I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 14: The course of the old days

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There was light in Su Chen's eyes, not only the reflected light of the World Tree, but also the fire spewing out of his own eyes.

Desire was written in his eyes.

The golden light and shadow did not move: "Do you know why I can suppress the original life?"

Su Chen shook his head.

"Because I can pull away the power of the original life, and turn the mighty power that He emanated, trying to tear it apart, into a gentle power, into light and heat, into the source of life, into your presence in this world. everything seen on the planet.

"If you want to know about life in Pozhenyuan, if you want to know why I want to help you, you must first know how and how this planet exists.

"How on earth was the original life invincible in the chaotic star field suppressed--

"In the battle of gods submerged in time, the battle in the Chaos Starfield actually broke out from the madness of the blood demon. The battle between him and the original life spread to half of the Chaos Starfield, and countless races were involved in disputes. Countless lives passed away like ants, but Gorefiend quickly realized that he would eventually lose to the original life.

"The original life is the darling of the universe, the invincible powerhouse, they and all living things live under the same starry sky, but the difficulties and torture that this starry sky has imposed on other races, there is no way to impose them on them.

"So the Gorefiend can only choose to sacrifice himself to suppress him.

"But the original life 'flame' at that time was too powerful, and the Gorefiend didn't even touch the threshold of the top of the starry sky. It was impossible to kill him, and it was even more difficult to suppress it.

"So he hopes to use me to help him complete the killing of the original life.

"The Gorefiend uses his own life division to limit the power output of the original life. This is the essence of the so-called suppression, but this cannot really suppress the original life, because the Gorefiend can only suppress half of his power, and the other half of his power. The power cannot be controlled. If there is no other way to suppress this half of the power, the original life will be seen again in a few years.

"And my role is to digest this half of the power. My power is not enough to suppress a primordial life, but I can do it with only half of the power of the primordial life. It can reach a relatively stable level, Turn all the anger and power of the original life into bubbles, and let him be trapped between the square inches forever and ever.

"And that...that's my strength.

"I don't have a caste, I'm not a creature, I'm a living concept.

"In front of me, only life can be given meaning.

"Everything else, energy, matter, power, and even consciousness, means nothing to me.

"The power of the ninth domain is the same.

"Even if it comes from the ninth domain, as long as it comes here, it is endowed with attributes, even the attributes of increasing entropy, for me, it is the same.

"It's not difficult for me to help you get rid of this power."

When Su Chen heard this, he was suddenly enlightened.

All the previous doubts seemed to be answered.

Why is this planet so far away from the star, yet still able to maintain such a pleasant and vibrant state? That's because the World Tree has transformed the power of the original life into the power that provides the world's survival, and the reason why this planet can be hidden forever, even the Tandan people can't find it, the operation of its mechanism should also be the World Tree Do it with the power of the original life.

Moreover, Su Chen didn't have much doubt about the power that the World Tree said. It wasn't because he believed the other party all of a sudden, but because he heard Bai Feng mention his sister before.

Bai Feng's sister created something to simulate the tree of the world in Tandan's experiment.

The experiment that Bai Feng and the others participated in was different from Su Chen's doomsday experiment. It was a "human body re-implantation experiment of advanced special life re-control". Bai Feng was injected with the juvenile body of Anuru, while his sister was Tan. Dan's experiment in creating the world tree.

Later, after Bai Feng's younger sister collapsed, how similar is the "human figure" that appeared in front of Bai Feng to the human figure presented to Su Chen by the tree of the world now? According to Bai Feng's and Su Chen's previous descriptions, after his sister "lost control", it was also a kind of swallowing and transformation - she was able to swallow everything in the spaceship, metal, non-metal, and human beings, turning those things into The resources of her life ended up being part of her wildly growing vine.

Isn't this what the current world tree explains, the ability it has?

Another point, this can also explain why Bai Feng's power is not easy to use here, and even in the deepest part of this tree hole, there can be a strange "dark energy vacuum" space, which itself is extremely incredible. Only this point that the World Tree said can be explained.

It really has such power.

Su Chen was really moved.

The world tree in front of him now is gentle and amiable, and willing to help, which is much better than the Tandan people who are far away and may kill themselves.

Isn't this the best choice?

This is where the mountains and rivers are full of doubts and there is no way out!

And ~www.readwn.com~ As long as the person standing in front of you is the real incarnation of the World Tree, then they are in the same trench, so what can't you trust?

Human gods can trust and rely on them. They have suppressed primitive life on this planet for thousands of years, and even nurtured and nourished a group of lives. What can't you believe in yourself?

After a long absence, Su Chen got a little excited. He thought of something and said, "The 'forest clan' outside is also you..."

"No," replied the humanoid phantom of the World Tree, "their birth has nothing to do with me, on the contrary, long, long ago, they discovered me, nourished me, and made me grow, knowing that I will stay Here to suppress the original life forever, they also chose to stay with me.

"I didn't create them.

"We are symbiotic."

"Aren't they sent by human gods to stay here?" Su Chen was a little puzzled.

"Yes." The World Tree replied calmly, "They stayed here voluntarily."

Su Chen suddenly realized at this moment.

In the era before the war of gods, the tree of the world may have been discovered by the "forest clan", or even cultivated by the forest clan. The forest clan associated with the tree also followed, and stayed here, multiplying from generation to generation.

Thinking of this, Su Chen couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

The ancestors of the forest people who decided to move here may not have thought that this planet would be closed for so long that their civilization and race had degenerated, and now they have become a semi-primitive state of civilization.



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