I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 19: conflicting information

Su Chen tried unsuccessfully, so he withdrew.

Bai Feng volunteered and ran in to take a look, but he soon returned home in vain.

Even Lu Anbang was pulled over by Su Chen and tried a few times, but he didn't get any response.

This sacred tree of the forest family seems to have really fallen asleep and no longer responds to anyone.

The progress suddenly stopped again, and Su Chen returned to the spaceship.

After all this tossing down, the sky of this planet is gradually dimming.

In the sky, three huge "moons" were particularly conspicuous in the night.

One of them is very close to the planet, and it is especially clear at night. On this planet, you can even see the huge crater on the satellite, which is spectacular and dangerous.

Su Chen and the others still didn't give up, the water drop-shaped spaceship was docked in the area of ​​the Sanctuary. After a while, Su Chen tried it once to see if he could "contact" the World Tree, talk to him, and see what the next step would be. what should be done.

Bai Feng complained, "Isn't the signal of this tree of the world not good?"

Su Chen also felt the same way, but he had no choice. He had nothing to do with the problems of his ninth realm and the suppression of the original life, and could only rely on getting information from the World Tree.

But several hours passed, and Su Chen still didn't take anything back.

He didn't wait for the "approval" of the World Tree, but instead, he waited for the elf female knight, Wei, who didn't have much trouble with Su Chen and Bai Feng.

Ori looked very anxious, roaring on her pterosaur, hovering near the water drop, and shouting, "Are you in there? Elder Sera... something happened to him!"

Sierra did have a problem.

He tried to persuade the forest clan to give up the tree of life and move the clan away from the planet, and then he told the clan people that it was in vain.

The forest clan implements a relatively primitive management model of elders' meeting. On this planet, the forest clan has a total of seven elders, and the major events in the clan are almost all decided by the seven of them. After they lived on a ticking time bomb and got Su Chen's promise and the World Tree's affirmation, Sera went back and convened a meeting of elders immediately, and let tens of thousands of people listen to the content of the meeting.

At the meeting, Serra was full of confidence and stated the reasons why she had to leave the planet and the evacuation plan.

Serra wanted to come, under the current circumstances, evacuating this planet is the best choice for their entire race.

In fact, Serra has always been a radical in the ethnic group. It has read many ancient books in the ethnic group and knows that the world they live in is only a drop in the ocean in the vast universe, and their race is actually very backward. It is eager to leave and let the forest The tribe ushered in new changes and even the progress of civilization.

It's just that Serra has been reluctant to give up her holy tree, and has been looking for a way to travel and progress with the holy tree. Until now, after learning about the holy tree and the devil suppressed under the holy tree, Sierra is completely determined.

But what he didn't expect was that his proposal was unanimously opposed.

Leaving their hometown and giving up the sacred tree that nurtured them is unacceptable to the vast majority of the forest people. When Sera said his thoughts in public, he was among the forest people. It caused an uproar. Among the other six elders, five of them expressed on the spot that they would never agree with such a plan. They did not even believe that the "Holy Tree" said by Sera also suggested that the Forest Clan should move out of this matter. It was the will of the holy tree that Sera made up himself.

Immediately afterwards, the development of the situation far exceeded Serra's expectations.

He argued for reasons at the elders meeting, but it made the situation worse and worse, and people became more and more excited. Among them, an elder who had always been at odds with Sera even took the lead and controlled Sera on the spot. Together with a group of forest clansmen, they directly locked Sera.

The forest tribesmen who supported Sierra were dissatisfied because of this, and the two sides almost broke out into conflict.

Right now, the interior of the forest clan is also in a state of tension, and a war may break out at any time.

Before being locked up, Sera asked Zhi to find Su Chen and Bai Feng.

Zhidao: "I don't want to come to you, invaders, but Elder Sera said that the holy tree told him that disaster is coming, you are the key to guiding the forest people out of the dead end, so I must come to seek your help. "

Zhi's tone was not good, it didn't look like she was here to ask for help, but like Su Chen and Bai Feng owed her one million.

As usual, Bai Feng would definitely retort, although he looked at this elf girl very beautiful, but that is to say, after having experienced eye addiction and mouth addiction, Bai Feng himself will not do anything, nor will he Being used to each other, naturally there is a sentence, but not a single sentence.

But this time Bai Feng did not sarcastically, instead looked at Su Chen and frowned: "This is a little wrong. Although Sera didn't tell us what she heard from the World Tree, it is inferred from the current situation. , obviously not the same as the main direction we heard!"

Bai Feng thought of ~www.readwn.com~ Su Chen also thought of it.

Before, Su Chen didn't ask what Sera heard from the World Tree. After all, it was the Forest Clan's own business. Su Chen was inconvenient to ask more questions, and he didn't have the time to care about them. It is also excusable to move away - after all, if it were Su Chen or Sera, knowing that his civilization was sitting on a time bomb that could explode at any time, he would also want to move away.

But now... Judging from the words weaved, Sera seemed to be very certain that this planet was about to end, and the Forest Clan had to leave, and the reason why he was so certain was that he was listening from the Holy Tree. to the instructions.

Although Sera's ultimate goal is to leave this planet, the reasons for wanting to leave are different. For Su Chen and Bai Feng, it is very important.

The World Tree is guiding Su Chen and others in the direction of strengthening the suppression of the original life. Today, Su Chen and Bai Feng went to the Sifang Altar for blood sacrifices to ensure that the original life would not be seen again. The "original life" of the bomb will not explode in a short period of time. This is what the World Tree "personally said" to Su Chen, and it is also the direction that Su Chen and Bai Feng are working towards.


But what the World Tree and Sera said seemed to be something else.

That is, the original life is about to come out, and the time bomb is about to explode, so the forest family must leave.

Su Chen and the others are strengthening the suppression, why did the original life come out?

Why is the information the World Tree said to the two groups of people different?

Su Chen and Bai Feng looked at each other, and both saw unease and doubt in each other's eyes.



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