I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 27: Come back several times!

The Galefa-1 outer space orbit, where the drop-shaped spacecraft is docked.

A huge federal transport ship, with its stern jets of fire quietly, approached little by little.

It was a 10 million-ton transport ship, which was not a big one among the Federation's space transport ships, but it was enough to transport 100,000 people of the forest tribe back and forth at one time.

It gradually approached the drop-shaped spaceship, and the huge size gap between the two made the drop-shaped spaceship look like a small fish and shrimp that would be swallowed by a giant whale at any time.

While waiting, Su Chen also initiated a communication with Joanna and others.

When I woke up in the morning, I found that there were three less people. Su Chen, Baifeng, and Lu Anbang were all gone. There was no news yet. Joanna and others didn't know why, so they all went to Xiao Ping.

Xiao Ping didn't tell the truth, he just said that Su Chen and the others went out to carry out the mission and would be back soon. Joanna and the others were helpless - they were all gone, so they had to wait.

Therefore, when the connection was made at this time, there was quite a kind of posture of "inviting teachers to ask for guilt", Xia Chuwei frowned, sat in the first place, and said, "What are you doing? Do you know that it is difficult to make breakfast for so many people? I thought you were still sleeping. After doing so much, I found out that there was no shadow at all. I said, did Xiao Ping cover you up and you went looking for a woman overnight? Bai Feng, don't think that Ye Xiaoxiao didn't find it in your room. The Handbook of Beautiful Girls of the Former Empire."

"Cough cough cough!" Bai Feng covered his face and sat back in the corner.

Lu Anbang thought for a while, and then quietly backed away.

Only Su Chen sat in front and smiled bitterly: "No, I really went on a mission, don't worry, it's safe this time - the federation received a signal from the chaotic star field. After confirmation, it was a group of Human subspecies living in other areas of Chaos Star Territory want to join the Federation. Those are a group of human subspecies that are relatively backward in civilization, but have a strong talent for dark energy. If they can be brought back, it can just make up for the current darkness of the Federation. The situation in which the talented ones are unable to follow up will fill the combat power of the Federation."

Su Chen's answer was partly true, and partly nonsense. Of course, this was to prevent Xia Chuwei and others from worrying.

The less people know about the original life, the better.

And the fact that fills the Federation's combat power is also true. After the battle at the No. 8 Convergence Point, although the Federation's scientific research ship and the Lugia Civilization's scientific research ship got the information about the inside of the cavitation that Su Chen gave them, It is also obtained that the Tandan people left it to the Federation, but even now, the Federation has not successfully broken through the bubbles and electromagnetic interference, let alone obtained the information.

Therefore, the idea of ​​​​creating talents by the Federation through talent factors has not even begun, let alone achieving talents in batches. If the forest clan can join, one hundred thousand forest clans will be able to There are 100,000 dark energy creatures, and even if not all of them are warriors, and not all of them are powerful, the help and benefits they can bring to the Federation are immeasurable.

If the threat of the original life is removed, the addition of the Forest Clan will be a powerful force for the Federation.

However, for Su Chen's remarks, Xia Chuwei was asking questions. Not only she was asking, but Joanna and Ye Xiaoxiao were also asking questions. These three women were not good at all. Their IQs were quite high, and the more they asked, the more The more he asked, the more detailed he became. After talking like this for a long time, there was a feeling of three court hearings. Su Chen felt that he was not ready to talk nonsense enough.

Even if there is Lin Mo who has been helping Su Chen round the field and Anhu Lielie, it is difficult to affect the offensive of these three women.

Therefore, after briefly saying a few words, Su Chen quickly cut off the communication on the grounds that he was about to set off. At this time, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, Su Chen turned his head and saw Bai Feng, who was hiding in the corner and connected to the federal ground network and was playing games, and suddenly realized that Bai Feng was a clever move at the highest level - the best answer is not to answer, but to start from Don't answer at first.

Gu If you don't answer, there will be no questions.

At this time, their teardrop-shaped spaceship has smoothly entered the Federation's transport ship.

Su Chen, Bai Feng, and Lu Anbang left the drop-shaped spaceship and headed directly to the bridge of the transport ship.

Because the operation this time was relatively secretive, the transport ship Xiao Ping assigned to Su Chen did not have too many crew members, only about 20 people, and the bridge was scattered and there were not many people.

This is the advantage of this type of functional ship. With the assistance of a powerful intelligent system, this type of functional ship can even be started without a crew, unlike a battleship, which requires a lot of manpower to drive it.

The captain of this transport ship is an old federation, in his early forties, with a bloated body. He is loyal to the federation and absolutely reliable. The only bad thing is that he is a flatterer. Seeing Su Chen and others coming to the bridge, he He immediately surrendered his hand, and since then his mouth has hardly stopped, and his mouth has been written in chapters, flattering in a row, Su Chen's scalp is numb, but Bai Feng is very useful, he can hear a smile, and can reply a few words, two People are talking and laughing.

Su Chen and Lu Anbang manually imported the dynamic coordinates inside the drop-shaped spaceship and started the first transition.


The jump failed.

The huge federal transport ship disappeared in the outer space of Galefa-1~www.readwn.com~ but did not appear at their expected target location, but appeared in the depths of an uninhabited starry sky, surrounded by dead people. silence.

Su Chen didn't believe in evil, and tried again, the transport ship jumped into the leap, this time, the entire spaceship seemed to be shaking and roaring - the distance of the leap seemed to have reached the limit of the spaceship's leap.

But unfortunately, they still failed. The place they jumped to was still not the green planet they had hoped for, but the far end of the starry sky. After a lot of identification, they realized that they had flown to From a place far away from Chaos Star Region, from their position, Chaos Star Region is thousands of light-years away from them. From this position, one can even see the scene of Chaos Star Region thousands of years ago.

The coordinates themselves exist to prevent them from being found. With the technology of the Federation, they can't be cracked at all, and there are ready-made coordinates that can't be found.

Seeing this, Su Chen fell silent, but Bai Feng stood up and said, "It doesn't matter, Su Chen, I still have it!"

Su Chen turned to look at him.

Bai Feng smiled lightly: "I can't find the transport ship, the spaceship of that crystal cluster is fine, we will use the spaceship of that crystal cluster to transport, I have calculated, if the water drop spaceship is fully loaded with hard equipment at a time, it can be loaded at most. More than 20 people, after a few thousand more shipments, we will succeed!"



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