Serra does know something, and also knows how to communicate with the World Tree.

Su Chen realized that they had found the right way.

The request of the elder of the forest clan was not too much. At the moment, Su Chen spoke directly and briefly explained everything he knew about the World Tree and the suppressed original life.

Of course, he did it in a way that the other party could understand as much as possible.

For example, the terrifying world-destroying devil is used to describe the original life, and the battle between the gods and the devil is used to describe the human god, the eternal life of the original life, and so on.

Finally, Su Chen said: "I don't know what you heard from the World Tree, but as far as I know, if something originates from this planet, it will bring war to the entire universe, That's the devil suppressed on this planet!"

After Su Chen's remarks, Sera's expression became more and more solemn.

But it glanced at another human, Bai Feng, who was quietly digging for mushrooms in the corner of the room.

It was a very fancy and peculiar mushroom. Bai Feng just quietly moved his **** to approach the past, and was pulling down a few mushrooms, obviously planning to go back and eat a few.

The elder, who had lived for over a thousand years, forced himself to look back and set his eyes on Su Chen, who was in front of him, and said, "The devil you're talking about, we actually know a little bit about it, in our early mythology. , part of the record about this devil. It is said that the reason why the tree of the world grows here is because it grows from the bones of the devil, takes root and spreads, and absorbs nutrients, so the tree of the world can be so huge, and it It will also eventually drain the devil's bones and flesh, and the devil will die completely.

"It's just that the record about the devil in this passage is very vague and rare, and no one has ever seen the devil's skeleton, so we always thought that it was just something fabricated by the predecessors.

"But...if what you say is true, the threat may really exist."

Hearing these words, Su Chen's heart moved slightly.

According to this meaning - is the original life buried under the roots of the tree of the world?

Su Chen said: "I'd better be able to talk to the World Tree as soon as possible."

Sera nodded. He actually had some doubts in his heart, but the relationship was important. After thinking about it again and again, he decided to take Su Chen to communicate with the World Tree and said, "I can take you there, but, there is one thing, I think to ask you."


"Since you can come here from the outside, can you also use the same method to leave our world?"

As soon as Sera opened his mouth, Su Chen understood its meaning. Before the other party could continue speaking, Su Chen promised: "Of course, you want to remove your clan? Yes, I can assure you first, but The premise is that you can really take me to communicate with the World Tree."

"Okay." Serra's eyes flashed with joy when she heard the words, "If our planet is really like a volcano about to erupt, then we can't stay here any longer. However, I can't guarantee the guests from far away in the universe. You must be able to connect with the tree of life, our communication with the tree of life has always been passive, and we can only listen to it when it wants to tell us something. I can only take you to our Holy Land, that is the only place where we can hear the voice of the divine tree."

Sierra's idea is simple.

In the few words just now, Serra has made a decision - if the planet they live on is so dangerous, then it is necessary for it to leave with its own people.

Even though they have grown and reproduced on this planet for a long time, and the ecological environment of this planet is very suitable for them, if there is danger, they must choose to leave early.

Su Chen nodded and understood.

At the moment, Sera no longer hesitated, stood up first, and led Su Chen out.

Su Chen followed closely.

In fact, Su Chen never thought about how to deal with this matter. In his expectation, the World Tree could send out such "advanced" plant signal bombs to seek help in the universe, and the World Tree could even suppress the original. Life, then 80% of the tree of the world will be very powerful. It is not the top of the starry sky. It should be similar, but the life form is rather strange. Normally, it should be similar to cracking life. solving issues.


The real situation of the World Tree is obviously different from what Su Chen expected.

When he came outside, Sera screened back a large number of elves outside, and it summoned the gray spaceship again, soaring into the sky, letting Bai Feng and Su Chen follow behind it.

And this time, there were only the three of them. Although a lot of other elves were a little nervous and wanted to follow, they were all stopped.

Sera led Su Chen and the two up around the World Tree, spinning for about a few hundred meters before they stopped at one spot.

Although it is already 100 meters high from the ground, for the huge volume of the World Tree, this is still the location of its roots, and here, there are a large number of dandelion-like trees growing on the epidermis of the World Tree. Plants, but those plants don't blow away like dandelions, on the contrary, they cluster together, exuding a lavender light in the dimly lit root zone, reflecting this piece like a sacred garden.

On the periphery of this garden, there are many elf guards. Seeing that Sera brought people over, they stepped forward to ask.

Obviously, this place belongs to some kind of holy land and forbidden land, and not just anyone can enter.

However, Serra's status is very high, and after a few simple words, no one will stop them.

So, Serra took Su Chen and Bai Feng all the way to the center of this seemingly beautiful world. Here, she slowly descended and stopped.

To Su Chen's surprise, those dandelion-like luminous plants seemed to be conscious. As Su Chen and others landed, the luminous plants under their feet fell down one after another, evading and dispersing.

From this, it also revealed the next tree hole that was one person tall and dark.

Different from the beautiful scene around, this tree hole is deep and dark, bottomless, like a tunnel leading to hell. In contrast, it is quite impactful.

Su Chen looked at Bai Feng.

Bai Feng just shook his head at him.

His dark energy perception is still ineffective, only his body energy and the dark energy around his body are useful. Therefore, he cannot use dark energy to probe the depths of the cave.

On the way here, Su Chen also asked Sera the reason for this situation.

Sera said that it is the shelter of the World Tree, and any supernatural power is limited around the World Tree, and it does not know the specific reason.

This answer is equivalent to no answer. Su Chen and the others also guessed that this is the reason for the World Tree, but they don't know how the World Tree does it, so they have no way to start and deal with it, so they can only maintain the current situation. A situation that cannot spread.

And this dark and bottomless sloping tree hole is obviously what Sierra said, and it can be used to communicate where the World Tree is.

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