I can magically change the ninth chapter of the black technology text volume to negotiate that Su Chen flew out, and the pterosaur group was another commotion.

The appearance of these pterosaurs is similar, but the color of each other is not the same, and the patterns are also different.

And those elf knights were very wary of Su Chen. As soon as Su Chen came out, they all drove the pterosaurs forward and made some shouts like a demonstration.

It's just that these elves are all handsome and beautiful, no matter how fierce they are, they can't be fierce, and they still look good.

Su Chen is also someone who has seen big scenes. These natives still can't scare him. To be honest, they are not as scary as the previous wasp colonies. In fact, Su Chen can also vaguely understand why Bai Feng is afraid of wasp colonies. The hornet was also a little creepy, as if it was naturally engraved in the bones, and the concept of avoiding the hornet from a young age, and now seeing such a big hornet, or a group, who can not be afraid? Who can not instinctively coward?

Why do people say that the most powerful thing is their own will?

It is because people rely on their own will to overcome their instincts, and sometimes instincts do not represent your true choice.

But this in turn shows that instinct is the most powerful and incompetent.

Su Chen calmly passed through the countless pterosaur knights. When the elves saw that the demonstration was useless, they also stepped aside and let the old native who should be an "elder" slowly move forward.

This scene seemed a bit spectacular.

Seeing this, Bai Feng, who was behind, couldn't help but say, "You said, if the old aborigines let out the growling roar at this time, attracting a bunch of superstar wasps and the same large aniseed insects, will Su Chen scream and hug his head?"

When Lu Anbang heard the words, he opened his mouth to speak, but in the end he didn't say anything, only silence, and then became more and more silent.

Seeing that he didn't talk to Bai Feng, he was immediately bored, so he continued to observe the front.

The old aborigines also moved forward in the crowd. The female knight of the third surname with a red snakeskin-like ribbon before, followed it and surrounded it until it waved her hand, indicating Everyone else stepped back, and the other elf knights stepped back one after another, allowing the old native to get close to Su Chen.

Su Chen has no pterosaurs, so the two can be relatively close.

The old aborigines looked very old, with gray hair, but they were still in good spirits, with the light of wisdom in their eyes, they looked at Su Chen up and down, and said first, "Invaders, why are you here? You? The language used was weird."

This is a fourth caste, even if it looks very old, it still has a long life to live, and it can still be "young".

Su Chen's expression remained unmoved. He had already figured out how to start this conversation on the way he had just arrived. He pointed to the huge trunk of the World Tree not far away, and said, "I am not an intruder, I am responding to its call. come."

The old native was surprised when he heard the words, and said, "You came in response to the call of the tree of life?"

"To be exact, I came in response to its rescue." Su Chen thought about it, he felt that the natives of the original life may not know, they may not even know that there is a top star suppressed here, and the top star and the top star do not know. The original life will no longer have a concept, so he said, "It sent a seed into the universe, and through that seed, it was asking for help from the human beings in the universe. I learned from it that the suppression of the planet below With an incomparably terrifying devil, the devil revives, the entire universe will fall into the flames of war, and you, the beings who live on this planet, will all die.

"So, I want to know, do you know about this? If so, how much do you know about that devil? We tried to communicate with this world tree, but failed."

Although Su Chen and the old native can understand each other, there is still a slight difference in the language. Therefore, Su Chen is right, but the speed of speech has been slowed down as much as possible.

But after hearing Su Chen's remarks, a series of changes took place on the face of the fourth-caste old aborigines.

Judging from the change in its face, Su Chen realized that it definitely knew something!

However, the old native still seemed to have some doubts about Su Chen and others. Facing Su Chen's series of questions, he thought about it and didn't give a positive answer, but said, "Well, come with me, let's go down and talk. ."

Su Chen turned his head and glanced at the drop-shaped spaceship behind him.

What the old native realized, he said: "You can ride that thing down, and I can see that there are so many of us that we may not be able to get you, but... this matter is very important, please come down and talk about it. ."

In this regard, Su Chen didn't say anything anymore. He immediately returned to the drop-shaped spaceship, ready to follow these indigenous elves.

The aboriginal "elder" also said something to other people, and he also used a whistle-like communication method, as if hearing ~www.readwn.com~ in the distance, it was like a bird chirping.

At the moment, the pterosaurs took the lead and swooped down, followed by the drop-shaped spaceship.

Although these pterosaurs and elf natives are locally grown and very suitable for the environment of this planet, they are not as advanced as advanced technology. Su Chen can see that some elves and the unbreakable drop-shaped spaceship are a little annoyed and have been accelerating. , want to run faster than the drop-shaped spaceship, but how can they run faster than the water-drop-shaped spaceship? The drop-shaped spaceship easily accelerated a little, leaving everyone behind, only following the fourth-caste indigenous elders in front.

Lu Anbang said with emotion, "This is still too primitive!"

As they rapidly lowered their heights, the shadow world shrouded by the canopy of the World Tree rushed towards them. Passing through the layers of shade, Su Chen and the others came to a relatively open space, where there were some simple wooden houses and Grass houses, but those dwellings are basically empty.

Su Chen looked around and could confirm that the old native did not take Su Chen to their real place of residence, but landed in an abandoned residence or a place similar to a sentinel.

Su Chen didn't care either. He didn't care about the local indigenous people here, no matter what their relationship with humans was, it was meaningless.

After landing, the gray pterosaur carrying the old native soared into the sky, and disappeared between the clouds in the blink of an eye, and it took the lead in walking towards a large wooden house in the middle.

Bai Feng and Su Chen also got off the water drop-shaped spaceship, and followed closely behind. During this process, other elves and natives also landed one after another, and the pterosaurs left with them. They were very vigilant and surrounded the central wooden house and the water-drop-shaped spaceship. It's watertight.




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