I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Chapter 101: Meet Liao Chengdong

Xiao Chen left the three-story supermarket and went straight to where Su Chen and Yu Hualong were.

The streets of Tucheng are so big, Su Chen’s noise was not big, but not too small, and it spread quickly. On the way, Xiao Chen was also quietly inquiring about the situation there, but the more he inquired, The more frightened he jumped.

   Because the situation seems to be different from what he and his boss Xiao Zhicheng thought, it seems that there is only one person called Mr. Su who is really valued.

   Moreover, many survivors who have been talking about that person are not talking about Mr. Su, but "monster killer"!

One survivor even said with convincing words: "At that time, we were following a platoon convoy of the military. I saw the off-road vehicle galloping out of the darkness. It was the car of the monster killer. They only appeared and chased our monster. He fled in a hurry, and a figure flew out of the car, directly killing a pitch-black monster in the sky! You can't go wrong, these people are monster killers, and that Mr. Su must be that figure!"

   This person hasn't even seen what Su Chen looks like, but he vowed to say it, as if he had seen it with his own eyes, but there were also many people on the side.

Most of these people were survivors who retreated. At that time, it was when Su Chen was hunting black scale monsters everywhere. Because it was easier to find monsters by finding people, Su Chen and the others had a high rate of appearance. For most people, it was just a glimpse, but it also left a deep impression. The name of the monster killer was spread in this way, and it was spread widely. Although everyone saw a little, it was pieced together in this way. When I got up, it was almost at odds and ends.

Of course, Xiao Chen has also heard of monster killers, but those who can chase black scale monsters to kill where black scale monsters rages. Therefore, at first he did not believe in the rumors of these people, but as they said more and more The more details and details, he really believed it. When he got to Yu Hualong's side, he began to wonder if he could complete the character explained by the boss?

   If this is really a monster killer, can you be a kid for them?

   It's a pity that Xiao Chen came tremblingly, and even Yu Hualong hadn't seen it, and the street became lively again.

   A huge whistle sounded from outside the street, accompanied by faint chaos.

   The three general-pointed military vehicles directly separated the crowd and drove into the streets of Tucheng, but they also came straight here!

   At the same moment, Su Chen, who had already received the news, was also going out.

   Of course, the three military vehicles did not come to pick him up, but escorted a big man.

   Liao Chengdong, the Supreme Commander and Deputy Commander of the Heihe General Director.

   When I heard who was sitting in the car, Xiao Chen was dumbfounded. When the deputy commander Liao came over, 80% of them came to win over that Su Chen. Compared with Deputy Commander Liao, they drew a fart!

Su Chen did not expect that he would come in person. Although the people around him were shocked and speechless and felt that Su Chen’s background was against the sky, Su Chen knew that Liao Chengdong, as a high position and holding a heavy soldier, would deliberately come to see him. The overall situation in Yuanliao City has become too bad.

   Therefore, Su Chen didn't put on airs. He was there to meet people who could really see him. When Liao Chengdong came, he went out to meet him.

The door of a military vehicle in the center opened, and the soldiers on it got out of the vehicle one after another. The last one came down was an adjutant. He glanced at Su Chen vigilantly, and then seemed unwilling to probe into the vehicle and asked: "Deputy Commander Liao, you Are you sure you want to see him in your stomach?"

Liao Chengdong was in the car and emptied everyone. He obviously wanted to talk to Su Chen alone, and this adjutant’s vigilance was also normal. Su Chen’s danger level was extremely high, not to mention the fact that one person became an army, but it was extremely terrifying. Always beware.

   Liao Chengdong did not respond, only a voice came from inside: "Mr. Su, please come and sit down."

   Su Chen did not refuse.

   Watching Su Chen board the military vehicle, He Xuanheng turned his head behind him, and he pulled Yu Hualong to walk behind, wanting to explain something.

   At this moment, the meeting request brought by Xiao Chen, who represented Xiao Zhicheng, was passed on to Yu Hualong. Solicitation does not know when it has quietly become a meeting.

   Yu Hualong was a little surprised: "Xiao Zhicheng wants to see us?"

   He Xuanheng reacted faster, he immediately said: "He wants to recruit us. Tell that person, Mr. Su has no time to see their boss!"

   He Xuanheng’s words were extremely strong, and he said it very logically. He heard it as if, "Who is Xiao Zhicheng, is he worthy of Mr. Su to waste time to see him in person?".

   Yu Hualong couldn't help but open his mouth wide. Although he thought that Mr. Su was a great and powerful person, he did not have the confidence of He Xuanheng. After all, yesterday, he still had to rely on the breath of others and envy the three-tier supermarkets occupied by the other party...

   The gap is too fast and too big.

He Xuanheng took a look at Yu Hualong and smiled when the people over there spread the word back, "Lao Yu, do you think I'm too arrogant? If you change to Mr. Su, maybe he won't do that, but this He still didn't understand enough about this matter, you believe me, there is no problem.

   "Look back and tell me who Xiao Zhicheng is. He will definitely come over to see Mr. Su, but Mr. Su can't have time to see him. We still want us to deal with him."

   "Deal with..." Yu Hualong swallowed and spit, dealing with a manager? But he didn’t doubt He Xuanheng’s words. He had known He Xuanheng for a long time. He knew that he was a man who took one step and looked ten steps. He rarely made mistakes in his judgment. But he couldn’t help but ask more, "Mr. ,how……"

He Xuanheng only shook his head, turned his head and took a deep look at the military vehicle behind Su Chen and Liao Chengdong~www.readwn.com~ and said: "Brother Yu, something big is about to happen, we and Mr. Su and Yuanliao City are very good. After this multiplication, there will be a future. Come, I have something to tell you."

   Yu Hualong looked at He Xuanheng's back and opened his mouth. He actually wanted to say that Xiao Zhicheng also had a background, but he watched He Xuanheng walk inward at an unprecedented steady pace, and finally understood something with hindsight.

   In this era, "background" is indeed useful, but it will not be useful to people who have become "background".

   This is He Xuanheng's confidence. Even Su Chen, who has been busy solving the problems in Yuanliao City, didn't realize it.

   Su Chen looked at the military, monsters, and evil gods, the most pressing life and death, but He Xuanheng couldn't take into account the issues of life and death, he looked at ordinary people and part of the overall situation.

   At this time, Su Chen had also gotten into Liao Chengdong's car.

   Liao Chengdong was older than Su Chen imagined, and with a little tired face on his face, he slowly smiled when he saw Su Chen: "Mr. Su, it is better to see once, and he is indeed a remarkable person."

   "Overwhelmed. Su Chen." How could Su Chen couldn't tell the polite words.

"Liao Chengdong. Now the highest person in charge of the Heihe Military Unified Operations Command Center." Liao Chengdong paused slightly and said, "A lot of things, Mu Wenshan should have already told you, and I won't talk nonsense anymore, although we are the first Once we met, but I also learned that you have already been to see the endless fog wall-we have tried, and we can't leave from a high altitude. I wonder if you can do anything, Mr. Su?"

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