friend, and the latter is a great one. Man.

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