I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 12: weird tree hole

The dark tree hole is a holy place for the forest tribe to communicate with the gods.

Somewhat unacceptable.

It looks as if the natives misunderstood the devil's words and regarded the devil's tomb as a holy place.

But looking at the appearance of the elder Sera and the strict defense here, Su Chen had no choice but to believe it.

This is the so-called "sanctuary".

In front of this cave, even the fierce pterosaur-like creatures became much more honest, flinched and landed not far away, not daring to look here.

Sera took a slight step back and said, "This is it, you can only enter one person at a time. After entering, if the Holy Tree wants to communicate with you, you can hear its voice. If you can't... then I don't either. There's a way."

Hearing this, Bai Feng immediately raised his hand and asked, "I don't understand, why do you have to go in one by one?"

Sera explained: "This is the rule, don't worry, there won't be any danger inside, and it won't be a problem if many people go in, but as long as there are more than one person entering the sanctuary at the same time, no matter who it is or what the situation is, they won't get it. The sacred tree is favored."

Bai Feng looked at Su Chen, he was obviously worried that there was a trap here.

Although this planet does not seem to have any risks, you must know that neither the World Tree nor the original life is a joke. The danger is hidden in a seemingly harmless environment. Something big happened, and this was the reason why Su Chen and Bai Feng were extra cautious even in the face of the relatively primitive and weak forest clansmen.

Su Chen was also pondering, and finally said, "I'll go take a look first."

It's not a problem to stand still like this, and Su Chen still thinks that these forest clans are credible, so Su Chen plans to try it first.

Bai Feng rubbed his palms, looked at the tree hole, and said, "It smells like there is a fresh air, why don't I come first?"

Su Chen shook his head and said, "I'll come, I'll go first, if you can't, you'll go."

Bai Feng didn't insist either, and after asking again, he stood to one side with his hands tied.

Su Chen immediately walked forward.

This tree hole is similar to the tunnel under the mother of origin that Su Chen walked on the strange world planet before, but its **** is obviously slower. Although it is also inclined, Su Chen can walk from here completely. Go down, stroll down.

Bai Feng is right, there is indeed a strange fragrance in it, but the space is slightly damp and cold.

There was no sound around.

As Su Chen advanced, the light behind him gradually disappeared.

Su Chen can also see in the dark, and dark energy is like fluorescence in the night to him, so he continues down.

This world tree is so big that such a cave can meander so deeply. Su Chen felt that he might have advanced more than fifty meters, and he has not reached the end yet, but gradually, the surrounding No matter how dark it was, some fluorescent moss began to appear on the wooden structure of the tree holes on both sides, glowing slightly.

Su Chen felt that the tree hole was bitten by some insect.

When he was about 70 meters away, the fluorescent moss disappeared, and darkness came like a tide.

A strange state appeared. There was no dark energy here. Su Chen could only observe the surrounding situation faintly through his enhanced dark vision.

The temperature in the space is gradually increasing. The further inward, the higher the temperature. It is like walking from the surface of the earth to the depths of the core. When passing through a certain node, Su Chen felt that the temperature may have exceeded Forty degrees, such a high temperature is definitely beyond the limit that it can withstand for plants, and even humans can’t bear it, only dark energy creatures can resist.

But Su Chen felt that this temperature seemed to be the heat of the giant tree itself.

And there is no dark energy here, the dark energy has disappeared.

This is a very strange phenomenon. Dark energy can penetrate everything and has a balance. In the universe, except for short-term evacuation, and in the dark wasteland, Su Chen rarely sees such almost non-existent dark energy. The space that can be filled is not only without dark energy now, but also without dark energy.

The dark energy from the outside seemed to be cut off at some point, and could no longer flow into the interior of the tree.

After moving forward for a while, and when it was about a hundred meters deep, Su Chen finally stopped.

——Because he has come to the deepest part of this deep tree hole.

In the blurred vision, he could probably tell that in front of him was a dark and uneven "wall" of trees.

This is the end.

There is no danger, the strange fragrance is still there.

There was darkness all around.

Su Chen felt that his instinctive dark energy could still be dispatched, and he was not affected by the surrounding environment without dark energy. The same was true for his analytical power, which was not affected.

Su Chen stood here, there was almost no difference between opening and closing his eyes, but he was still a little dazed, didn't know what to do, and didn't hear or feel the sound of the World Tree.

After thinking about it, Su Chen still closed his eyes, trying to fall into an ethereal posture during cultivation.

After the last experience on the red planet, Su Chen felt that the communication that ~www.readwn.com~ Serra said might come from the level of consciousness.

Shorting does seem to work.

Only when Su Chen entered this state, he noticed something. It was a strange feeling, similar to what he felt in the water drop-shaped spaceship before, and he opened his eyes again immediately.

He found that the position he was "in" changed.

It was strikingly similar to the state he fell into when he first came to this planet and was in a water drop-shaped spaceship. The surrounding space was no longer a world in a tree hole, but a dark, boundless vast darkness.

Su Chen turned his head.

The "River of Time" is nearby.

Su Chen suddenly realized that this might be a conscious space similar to Nakajima Hanaon's Tokyo.

Su Chen actually doesn't know what a conscious space is, but having the experience of communicating with Hana Nakajima before, he naturally made relevant generalizations and inferences.

The World Tree may use this to communicate with him.

This time, instead of walking towards the river of time, he chose to stand in place and wait.

If the World Tree really wanted to communicate with him, it would definitely be impossible for him to stay here, let alone pull him in here when Su Chen first came.

But Su Chen waited for nearly five minutes, and he was a little suspicious. Is it possible that the World Tree has been trying to communicate with him, but his sixth caste level is not enough to communicate with him, because Nakajima Hua Yin said that the premise for him to enter that Tokyo to see her is that the power of the ninth domain helped Su Chen enter the eighth caste.

However, just when Su Chen had such an idea, he vaguely heard a voice!



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