Su Chen walked out of the sanctuary, the quarrel outside was over.

Bai Feng and Sera successfully persuaded a group of people from the Forest Clan. Of course, the one that played a greater role might be more due to force and the sacred tree believed in by the Forest Clan, but a large number of the Forest Clan people outside had indeed retreated. , and Serra disappeared.

The disturbed purple dandelion-like plants outside the sanctuary gathered together again, becoming a sea of ​​lavender covering the field of vision.

Only Bai Feng stood outside waiting for Su Chen, with his hands in his pockets and looking at the huge canopy that was invisible above his head, until Su Chen came out, he turned his head with a smile, and said, "The problem is solved - what about yours?"

Su Chen instinctively glanced at his left hand, nodded, and said, "Should... maybe..."

He was looking at the Ring of Anova, but the answer was Bai Feng's question about the original life.

The World Tree's answer made Su Chen satisfied. The first attempt also seemed to be quite successful. Whether the power of the ninth domain has been withdrawn is difficult to directly observe through some external form. In this case , it can only be observed through the changes in the Ring of Anova.

And the World Tree can indeed dissolve the Ring of Anovar silently.

There was some kind of light burning in Su Chen's eyes.

That is hope and longing.

Bai Feng looked at the dark tree hole, thought for a while, and said, "Do you think there is something wrong with this tree of the world?"

Bai Feng didn't get an answer. After a while, he turned around and saw Su Chen staring at the tree of the world in a daze.

After a long time, Su Chen turned his head and looked at Bai Feng as well, and said, "What's wrong?"

"No... nothing."

Bai Feng no longer repeated what he said just now, but turned around and walked not far away.

The water drop-shaped spaceship has already appeared in the sky above the Sanctuary - this is also the result of this negotiation. These forest clansmen have accepted and recognized the identities of Bai Feng and others. Now, they don't have to hide from these natives here.

Bai Feng said: "We have to find a way to transport these forest clansmen away, they promised me to show me their ancient documents, but only if they confirm that we have the ability to help them replace a new home - this is A hassle."

Su Chen followed Bai Feng's footsteps, turning his head to look at the World Tree behind him from time to time, and then he said, "Yes, this planet is a hidden planet, the coordinates are dynamic, and the drop-shaped spaceship can't catch it. , even if the Federal Fleet has those dynamic coordinates, it may not be able to successfully jump over, and if you want to transport these forest people in large quantities, if the spaceship of the Federal Fleet cannot..."

"Then it can only rely on this one."

Back in the drop-shaped spaceship, Bai Feng took Su Chen's words, stood inside the water-drop-shaped spaceship, patted the wall of the spaceship, and said, "There are not many forest tribes on this planet, probably only 100,000. There are many people around - the longer the living creature, the lower the fertility rate, even if these forest people look no different from humans, it can't change this fact - but we'd better go back to the Federation and try it now ."

Su Chen did not reject this proposal. It was valuable to win the help and recognition of the Forest Clan, and one of the conditions he exchanged with the World Tree was to help the Forest Clan "move". In this case, the Forest Clan took the initiative to Being willing to move out is also a good thing for Su Chen, why not do it?

Although Lu Anbang has been in the spaceship, he has already learned about the situation through communication with Bai Feng. Moreover, he has been controlling the water drop-shaped spaceship to dock in the sky outside the Sanctuary. He has been on the sidelines and witnessed the whole process.

Valley At the moment, they slowly rose in the planet, passed through the luxuriant canopy of the World Tree, flew into the sky, and then jumped and disappeared on the surface of the planet.

On this planet, in the dense jungle, the forest clan is also holding a new elders meeting. Sera, who was listed as a traitor yesterday, returned to his position, and everyone was looking forward to him. The situation reversed at once.

The Forest Clan will also begin to prepare for the big evacuation.

Returning to the Federation is just a blink of an eye, the drop-shaped spaceship is advanced enough, and the transition process is smooth and stable.

The huge stars of Galefa-1 appeared in the field of vision, and the water drop-shaped spacecraft descended. Su Chen himself did not expect that he would be able to come back so quickly.

In mid-air, Su Chen was the first to contact Xiao Ping.

The Federation is secretly preparing for the starry sky retreat plan. So far, this matter has been limited to a few people and has not caused panic.

Xiao Ping also breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the report from Su Chen and others on this trip, and said, "So, in a long time, there will be no problems?"

Regarding this question, Bai Feng turned his head to look at Su Chen, and Su Chen replied: "Indeed, the World Tree should be believed, its purpose is the same as ours, to keep the original life-since it said that the original life has been suppressed , then there should be no problem.”

Xiao Ping thought for a while and said, "I don't quite understand the dark energy thing, but it sounds like it is not difficult to sacrifice to the Sifang Altar, and those who live on that planet should be able to do it too. That's enough, why didn't the world tree let those forest tribes who worship it as a **** and a totem to worship it earlier?"

In the depths of that deep tree Xiao Ping's question was also the last question that Su Chen asked.

Su Chen thought about the World Tree's answer, and also answered: "Because the original life will affect them, his power is spreading from the ground, the square altar is the gap for him to affect the world, although the people of the forest tribe are all Dark energy creatures, but the most powerful ones are only the fourth caste. The existence of this level cannot resist his influence at all.

"Before the people of the forest tribe dug out the square altar from under the soil, they had already become his puppets.

"So, only me and Bai Feng can do it."

Sitting in the drop-shaped spaceship, listening to Su Chen's words, Lu Anbang couldn't help it, and said, "So, I just escaped by accident? Fortunately, I didn't get off the spaceship at that time."

Xiao Ping nodded when he heard the words, and said, "Okay, since that's the case, then I understand. I'll arrange a transport ship for you immediately, but... do you want to continue the evacuation plan?"

Su Chen pondered for a moment, then said, "Go ahead, in case something happens, we can also have a back-up available at any time."

Xiao Ping nodded and said, "This is also my idea. Although Chaos Starfield is full of opportunities for us, it is also full of risks - I will continue to advance the retreat plan."



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