I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 15: methods of repression

I can magically change the method of suppression in Chapter 15 of the Black Technology Text Volume as if seeing what Su Chen was thinking, the phantom of the World Tree whispered: "I have seen their decline and backwardness, but I have no other way. Come to help them, natural selection, this is the law of the universe. To enjoy the peace brought by closure, we must bear the corresponding consequences."

What you get, you have to give.

This is strikingly similar to the power of the ninth domain that Su Chen obtained, or in other words, this is also the law in the universe.

His doubts about the forest tribe were just a little bit of doubt. These aboriginal things had nothing to do with him.

Su Chen said: "Then what should I do? What state is the seal of the original life in now - is he about to break the town?"

The golden phantom swayed slightly, and the image of the middle-aged man wearing glasses blurred for a moment, and then he got up again, and he calmly replied: "He is indeed trying, but it is still a while before the town is really broken, I need you all. It's fair that I help you and you help me."

Su Chen also nodded when he heard the words.

The current situation is completely according to Su Chen's ideas. He originally wanted to come here to see how the original life could never come out. Now not only is he walking on this road, he can even use the power of the World Tree. Help yourself to solve the power of the ninth domain, this dream is a little unreal.

Su Chen said, "What should I do?"

The World Tree slowly opened its mouth and said: "There are four blood altars on this planet, located in the four corners of the world. You find them, hunt some creatures, water them with blood, and soak the entire altar, all four altars are like this. Do, then, when you come here again, I'll tell you what to do next.

"However, before strengthening the suppression of the original life, I am afraid it is difficult for me to help you solve the problem of the ninth domain, because all my power must be used to consume the power of the original life - you should know that once he wins a chance to survive , what the consequences will be.”

Su Chen nodded, what the World Tree said is quite reasonable, the original life is about to break down, if it can still use its strength to help itself at this time, isn't there a problem?

Su Chen said, "I know. I'll look for those four altars later."

At this time, the golden light and shadow swayed slightly, as if it was a little unstable, and it said: "Sifang altars are located in the four corners of the planet, they have not been activated for a long time, and don't feel that the blood sacrifice is cruel, this is the curse. Root - the **** of the human side who sealed the original life, is not a kind of good."

Su Chen noticed that the morning glory at the feet of the golden light and shadow had withered at some point. He frowned and asked, "Are you alright? I feel that something is not right with you."

"He heard your arrival." The golden light and shadow said lightly, "Did you hear it? He is howling, howling... We must speed up our pace."

The "He" in the World Tree Phantom's mouth is naturally the suppressed original life. Unfortunately, Su Chen didn't hear anything. In this dark world of consciousness, his senses are relatively occluded, but he Judging from the state of the World Tree Phantom, it can also be seen that the two seem to be fighting.

The golden light and shadow began to retreat, and it seemed to ask Su Chen to leave.

However, Su Chen still had many questions. He looked at the "River of Time" on one side and said, "What is that? Is that a four-dimensional river? Is that your power?"

The golden light and shadow froze for a moment. This was the first obvious symptom of its expression. It turned its head and glanced at the river of light and shadow flowing like a strip of light behind it, and replied, "That's not it, no one can have it. The river of time, three-dimensional and four-dimensional, has a natural gap. Have you ever seen two-dimensional creatures appear in our world? Two-dimensional world creatures can only glimpse a corner of our world, and we are the same, this is a gap , if you are lucky, you can glimpse a corner of time and space, I can't control it, and neither can you.

"Su Chen.

"Go, go and find the altars in the four directions, they may have been buried by dust and history, but as long as you find the right direction, it will not be difficult to find, you only need to start from the center of the world tree and go to the four directions of southeast, northwest and northwest. Go 12,000 kilometers and you'll find them.

"Activate them.

"Go back here, and I... will help you get back to life."

This is the last word that the phantom of the world tree said to Su Chen. The firefly-like light that made it up scattered in the air, and the faint light, darkness and shadows disappeared, and the world was once again. Once fell into darkness, and then the darkness disappeared.

Su Chen broke away from this world of frozen consciousness, and stood in the depths of the tree hole. There was a feeling of unevenness under his feet. The front and sides of the dim tree hole were wet tree trunk structures.

The surrounding is terrifyingly quiet, but the temperature is very high. The temperature in this core area may have exceeded 50 degrees, which can be called sweating. If it is not for being a gifted person with strong physical tolerance, Su Chen would stay here. Not so long.

At this time, Su Chen finally knew why this giant tree was so "hot".

Because it is the sun of this planet. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Although this planet is located in a binary star system, the two interacting stars are too far away, and the light and heat they emit are simply not enough to illuminate the planet and bring life to the planet. The temperature and heat they need, and it is this towering tree that brings this heat and life to this planet, and perhaps because of this, even the trees that grow in the shadow of its canopy can Lush, because although they look no different from the plants that Su Chen knows about, they are different. They do not rely on photosynthesis, but the energy delivered to them by the World Tree.

The roots of this giant tree may have covered the entire planet.

It's like a fully mechanized artificial star, but this is a fully planted star.

After a moment of silence, Su Chen stepped forward and walked out.

The distance of 100 meters is not long. When he came in, Su Chen walked very fast, and it didn't take long for him to reach the end, but he spent a lot of time on the way out - he was thinking while advancing.

But the excitement and excitement brought by "good luck" and "good things" gradually faded, and Su Chen instinctively reviewed the conversation he had just had with the World Tree, thinking about the authenticity and feasibility of this matter.

The World Tree, there is no reason to deceive him.

It also did not deceive Su Chen to achieve the purpose.

This is its greatest credibility, but it is also what makes Su Chen the most uneasy.

Maybe it's because Su Chen has been fighting for it step by step along the way, but now that the pie is falling from the sky, he can drink water when he is thirsty, but it makes him feel uncomfortable.


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