I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 28: evacuation plan

Bai Feng's words made the scalps of Su Chen and others tingle.

Who can stand the water drop-shaped spacecraft being transported back and forth thousands of times?

Lu Anbang was the first to shrink his head - he noticed that Bai Feng's eyes were swept towards him, which made Lu Anbang's back go cold, and he wanted to quickly find a crack to hide.

But soon he realized that he had nothing to fear, so he pulled his neck and said, "If you want to use this trick, you can use it yourself, don't trouble me! Carry it back and forth thousands of times, you can do it yourself!"

Bai Feng had no choice but to look back.

Su Chen also had some headaches.

This is the agreement they made with the World Tree. The forest tribe itself is indeed useful to the Federation. In this case, it is indeed a irritating thing to be unable to bring them back.

You can't get stuck on the first step.

At this time, the original captain of the transport ship suddenly said: "Mr. Su, I probably understand, you want to go to a spaceship that our federal spaceship can't jump to, but the spaceship of Mr. Shilianren. Can you deliver things wherever you can?"

The fat and bloated former captain smiled all over his face, rubbed his hands and leaned forward, and said, "I may have a way."

Su Chen didn't tell him the whole story of the operation, because after all, it's a big deal. Not to mention, for the crew of these transport ships, this is actually just an ordinary transportation task.

But I didn't expect that at this time, the captain came up by himself.

Su Chen slightly raised his eyebrows and asked, "What can you do?"

"We can find a suitable transport ship and hang it behind the spaceship of Lord Shilianren, just like the trailer in our Galefa 26 ground era, with Lord Shilianren's spaceship towing a The transport ship will be able to go where our Federation's spaceship cannot go."

Su Chen's eyes lit up at the suggestion of the fat captain.

This method is not difficult to think of, but he and Bai Feng and others have no experience in transporting materials, so they did not expect to come to this level. It is the captain of the transport ship who has been engaged in related fields since the Federation took root. He had a lot of thinking because of this. Although he didn't know where Mr. Su was going to transport what, he could come up with some solutions when he heard the problem.

Lu Anbang on the side knew a little about this kind of navigation knowledge and said: "This method is feasible, but we need precise calculations - such as the advanced spacecraft of the crystal cluster, which pays attention to efficiency and precision, I have observed , the space channels it opens are short, and its existence time and transition channel scale are only enough for a droplet-shaped spacecraft to transition.

"This can not only ensure that the energy consumption during the transition is minimized, but also can increase the speed of the transition to the highest level, so that the spacecraft can achieve the kind of 'going without a trace' that we have experienced before.

"So, if you want to drag a transport ship to transport people by means of consignment, then you need to precisely calculate the size and existence time of the drop-shaped spaceship's transition channel, and even modify the parameters of the water-drop-shaped spaceship's jump engine. Otherwise, a single error will likely cause the transport ship to be 'clamped in two' when passing through the transition channel - you should understand what I mean."

Lu Anbang is not a dark energy creature, but he was born in the imperial military, and his observation of cutting-edge equipment, spaceships, etc. is different from that of ground creatures such as Su Chen, and he is more detailed.

Su Chen nodded when he heard the words. Lu Anbang's reminder was very timely. It was really difficult for the Federation people to take this into consideration. Even the soldiers serving in the Federation warships, transport ships and other spaceships now rarely have such a rich universe and space. For many people, ship knowledge is still a state where the spaceship can be used. For example, Lu Anbang is a soldier systematically cultivated by the empire. Even though Lu Anbang used to serve mainly in the ground defense troops in the border planets of the empire, He still has the necessary knowledge for star combat and navigation.

Valley The development of the Federation can be very rapid, but the advancement of knowledge cannot be accomplished by relying on seedlings to help, and it takes more time to develop and grow.

This plan was confirmed to be feasible, and everyone immediately took action.

Su Chen and others also returned to their drop-shaped spaceship.

Count yourself, of course, the drop-shaped spaceship is stronger.

But soon, Su Chen realized that they didn't need to calculate that kind of details at all, because the crystal cluster had indeed left them the permission to modify the drop-shaped spaceship's jump engine.

The crystal cluster looks like its head is not clear, but it is actually very smart. This spaceship was handed over to Bai Feng and Su Chen, and it gave almost all authority to Su Chen and Bai Feng, considering Su Chen and others any situation a person may need.

Of course, even so, Su Chen's water drop-shaped spacecraft is actually limited to the point where it can be used and knows how to use it, but he is not clear about the details and principles of this spacecraft.

By modifying the parameters of the spaceship, a continuous and continuous transition channel can be opened.

However, even if the parameters are modified, the scale of the ten-million-ton transport ship they are using is too large to pass through, so they need to replace it with a smaller transport ship.

Su Chen and the others had no choice but to return to the Federal Galefa-1~www.readwn.com~ and let Xiao Ping continue to arrange the spacecraft for them.

Lu Anbang said with emotion, "What does this look like as the head of the Federation? In the Empire, no one dares to ask His Majesty for this and that every day. I feel that this Xiao Ping is about to become your nanny."

Hearing this, Su Chen laughed and said, "There's nothing wrong with saying that, but this is the real federal system, and, conversely, I'm also the nanny of the Federation and Lao Xiao, right?"

In fact, whether the federation or the empire itself is the rule of the ruler, whether it can truly bring peace and give the common people a good life depends mainly on whether the system can function as perfectly as it originally envisioned. .

In human society, the most terrifying thing is that the system is a tool of power in the hands of people. In other words, the quality of a system and the strength of a country's development are still in the hands of people. Reliable, then any system will be a relatively bad system.

Maybe the future federation will also become unbearable and golden.

Just like the federation on Galefa 26.

But at least now, having experienced all this, the federation that now rules this star field is by far the best generation of federations.



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