The World Tree didn't respond to Su Chen and Bai Feng, Su Chen decided to go to Sera to ask, or let Sera go in and talk to their gods.

Right now, they acted immediately.

The forest tribe's tribal stronghold is behind the World Tree, behind the shadows of the huge trees, among the lush forests, is a primitive tribe covered by greenery.

On the ground here, on the branches of giant trees, there are scattered houses everywhere. At first glance, it does not appear primitive, but instead has a strange look and feel of a different civilization.

At night, it is also brightly lit here.

The forest people do not use torches, but use some kind of fluorescent mushrooms for lighting, which makes the woodlands extraordinarily bright.

And tonight, the forest clan was particularly "lively".

A large number of "elves" walked among the woodlands, holding up "torches" made of glowing plants, like a glowing ocean, gathered together and listened to a few elders who looked very old.

Zhi led Su Chen and Bai Feng to approach them quietly.

Here is a certain distance from the main trunk of the World Tree. Although Bai Feng's strength is still limited to a certain extent, it is enough for him to use his strength to cover the breath of the three of them.

Zhi didn't know this, and was still very nervous, standing on a huge branch, watching the scene below nervously: "That is Elder Yu and Elder Wu, they are both very powerful, if they find us, we will be finished, We have to go around here and quietly rescue Elder Sera."

Although Zhi didn't like Su Chen and Bai Feng very much, she seemed to want to rescue Sera very much.

Su Chen stared at the scene that looked like some ancient ritual. He listened to the day. The words of the elves and elders below were also human languages ​​he could understand, but they were expressed in a singing way. This is like some kind of strange religious ceremony. The purpose of a religious activity is expressed through singing, but Su Chen couldn't understand it, so he had to ask Xiang Zhi: "What is this doing?"

"This is to pay homage to our ancestors. Elder Wu and the others want to listen to the will of our ancestors and decide whether to execute Elder Sera." Zhi's voice was tense and said, "We must hurry up, or it will be too late! Elder Sera abandoned it. The World Tree's decision was considered an act of evil..."

Bai Feng was taken aback when he heard the words, and said, "So cruel, your patriarch is so good-looking, why is your heart so dark? If you don't agree with your ideas, you will kill others. How can this ancestor answer you? It's something these two elders decide on their own."

When Su Chen heard the words, he was thoughtful.

He doesn't think this "ancestor" must not exist.

The curse of Hana Nakajima and the Holy Grail of the Land of the Undead taught Su Chen a lesson—death is not the end, the annihilation of consciousness is the end of life. When the body dies, its conscious state naturally dies along with the body. From the philosophical point of view of a certain family on the 26th Galefa, this is called the human brain as a human material organ, but in some special circumstances , or for some extremely powerful beings, this may not be the case. The demise of the flesh and blood does not mean that the body dies and the Tao disappears. On the contrary, the Tao may survive, and the state of consciousness can exist in another way.

Take the simplest high caste distance.

At this level of Su Chen, the sixth caste, even if he is a human with a poor level of life and his flesh and blood is fatally injured, it is not a devastating blow to him, and it will not even hurt the root. He quickly repairs it. With a body, you can quickly ensure your combat power output, and you don't have to worry about your body being finished.

These forest clans are in a strange state, maybe they really have ancestors.

The idea of ​​Zhi is similar to that of Bai Feng. The elf natives in the forest tribe are roughly divided into two groups in thinking. One group is the conservative group who wants to stay here and maintain the status quo for eternity and coexistence with the tree of the world. This faction; the other faction is the radical faction represented by Sierra, with more avant-garde thinking, believing that their ethnic group is too rigid and must undergo change and progress. And Ori is a supporter of Sierra, a loyal fan of this radical faction.

Ori listened for a while, and suddenly exclaimed, "They are sure to execute Elder Sera!"

Bai Feng said at this time: "In this way, I will disrupt the situation, Su Chen, how about you and Zhi go to find Sera?"

Zhi looked suspiciously at Bai Feng, and said, "How did you disturb the situation?"

"You can take a good look at this - what the hell, Su Chen, take this beautiful girl away first, I'm going to shoot!"

Su Chen heard the words without saying a word, and directly pulled Zhifei to the side.

Ori was a little nervous and a little uneasy. She was actually not at ease with these two people, but among her clan, few people had the courage to **** Elder Sera with her. She could only rely on this. The help of two outsiders - the most important thing is that Elder Sera believes in these two people.

Right now, although Ori was uneasy in her heart, she was still eager to save people, and she didn't have any more emotions, but what Bai Feng did next was far beyond her expectations.

As soon as Su Chen and Zhicai left, Bai Feng let go of his arms and looked up to the sky with a long laugh, "Hahahahahahahaha..."

This laughter was very frantic. Under the blessing of Bai Feng's own dark energy, it came out mightily, shaking the forest, and the whole forest seemed to be shaking. The elders of the forest clan below, and the elves, all changed color, looked up. the source of the sound overhead.

And Bai Feng—he was already riding the wind.

Zhi said that Elder Yu and Elder Wu of the Forest Clan were both very powerful beings, but Bai Feng also observed that these two people were just two fourth castes. In the starry sky, the dark energy level of the Forest Clan could be called It is the darling of dark energy life, but unfortunately, this is not enough to see in front of Bai Feng.

Along with the long and bitter laughter, Bai Feng's figure slanted down from the sky and landed directly between the two elders of the forest clan.

No one thought that such a number one person would suddenly appear at this moment. Among the forest clan gathered here, some people who had seen Bai Feng and Su Chen today exclaimed in surprise, while some people simply did not know about Su Chen and Bai. The existence of Feng, seeing such a human being who looks similar to them, but is actually very different, enters the arena, and they change color one after another.

The two elders of the forest clan even spoke out.

"who are you?"

"What are you going to do?"

Bai Feng didn't answer either, with the look of admiration on his face like a peerless expert, looking around in the center of the crowd, he really didn't know what to say at this moment, so he chose to sing loudly.

The song is Little Apple.



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