I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 8: Aboriginal Raiders Program

Su Chen's eyes turned around, and finally fell on Bai Feng.

The best way to communicate with the natives, if the language is not clear, is undoubtedly through the dark energy perception of the upper caste, which is more useful than a translator. It can truly achieve barrier-free communication, and even experience the emotions in the other party's language. fluctuation.

Su Chen doesn't use dark energy easily now, because using dark energy means "lighting up" himself and guiding the twisted monsters in the dark wasteland. Before talking to that Tandan person, it was a last resort. With the native communication, he has no plans to use his own power.

But before Su Chen called Bai Feng, he changed his mind.

To talk to these humanoid "elves", maybe you don't have to rely on Bai Feng.

Because Su Chen suddenly thought: If these "elves"-like aboriginals are really related to humans, what they use may also be human languages.

Like the kind used by gods.

Although that language is not so similar to Federal, but after all, it is very similar and can be the same.

Su Chen was more worried that Bai Feng was talking nonsense. Moreover, if Bai Feng negotiated, he might have to go outside the drop-shaped spaceship, which might be dangerous.

Therefore, Su Chen immediately activated the external interaction device of the water drop-shaped spaceship, mimicked a device with a big speaker, and spoke first, shouting to the pterosaur knights outside, "We are not malicious, we want to talk to you guys. Talk about it, please stop your attack immediately, otherwise, we will fight back, believe me, our counterattack is not something you can bear, so please keep calm and restraint, stop attacking us, and send a commissioner, Communicate with us.

"I repeat, we are not malicious, nor are we here to make trouble, on the contrary, your planet is going to have a big problem, this world tree is going to have a big problem, we are here to help and solve the problem, if you Can understand what I'm saying, I hope you can lay down your weapons and we can negotiate peacefully!"

With the aid of the water drop-shaped spaceship's equipment, Su Chen's voice was quite loud, resounding like a dull thunder, and the elves who were originally attacking around the water-drop-shaped spaceship were startled and scattered.

At this point, Su Chen didn't know if his words were understood, but the surrounding of the water drop-shaped spaceship that was unable to leak was finally "clean".

Lu Anbang's head came closer, looked outside, and said, "Can they understand you when you talk like this?"

As an officer of the old empire, Lu Anbang was not very optimistic about the culture and civilization of the indigenous people.

Outside, those pterosaurs were retreating again and again, and the knights on their backs communicated with each other in a strange way - it was similar to whistling, and it was high in the air.

Therefore, the elven knights in the high sky can communicate at high speed without fear of strong wind and distance.

This made Su Chen start to doubt whether the other party could understand what he said.

Su Chen's eyes moved to Bai Feng again.

Bai Feng's perception couldn't spread out - if these natives couldn't understand him, Su Chen would consider throwing Bai Feng out to communicate with them.

Anyway, Bai Feng is very powerful now. Even if he is beaten by a group, he should not die.

Dangerous thoughts swirled in Su Chen's mind, how clever Bai Feng was, what Su Chen could think of, he could naturally think of.

Bai Feng turned his head, glared at Su Chen, and said, "Don't even think of throwing me out as an indigenous diplomat! The Federation is a place where human rights are discussed. I'm not happy, and neither can anyone!"

Su Chen said, "You take the initiative to go out. I won't tell Ye Xiaoxiao about the beautiful girls you see here and there today."

Bai Feng: "This trick doesn't work for me, Ye Xiaoxiao doesn't care about things like me."

Su Chen looked at him and said, "Okay, then since that's the case, it shouldn't be a problem for me and Lu Anbang to talk to you, right?"

Lu Anbang: "Why did you get involved with me?"

Bai Feng: "..."

Just as Bai Feng started to think, Su Chen's eyes moved slightly - because he noticed that those pterosaurs and elves had new movements!

In the sky, the colorful group of pterosaurs slowly separated, and a huge gray pterosaur, which was larger than the other pterosaurs, slowly flew out from it, and on it sat an old elf-like aboriginal.

Numerous pterosaur elf knights surrounded him.

Bai Feng also got to the bow of the boat, stared at this scene, and complained: "Appeared! Aboriginal elders! Sure enough, the aboriginals in the entire universe are all a pattern!"

Bai Feng's guess was right, this old native should be a kind of creature like an elder, but he complained that Su Chen felt that this might be because these elves were in the same vein as humans, and now such a change is happening, it is obviously the other party "Understood" what he said.

At this moment, the old native said, "We are willing to talk to you."

The language it uses is very similar to that used by the gods, and is older and more systematic than Federal.

But this old native is a fourth caste.

In this group of indigenous people, it can definitely be called the most powerful individual. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Lu Anbang exhaled and said, "It's a good thing to be able to communicate. Should we invite it in or go out to talk?"

Su Chen said: "Inviting it in may not be successful, let's go out."

Bai Feng glanced at Su Chen and said, "Then who are we sending out?"

Su Chen noticed his gaze, the corners of his mouth twitched, and said, "How about... I'll go out?"

Bai Feng didn't want to think about it and said immediately, "Thank you! Come and I'll open the door for you!"

Su Chen said, "Don't you want to go out and meet the female knights?"

Bai Feng said: "They can summon super giant wasps. And I'm not afraid that you will sue me?"

At this time, Su Chen reacted with some hindsight. Bai Fengtian, who was not afraid of the sky and the earth, retreated. It seemed that it was the large wasps summoned by the elves.

Lu Anbang hummed and said, "I didn't see that you were afraid of us suing, so just say, a row of beautiful indigenous girls is in front of you, are you ripping off your clothes or turning your head and running?"

Bai Feng: "Lao Lu, your question is a little too human!"

Lu Anbang sneered: "Haha, so, you are not afraid of us suing, you are afraid of the wasps."

Bai Feng said angrily, "I'm more powerful than the gods. If I can beat the watchmen fleet and scream, will I be afraid of wasps?"

"You're just afraid of wasps, the devil knows why you're afraid of wasps?"

"Aren't you afraid that the ghost grows so big? You don't have to poison you if you drop a needle, it will blow you right through!"

While speaking, Su Chen also opened the hatch of the drop-shaped spaceship again, and with the help of the aircraft and the quarrel with Lu Anbang, he flew to the pterosaur indigenous group.

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