Trying is just the beginning.

Many vines hanging down from the World Tree moved backwards, only one of them moved forward, slowly approaching Su Chen.

It doesn't seem to care about Su Chen's suspicions and offenses. Instead, it chooses to respect Su Chen's cautiousness, leaving only a vine, extending a tentacle-like biological structure, and probing towards Su Chen.

Su Chen also stretched out his left hand and touched it.

It was like two palms intertwined in mid-air.

Immediately afterwards, Su Chen felt a sense of intrusion. There seemed to be some kind of thin structure in the vines hanging from the World Tree, spreading and infiltrating into Su Chen's arms along the interactive palms. , connected to his flesh, to his dark energy, and even to his Ring of Anoir.

This is even like a connection between computers and computers, and information is interacted and transmitted with each other in this way.

Su Chen looked at the firefly-like glimmer and asked, "What should I do?"

The World Tree responded: "You don't need to do anything, you just need to feel."

Following this message, Su Chen's body suddenly moved forward, because at that moment, he received a huge suction force from the vine in front of him, pulling his body to stumble forward.

But after a while, Su Chen realized that the attraction was not for his body, but for the Ring of Anoire. In this dark space, Su Chen saw the pale analytical power that seemed to be peeling from the cocoon. Anoir's Ring was stripped out.

Su Chen didn't control it.

It was the tree of the world that pulled it out.

The analytical power climbed along Su Chen's arm, left the Ring of Anova, left Su Chen, and wrapped around the vine connected to Su Chen, and bit by bit, was absorbed by the vine, just like a plant absorbing nutrients.

The analytical power is gently pulled away.

And not only that, the bronze color on the surface of the Ring of Anovar is slowly fading, revealing the pure black and dark background underneath.

I don't know if it was an illusion. In the depths of the dark tree hole, Su Chen seemed to see the dark wasteland again, but this time, he didn't go deep into it, but watched with a kind of "watching TV". From this perspective, he himself is not in danger, the laws in the dark wasteland cannot affect him, and the monsters wandering in that world cannot find him, but he can see the dark world overgrown with weeds. The endless grasslands of the same height, and the lonely short peaks at the end of the fields, farther away, is the unreachable place.

The coldness and the deadly silence came upon me.

This seemingly "vibrant" world is actually full of death and gloom.

From this observation perspective, this dark wasteland no longer seems to be a bottomless darkness to Su Chen. He can see the outline of the world from a clearer perspective.

Tandan people once said that the power of the ninth domain has no incomprehensible normality. What do you think it looks like, what it looks like, what it looks like, that is the different form presented in front of you.

But Su Chen had some doubts at this time.

If this is the world he thinks he sees, why is it like this? That mountain, this wasteland, and the rest of the world beyond reach.

Valley They seem to exist.

However, the picture quickly disappeared, and with a loud bang, the twig connecting the tree of the world and Su Chen broke down. Under the glow of the firefly-like light, Su Chen saw the soft plant vine. It gradually became rigid, and finally broke with a click, and the vines that were several meters long crashed to the ground.

The pale light of analytical power flashed slightly, and immediately, the vines, which were already as hard as iron blocks, quickly decomposed and "melted" on the ground deep in the tree hole, turning into a strange little white flower, paving the way. The ground full of tree holes.

Immediately afterwards, Su Chen fell into this small white flower that had just grown.

The biggest of these little white flowers is no more than the size of a fingernail. They look very plain and grow in pieces, but they exude some kind of strange fragrance, lingering on the tip of the nose, giving people a sense of peace of mind.

Just a moment ago, Su Chen was already covered in cold sweat before he knew it. At this time, his expression was even more ugly, and he looked extremely tired. He knelt on the ground, and his breathing was even slightly heavy.

The other members of the World Tree rose up one by one and disappeared from sight. Those spots of light greeted him and danced around Su Chen.

It doesn't say anything.

Su Chen lowered his head and looked at his left wrist.

The bronze color on the Ring of Anoir gradually faded, like mottled wall paint, which makes people feel mysterious and ancient. There is nothing remarkable about it, it is like a bracelet made of black charcoal.

And not only that, Su Chen noticed that the crack in the center of the Ring of Anova expanded.

The huge crack left by the Battle of Basalom on the Ring of Anova has existed for a long time, and there has been no change, but today, its cracking degree has intensified. From this central crack, there are countless fine lines. The cracks and cracks spread along the surface of the Ring of Although it has not touched the root, it seems... This bracelet parasitic on Su Chen's body like a maggot on the tarsus, distance Crack is not far away.

Su Chen checked the analytical power a little.

The analytical power in the Ring of Anova is relatively stable, and the amount has not changed much. The analytical power is comparable to the top power of the starry sky, and there is no clear concept of quantity in the unit sense. The world tree is pulled out. Those, in terms of the overall amount of analytical power, are nothing but a drop in the bucket.

Su Chen raised his head in the faint rays of light, he glanced at the rays of light lingering around him, thought about it, and said, "What should I do next to the original life? Even if it is impossible for him to break the town. Blocking the trend, I think we all hope that the sooner the better.”

The light of the World Tree flickered for a while, and it seemed a little unexpected. Su Chen didn't ask about the power of exorcism, but continued to ask about the original life at this time.

But the fluorescence of the World Tree also flashed quickly, answering Su Chen's words.

"Sifang altar is finished offering sacrifices, blood is poured out, and the restless fire of the original life has been quenched, you can rest assured.

"Although the destruction of the original life is an irresistible trend, but from the current situation, it will take at least another thousand or ten thousand years before the original life can leave here."



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