The interior of the sacred tree is still the same as before.

Dark passages, glowing moss, absolute vacuums of dark energy.

The silence here is terrifying, as if it really is the huge mouth opened by some kind of terrifying creature.

The voices outside gradually faded away, and Bai Feng and Elder Sera seemed to have a big quarrel with the people of the Forest Clan.

But Bai Feng's reasoning is correct.

In front of a powerful enough fist, everyone can sit together and communicate calmly—no matter how fierce the quarrel is, they will never try to punch each other again.

Bai Feng doesn't have to worry.

Forest clans may be troublesome, but they are not threats and they are not enemies.

The same should be true of the World Tree.

Su Chen came all the way to the deepest part of the cave of the World Tree.

Coming here, there is only the purest darkness around.

Dark energy vacuum, the power of Su Chen's body seems to be suppressed.

He slowly closed his eyes and entered that meditative posture in the same way as the previous time.

After that, the World Tree was no longer silent and responded to Su Chen.

The surrounding tree holes did not fade away this time, and the dark world and the twisting long river of light did not appear. Instead, there was a faint light-a dim light emanating from the tree walls deep in the tree hole, Little by little, it was faint at the beginning of the period, and gradually became brighter and brighter. There were a dozen or so, like a group of lively fireflies, lingering around Su Chen.

Then Su Chen's "ear" sounded a familiar voice: "You are here, you succeeded."

The World Tree did not pull Su Chen into its conscious world, but talked to him outside.

These fireflies are the new medium for its dialogue with Su Chen.

It's not a real firefly, it's just some kind of flickering energy form, the energy carries information, which constitutes "language", and then realizes the dialogue.

The way of communication this time is different from the two times Su Chen has experienced before.

More direct and simpler.

Su Chen's eyes were fixed on the spot of light circling around him, and he said, "The blood sacrifice was successful? What we did at the Sifang Altar worked? But what you told those Forest Clan people didn't turn out to be the case."

"The trend of things is changing and moving forward. There is no eternal existence. Even the top starry sky will decline and fall. The same is true of repression. Your help can help me get through this difficulty, but you can't stay forever. here.

"And we can't suppress the original life forever - the creatures that helped me through my fragile infancy, and I hide their offspring, they can't stay here, stay on this planet, with me, Only death, I have to find a way to let them go, maybe they used to need me, just like I needed them, but now the time has come, they can live benignly in the universe as an independent civilization.

"So I have to let them go.

"Because of the savage growth on this planet, their life is evolving, but the civilization is regressing and becoming ignorant. I can only use this method to let them leave."

The rays of light flickered in front of Su Chen. They were not pieced together into words, or any cipher text that Su Chen was familiar with, but in this way, Su Chen could clearly know what it was talking about and what it wanted. All information expressed.

Su Chen said: "So the picture of destruction you showed them is the future?"

"That's right, that's a distant, destined future.

"I need you to help me send them away and take them to the place where human beings live. They are a branch of human beings, and they should return to the embrace of the civilization they really belong to. In return, I will help you solve your troubles."

The light flickered slightly, like a breath, there was no sound, but the information was transmitted like this, which was surprising.

Gu This world tree looks like a giant tree that has been magnified countless times, but it has the kind of strange ability that Su Chen has only seen.

Su Chen's trouble is the power of the ninth domain.

Su Chen shook his head and said, "What about the original life? Sacrificing to the Sifang Altar strengthens the suppression of him? He is no longer a problem?"

The World Tree didn't answer Su Chen's question, it didn't seem to hear Su Chen's question.

The rays of light in front of Su Chen all retreated at this moment. The fireflies no longer transmitted information. They retreated as if they were giving way. Immediately afterwards, vines fell from Su Chen's eyes.

They landed in front of Su Chen. Under the light of the slight fluorescence emitted by the "fireflies", the tips of the vines branched slowly, and each vine extended three tentacle-like structures, like the arms of some kind of creature. The slowly opened palm extended towards Su Chen from several directions.

Seeing this scene, Su Chen instinctively took a step back.

Those vines noticed Su Chen's resistance, so they also stopped in front of Su Chen.

And those firefly-like lights began to move forward, flashing new information.

"I want to help you, Su Chen.

"I need to build a real bridge with you so that I can extract the power in your body that belongs to the ninth domain.

"You have to trust me before I can give you real help.

"Help you solve the problem.

"That's what you want too, isn't it?"

This piece of information from the World Tree was extraordinarily bland, but its content made Su Chen almost unable to look away. He landed on the tentacle-like vines in front of him, then lowered his head and looked at himself illuminated by fluorescent light. left hand.

On Su Chen's left wrist's Ring existed quietly.

When it comes into contact with the skin, it feels extremely cold to the touch.

In the dim light, after watching this silently for a moment, Su Chen's eyes began to flash a certain light.

He raised his head, looked at the light that flickered like breathing in front of him, and said quietly, "We can try, but for the first time, we can... just try it..."

The light of the World Tree flickered once.

"You don't trust me."

Su Chen took a deep breath and said, "It's not that I don't trust you, it's just that it takes a process."

Su Chen really can't give absolute trust to the world tree in front of him, although he has enough reasons to choose to trust the world tree in front of him - it has nurtured the vitality of the forest family and this planet, and it is more Inextricably linked with humans and even human gods.

But this does not mean that Su Chen can unconditionally trust each other.

Su Chen was really excited, and was ready to give it a try, but the experience he had given him for so long in the apocalypse told him—

No matter what the situation is, always be vigilant.

And this is even what the Ring of Anova taught Su Chen.



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