I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 10: Suppressed Devil

Chapter 10 of I Can Magically Change Black Technology The suppressed devil's wooden house is very simple and looks like an abandoned original house, and there are even some plants and mushrooms growing in the corners.

The "elder" took a seat in the middle of the room, facing everyone.

When it came here, its attitude softened a little more than in the sky just now, and even invited Su Chen and Bai Feng to sit down and took the initiative to introduce their situation.

This "elder" is named Sera, and he has lived for nearly a thousand years. According to him, this group of them has a very long lifespan. After mastering the power of nature, that is, dark energy, they will live longer. Among their groups, there are even individuals who have lived for more than two thousand years.

Bai Feng was startled and muttered, "Isn't this a elf?"

The content of Bai Feng's complaints was almost the same as what Su Chen was thinking at this time. This similarity made Su Chen more and more certain that this group must be inextricably linked with humans and even human gods. . However, these indigenous creatures that are exactly the same as those described by the "elf" in Su Chen's memory claim to be "forest people". They are close to nature, and have been with nature. They have reproduced on this planet for an unknown number of generations.

Although their individual life spans are very long, they have existed on this planet for a longer time, even more than 10,000 years. History has washed away their origins from generation to generation, and they themselves do not know.

Therefore, they don't know when they appeared here, but they live here with a single goal, which is to protect the World Tree.

According to the elder Serra, according to the legends of the forest family, protecting the tree of the world is the reason why they appeared on this planet. Their ancestors were assigned by the gods and were ordered to come to this planet and be stationed there. On this planet, defending the tree of the world here, and with the passage of time, the forest tribe itself has reproduced from generation to generation, the original purpose has become blurred, and the people of the forest tribe naturally begin to remember those old days. Doubtful, but their survival is tied to the world tree, which is the root of the entire planet's ecosystem, and for this reason, they regard the world tree as a sacred tree, even if they don't remember protecting it in the first place The reason is that the world tree is still at the core, and it has been guarded from generation to generation.

With the existence of the World Tree, this planet can prosperously reproduce, and it will be peaceful for generations to come.

They call the tree of the world "the tree of life" and "the tree of gods" - that towering giant tree is not only the object of protection of these forest tribes, but also the totem and **** they worship.

This is very strange. They doubted the statement that "their family was entrusted by the gods to come here to guard the world tree", but they regarded the world tree as a totem and a god. Such a situation may only appear in such a relatively primitive and backward social form.

Su Chen listened to Serra's description, but it matched his guess one by one.

This so-called forest tribe should also be the biological group that stood on the side of the twenty-seven gods of primitive stars in the ancient times, or even a subspecies of the former human beings. Therefore, in the war in the chaotic star field in the past, the **** of death suppressed the original star. Life, they found them, left them here together, let them guard the safety of the planet, and ensured that the original life would not break the town, but because the time is too long, those things have been ignored by this group. Oblivion has become a real old legend.

Moreover, the people of these forest tribes are also very strange. Their civilization is quite backward, but they have the concept of planet and civilization, and they know things such as ecosystems, etc. At the same time, they are not good at technology. For thousands of years, The fires of technology are all stuck at a fairly primitive level.

Of course, this has something to do with the environment of this planet, and it has something to do with the forest race itself and the habits of civilization.

If the giant tree that goes straight into the sky is the tree of the world, and this planet is the jungle world, then this race is the child of the forest.

According to Serra, their dark energy is also a gift from the World Tree and the forest. Their homes, food, power, etc. all come from the forest and the World Tree. Therefore, they must protect the safety here and the existence of the World Tree.

"I don't know if the Divine Tree has sent a distress message to the outside, but we know that it is conscious." Sera said, "This is also the reason why I am willing to talk to you, because we often get instructions from the Divine Tree, the fact On, just a few months ago, we were instructed by the tree of gods, which told us that in the next six months, there will be a huge disaster, the fire of destruction will fall from the sky, and it will burn down our homeland. The flames will even start from our homeland and burn to the end of the universe and the world, bringing endless pain and destruction."

When Su Chen heard this, he understood most of it, and said, "That's why you attacked us and regarded us as some sort of destroyer?"

Bai Feng asked, "Is this tree conscious? How did you communicate with it? Does it have a face? Can we talk face-to-face?"

Too many questions~www.readwn.com~ Sera answered Su Chen's question first, saying: "Yes, because the vehicle you are riding is very similar to the spaceship recorded in our literature, so we Thinking that you are the aliens who bring destruction, we attacked you to stop you from destroying it all.

"But I think we may have guessed wrong - you are very similar to us."

Sera looked at Bai Feng and Su Chen in front of her.

Apart from the fact that the ears are not pointy, they are almost indistinguishable from the biological population.

The World Tree said that the fire of destruction fell from the sky - shouldn't it be the original life that broke out of this planet? Could it be that the tree of the world is talking about Tandan people?

If what Sera said is true, and the World Tree really reminded me, then...

Is it that the current situation is already very bad, but they have not realized it for the time being, and the dangerous situation also lacks the appearance that can be observed and recognized by people?

Su Chen said: "How can we talk to the World Tree? We want to talk to it."

Sera shook his head, the elder of the forest clan looked at Bai Feng and Su Chen, and said, "Although I don't think you are the destroyers, and I admit that my clansmen are a little offended, but with all due respect, I still can't I trust you, I hope I can first know why you are here, and what you mean by destruction in the sky just now.

"And the demons that have been suppressed on this planet.

"What exactly is that?

"I need you to tell me everything you know."




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