I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 21: Bai Feng in action

Hearing the song of Little Apple resounding throughout the forest behind, Su Chen's mouth turned into a twitch.

However, Zhi turned back frequently, surprised: "What song is this, what is he doing - the elders shot! God, the two elders were beaten down by your companions! You are so powerful?! What are you? people?"

There was indeed a huge commotion behind, and Little Apple's voice was the same as before, but it was almost drowned out by the terrible commotion.

Su Chen turned his head and glanced at it. Indeed, the two elders of the forest clan had already fought each other.

What Bai Feng did was unacceptable to the people of the forest clan, and the two elders were even more furious.

But it is a pity that the fourth caste of the two of them together are not Bai Feng's opponents.

Bai Feng's power was limited near the World Tree, and even more so with these two fourth castes. With one slap and one foot, Bai Feng slapped both elders on the ground, like a dog gnawing at mud.

Bai Feng's shot is still measured, knowing that these indigenous people are probably inextricably linked with humans, and the two sides may need to help each other, so they didn't make a heavy move, just stunned the two elders.

However, this was a devastating scene for the other forest clansmen who were watching.

The people from the forest clan rushed up with a howl, and they all began to pounce on Bai Feng, and the crowd was raging.

Bai Feng suddenly fell into a "fierce battle".

However, judging from the singing that has not been discontinued since then, Bai Feng is basically still able to do it well. After all, although all of these forest tribe aborigines are dark energy creatures, they are not so powerful, and most of them are not caste. Or the level of the first caste, there are millions of people here, and they are not Bai Feng's opponents.

Su Chen was a little emotional when he saw this.

If this is put on Starry Sky Civilization, and seeing their two most powerful fourth castes being knocked down with one foot and one slap, who would dare to come up and fight hard?

Still aboriginal, too stupid.

There is no need to worry about Bai Feng, Su Chen followed Zhi all the way, and soon came to the place where Sierra was being held.

It was a strange vine cell. From the outside, it looked like a huge birdcage made of vines. The cell was hung on a branch that was extended from a giant tree and was thick enough for several people to hug. sit in it.

There are two guards around, standing on the branches.

Sera's combat power has the level of the fourth caste, but the two guards are just two second castes, and the symbolic role of standing here is greater than the actual role.

What really trapped Sierra was this strange vine cell.

As soon as Su Chen approached, he felt the difference.

Its characteristics are very similar to the trunk of the World Tree. When approaching it, Su Chen felt the same feeling of entering the tree hole before, but this time, it is no longer the dark energy in the space, but the human body. The dark energy, this vine cage, is more like some kind of force field, and the direction of the force field is inward, from the outside to the inside, the flow of dark energy that locks the internal creatures, Su Chen is outside, can only feel it The interference with the dark energy of his own body must be locked inside, and the dark energy is almost useless.

Ori took the lead, knocking over two guards one left and one right.

She is the third surname of peak combat power, and the two guards are not her opponents at all, and because they were attracted by the movement made by Bai Feng, the two guards were knocked down before they could figure out what happened.

Sera was shocked to see Su Chen and Zhi appear here.

Ori reached into her arms, fumbled around in her grass skirt-like clothes for a while, took out a key, and opened the cage directly.

The whole process went surprisingly smoothly, and Zhi still seemed a little nervous, because she knew that under normal circumstances, imprisoning an elder should be very hard for them to break through.


Because Bai Feng's disturbance was too great and could not be resolved for a long time, it was attracting more and more guards to participate in the battle, including the guards who were watching Elder Sela's side, who were also forced to fight.

As soon as Sera came out, he said nervously: "I heard from the guards that we encountered an unimaginably strong enemy and called the whole family to fight. What happened?"

Hearing this, Su Chen and Zhidu looked at each other in dismay.

Zhi opened her mouth, but she didn't think that the two people she found that she didn't like very much had such ability - you must know that the whole clan was mobilized for one person to be like this, and weaved more than 200 people. I have never seen such a situation at all.

Therefore, Sera asked at this time, but Ori didn't know what to answer.

She could only stare blankly at Elder Sera in front of her, and then at Su Chen.

Seeing this, Sera understood what was going on. He turned his head to look at Su Chen and realized that the young man who had been acting with Su Chen was gone. Combined with the current situation, Sera quickly Then he thought of the truth, and his expression became very exciting.

He probably guessed that Su Chen and others should be very powerful, but he did not expect that Su Chen and others were so powerful.

One person can actually stir up the entire forest clan!

Su Chen spoke quickly and said, "Bai Feng has a sense of measure, don't worry, he won't hurt anyone."

Sera took a deep breath, nodded to Su Chen, and said, "I know, this...this...this..."

Sera said "this" for a long time, unable to utter a complete sentence, after a while, she still turned her eyes on Zhi and said, "You child.

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page ^0^, I asked you to go to Mr. Su, I didn't say that you should bring them to save me, you have already violated the rules of the clan - you must know, with your With his talent, he can become the next elder in the future! "

Weaving gritted his teeth and said, "What's the matter? I can't wait to die! Elder Wu they want to execute you!"

At this time, Su Chen interrupted: "I'm here to find you~www.readwn.com~ Elder Sera, I have some questions and want to ask questions."

To Su Chen, Serra became polite. He looked around and inside the chaotic forest clan, and said, "Mr. Su, what do you want to ask? This is not a good place to talk, or we should change it first. place, you also call your companion back..."

When Su Chen heard the words, he nodded and left with Sera temporarily. At the same time, Su Chen also sent a message to Bai Feng.

After hearing Su Chen's news, Bai Feng immediately stopped and started to retreat.

Bai Feng is not a war madman. On the contrary, he doesn't like fighting, and there is no way to take action. Knowing that Su Chen succeeded, he immediately stopped and turned his head to run. Can only watch this arrogant and powerful invader run in and beat their people and then get away calmly.



Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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