I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 18: boring blood sacrifice

Blood sacrifice.

This is a brutal and **** thing, but the process is very boring.

Su Chen found a tree stump and sat down, then watched Bai Feng lift up the corpses of the local creatures that had been hunted, and use his power to "juice" in mid-air, and the blood poured down like a waterfall, flowing into the place. In a fountain-like altar.

A large amount of fresh blood flowed in, but it fell into the altar like a mud cow into the sea, and then seeped down the dense holes in the altar pool, and it all seeped under the altar in the blink of an eye. Generally, it is sucking the flying blood frantically.

And in the process, the strange and complicated inscriptions engraved on the altar even light up slightly. The blood seems to be the source of power for this altar. The feeling of discomfort in his bones became stronger and stronger, and the surrounding air was filled with a layer of uneasy and obscure aura.

The surrounding vegetation began to wither and rot at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The peculiar-looking insects that originally existed in large numbers among the grass and trees also retreated, as if they were afraid of disappearing.

Lu Anbang pulled up the drop-shaped spaceship—he was an ordinary person who lacked protection, and it might be dangerous to get too close.

However, Su Chen and Bai Feng were always nearby.

Bai Feng was in charge of the action, while Su Chen was in charge of the observation.

At the beginning, Su Chen tried to observe the use of those inscriptions, but later he found that it was meaningless, because he couldn't decipher it at all, and he tried to use the drop-shaped spaceship to help, but it was of no use.

So it gets pretty boring after that.

Su Chen sat on the edge, even a little drowsy.

In fact, he also thought about hunting and killing the creatures on this planet to sacrifice.

From the point of view of the Commonwealth and the morality of human civilization, this is an uncivilized thing, and it even seems cruel, but it is also a no-brainer. It is important to kill some animals to suppress the original life, or let the original life kill it. Is it better to kill all the federals?

The boring sacrifice process lasted for a while. With the influx of a lot of blood, the bottomless altar was no longer drained as much blood was put in. Some new changes gradually began to take place. The **** light of the inscriptions around the altar. It began to stabilize, and the strange white rocks that formed the altar seemed to be soaked in blood, glowing with a blood-colored light, and blood gradually began to accumulate in the fountain-like pool of the altar, and finally filled the entire altar pool-like structure. .

At this time, Bai Feng stopped this "sacrifice".

Because he poured blood down again, the blood in it would even flow out.

Bai Feng fell and landed next to Su Chen, feeling the gloomy aura in the air, looking at the pool of blood and corpses everywhere, and said, "I believe this time that human gods are not good people anymore."

Su Chen stood up and walked around the altar. He didn't know what the success of the sacrifice looked like, and the World Tree didn't say anything, but looking at the current situation, Su Chen felt that it should be almost the same.

Su Chen is no stranger to this sacrifice.

When they were far away, he and Lin Mo were once targeted by the younger brother of the Australian evil god, trying to use them to sacrifice to open up a large-scale space gate. At that time, Su Chen didn't know much about sacrifice, and only felt terrified. and horror, but later, after knowing more and figuring out the essence, he realized that in fact, the sacrifice of the Australian evil gods opened the space door, which was only the necessary way to open the space door designed by the Tandan people for them - killing Dark energy creatures use the energy communication gathered by dark energy creatures to open up space doors.

The sacrifice among them is not really the sacrifice of people to the Australian evil gods, and there is no essential difference between humans extracting substances from animals and plants and other things and using them to make various things.

Because of this, Su Chen just wanted to study how this sacrifice works, why use blood, and what purpose can blood be used for?

Because in Su Ran's view, the vast majority of these creatures they hunted down were ordinary creatures, and they didn't even have any dark energy. What use could the life and blood of these creatures be? How did it play the role of suppressing the original life?

Su Chen felt that its efficacy might have something to do with the inscriptions around the altar, but unfortunately, since he couldn't understand it, he would never be able to figure out the principle, so he had to give up.

The blood sacrifice on the altar in this direction was completed, and Su Chen and Bai Feng did not stop there. The two immediately returned to the drop-shaped spaceship and headed to the next altar location.

This so-called four-sided altar, located in four directions of the world tree, is connected to each other on the macro map, and can form a huge square pattern, and the position is relatively symmetrical. I found one, there is a drop-shaped spaceship computer modeling and Deduction, finding others will not be a problem.

Then it went much better.

Su Chen and the others found the remaining three altars~www.readwn.com~ and performed the blood sacrifice in the same way as before. The changes of the three altars were all the same, and the final state they reached was the same.

After the last southern altar was watered with blood, Su Chen and Bai Feng rose up one after another, wanting to see if there was any change.

But unfortunately, the answer is no.

From high in the sky, you can't even see the altar shaded by the cascading forest, let alone change.

Bai Feng and Su Chen looked at each other, and both saw the blank expressions in each other's eyes.

Su Chen thought about it and said, "Let's go back to the sanctuary to take a look."

This is also what the World Tree said at the time. When he completes the blood sacrifice, he can go back and find it again.

At that moment, they moved again and returned to the sanctuary.

This time, there is no elder Sera to lead the way, but Su Chen has Sera's cards in his hand, and the last time Sera brought them here personally, now Su Chen and the others have not encountered any obstacles, and it went very smoothly. Then he came to the position of the tree hole that was like a black hole leading to hell.

This time, Su Chen was no longer as cautious and hesitant as before, and simply walked in, all the way to the deepest part of the tree hole.

Nothing has changed here, it's exactly the same as last time.

However, this time, when Su Chen came to the deepest part of the tree hole, no matter what, he was unable to connect and communicate with the World Tree.

Su Chen waited here for more than ten minutes, tried several methods, but failed. The World Tree, which responded quickly to him before, seemed to have fallen asleep and no longer responded to him.

Is this what Sera said, whether you can talk to the World Tree mainly depends on your luck?



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