I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Chapter 102: The "doors" of 2 worlds

Facing Liao Chengdong's searching gaze, Su Chen shook his head and said, "Although I think I am very powerful, I have not yet reached the point where I can easily solve all problems."

   Liao Chengdong let out a laugh, and said in a very down-to-earth manner: "It seems that you are not inflated."

   Su Chen had no intention of talking nonsense. He knew what Liao Chengdong was going to say next, and immediately said, "The problem in Yuanliao City must be solved. Do you have any plans?"

   Liao Chengdong was taken aback for a moment, seemingly unexpected, but also unexpectedly, saying: "We do have a plan. It seems that I don't need to say anything more?"

Su Chen said: "I am not so stupid, nor so selfish. I will do what I can do, and I will help people who can help, but I am not great enough to stop my own development and growth. Point.

   "I understood it the moment I saw the fog wall.

  "There is only one way now, the monsters die, or we die.

  "Only by uniting all forces and finding a solution to the problem in the shortest time can there be a way out.

"Otherwise, when more monsters and favored ones arrive, and even their gods arrive, their combat power will swell to the limit to form an absolute advantage. At that moment, either you or me, there will be no chance to struggle a bit. Up."

   "I don't want to die stupidly on the way to escape and hide." Su Chen's smile gradually converged, and his expression was serious: "The problem is unavoidable and must be resolved.

   "Fortunately, I am a person who can participate in solving problems. I don't have to give my life to others and pray for survival.

   "So this time, even if I die, I will die on my way to victory.

"So, I want to cooperate with the military, not just me, here my people, and Lin Mo, but we are fighting for our own way, please allow us to have a little bit of selfishness, I also said, I am not a great man. I admire those who give and give the greatest respect and help.

"So we are just cooperating. We are willing to be the nails on the battlefield, and we can even fight for the key battle situation, even if the battle is dead, because that is the result of our fighting for survival, but we never want to be cannon fodder or decoy, and become the military. A chess piece in front of the huge chariot. I understand that these people of us are still nothing to the strength of the military, but I think that in the battle at the Hecheng factory, Lin Mo and I have proved ourselves. As long as it is used properly, I believe we can play an unimaginable role in critical situations.

   "This is all I have to say.

   "It is also my attitude."

   Liao Chengdong said: "I can give you the entire combat plan. At this stage, many things that should be secrets are no longer so important in themselves. You can judge by yourself when the time comes."

   While talking, Liao Chengdong took out a military notebook from his side and said, "I have brought a rough plan. You can read it now."

   Su Chen was a little surprised: "You..."

Liao Chengdong spread his hands and said frankly: "Although many of our people in the China Region like to play dumb puzzles and go around in circles, I was like that before, but now the situation is different. We don’t have time. I must be the fastest. Speed ​​to confirm your joining. Because the war may break out at any time, I must confirm as soon as possible that everyone is in the necessary position."

   This is the most sincere answer.

Su Chen did not rush to look at the plan first, nodded slightly, and said, "Yes. Our time is running out. Therefore, I will get to the point. I hope to get some help from the military. Don't worry, I will not occupy yours. Manpower and too many resources, I only need you to provide me with a certain amount of weapons and ammunition, and I need the research institute to design and manufacture a suit of armor for me.

   "—You should know what I use them for."

This time Liao Chengdong rarely hesitated. It seemed that he was considering and judging something. After a while, he said: "Yes, but I will only provide you personally. We can meet your needs. If you have more, we will give it to ordinary survivors. It is meaningless to be a gifted person, and you should understand this."

   The military's supplies are really scarce.

Without waiting for Su Chen’s response, Liao Chengdong continued: “As for the scientific research institute, I can appoint some people to help you, but not too many. The cataclysm came suddenly without any warning. Many experts died. Yuanliao City It's just a place where there are not so many talents. The core part of the people is working day and night in the research and development of new weapons, the method of breaking away from the fog wall, and the method of completely cutting off the point of arrival from our side.

  "Especially the last two points, almost all the scientific research resources we have now are involved.

   "So, I can't guarantee the time from your armor design to construction, and even, no, it will almost certainly be after the war..."

Su Chen had some regrets in his heart, but he knew that Liao Chengdong’s words were unchangeable. Su Chen had expected this situation a long time ago, and there was no much frustration, even if the new armor was really within a few days. Once created, he may not have the time and enough energy to complete the magical transformation.

   can only be postponed temporarily, let's design first.

   Su Chen took a deep breath, nodded, and said: "Okay. That's it."

   said, he took the notebook in Liao Chengdong's hand and began to check the information inside.

"This thing can be shown to you. You can tell a little bit about it, but you can't let more people know it. So you can only watch it here. I'm sorry." Liao Chengdong explained on the side: "The actual situation in Yuanliao City. I don’t know how much you know about Mr. Su.

"The place where the disaster broke out, the place where the **** lightning passed, was the space with cracked seams, just like a piece of clothing being stretched and cracked open. This is how the first monster squeezed in. From the observation point of view, there is no process of squeezing. Instead, it appears as if a ghost emerges from the inner world instantly. I don’t really understand these things, but I’ve heard from the experts of the scientific research institute that these holes exist for the purpose of Truly open the descent channel. UU看书www.uukanshu.com

"Because the opening is too small, only low-energy creatures such as long and thin ghosts and black scale monsters can pass smoothly. The high-level benefactors, and even their **** (shielding) gods, must pass the descending point to be true. The so-called arrival point is more like a door, a door connecting our world and their world. Therefore, there is the great sacrifice in Yuanliao City that you have experienced.

"A sacrifice was held in the four urban areas of Central, West, East, and South. Experts from the scientific research institute observed that at least two loved ones tried to come over there. What they wanted to do when they came over is unknown. Maybe they are going to kill. The light humans may have to open more doors to allow their gods to come over, but we successfully blocked the opening of the doors of Xicheng District and disrupted half of the process of opening the doors of Dongcheng District.

"This makes the dry shadow of the strongest favored person you have ever seen and is stuck between the two worlds, and it gives us a chance to fight it back and let it control it. A large number of servants were completely out of control and won a precious breathing opportunity.


  "The doors of Zhongnan and Nancheng Districts still opened smoothly. Every moment, countless monsters come to Yuanliao City.

  " And flesh and blood giants and pitch-black giants that were not easy to come over can also reach us in groups.

  "Even, it is very possible that more terrifying servants have come over unknowingly.

   "The situation in Yuanliao City is sliding into the abyss every moment."



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