Zhi never wanted to leave her homeland one day. She believed that her clansmen, like her, never expected such a day to come.

Even though she is a staunch supporter of Elder Sera, she still believes what Sera said and why she had to leave their homeland.

But when the day really came, Ori was still a little uneasy.

The two powerful beings who claimed to be human did not break their promises. They left for a while, and when they came back, they brought a bigger "iron box" - the two human beings turned that iron box into a transport ship.

Its carrying capacity is very strong, and it can transport more than 1,300 forest tribesmen at a time.

Of course, with the forest clan's population base of nearly 100,000 people, transporting 1,300 people at a time still requires a certain amount of time and multiple round trips, which means that the relocation of the clan cannot be accomplished at once.

Ori and many forest clan people think it's good, because at least they didn't move out all at once, they still have time to take pictures of their homes.

Holy tree, and this lush world.

In fact, it was not Bai Feng's fist that persuaded the forest clan to leave, but the guidance given by the holy tree.

The Forest Clan is relatively primitive. In their culture and history, the World Tree is the embodiment of the gods that nurtured them. Therefore, the World Tree as a "God" is not invisible and intangible. In the times of confusion and crisis, they all got the guidance of the World Tree, and they got out of the predicament and developed step by step to today.

Therefore, to them, the world tree is a living god.

How could they be willing to turn away from their gods if it wasn't for God to tell them to stay away?

Elder Serra's persuasion was only a guide, and what the Forest Clan finally chose to follow was the will of the World Tree itself.

Of course, despite this, there are still nearly 10,000 people in the forest tribe who are not ready to leave. They stubbornly choose to stay in the homeland where they are born, even if the future will really usher in the kind of horror described by the holy tree. They are also willing to stay here and perish together with the World Tree.

The choice of this part of the forest tribe was respected.

The elders advocate and hope that everyone will leave to ensure the continuation of the fire of civilization and race, but they will not forcibly take anyone away. Those who want to stay can stay.

Elder Wu stayed. After knowing the guidance of the World Tree, he also changed his mind and stood by Elder Sera, persuading other clansmen to leave, but he chose to stay in the end.

Ori actually wanted to stay, but maybe because she was a little young, she really wanted to go outside and see what the outside world was like.

For the whole day, Zhi Zhi sat on the canopy of a tall giant tree, raised his head and squinted at the World Tree, as if he wanted to take a few more glances at this great sacred tree before leaving. , and imprint its appearance in the bottom of my heart forever.

And sometimes, Ori's eyes will move quietly, looking at the sky beyond the huge canopy of the World Tree.

When night fell and the sky was full of stars, the outlines of three satellites infinitely close to the planet were clearly visible on the ground, and the nearest satellite looked like a face full of acne pits.

This tree is located at the edge of the range covered by the canopy of the World Tree. Sitting here, you can have a panoramic view of the canopy of the World Tree and the starry sky.

Ori has always liked to look at the sky here.

Therefore, she was actually very curious about that starry sky.

Elder Sera said that the stars they saw on this planet were actually similar to the places where they lived, but because they were too far away, they seemed to be just an inconspicuous point of light, a star. Tiny stars.

She also wanted to go and see, the stars reflected in her eyes.

After a long time, she slowly stood up and exhaled.

As a "warrior" in the forest clan, Ori is not the first to evacuate, on the contrary, she will be the last person of the forest clan to leave this planet.

Standing on the top of the tree canopy, her eyes moved, swept across the land and the forest. I don't know if it was an illusion. She saw the far end of the forest, flashing some kind of **** light, twinkling, but when the weave was attentively. When observing, those lights disappeared again.

At this moment, a roar came from overhead.

That is the "iron box" of mankind to transport people again.

Ori's attention was pulled back, she thought for a while, summoned her own pterosaur-like creature, left here, and flew to the location of her own group.

Among the people who will be picked up by the iron box, you Zhi's family members and elders, she is going to see them off.

Although those humans said that 100,000 people could be transported away in about seven or eight days, which meant that they were just saying goodbye now and would be able to see each other again soon, Ori still prepared to say goodbye.

After all, this is where they leave their homes.

When the family left their home, Ori felt that she should be there too.

While the forest clan was evacuating in full swing, Su Chen had already arrived at the sanctuary early.

Lu Anbang was in charge of the transportation. The drunkard guessed right. The ideal pilot in Bai Feng's mind was Lu Anbang. Lu Anbang was forced to take on the heavy responsibility of manipulating the drop-shaped spaceship, going back and forth between the two worlds again and again. Be careful not to be discovered by any other hostile civilization.

However, Lu Anbang and Bai Feng can handle these matters. Su Chen has nothing to worry about, so he has to deal with his own affairs first.

Although the forest clan has already started the big evacuation~www.readwn.com~, the defense near the sanctuary has not slackened in the slightest. It is still the first of many forest clan guards. On the ground, there are clusters of dandelions emitting lavender rays of light. The like creatures swayed quietly, looking no different from the past, calm and tranquil.

It seems like this has always been the case here. No matter how the outside world changes, or how the forest clan changes, it cannot have a substantial impact on this place.

This time, Su Chen no longer needs to be sneaky.

He stood for a moment at the entrance of the dark sanctuary, then stepped forward and stepped into it.

He also fulfilled his promise, and now, it's time for him to need the World Tree to fulfill its promise.

If the power of the ninth domain can be eradicated, then Su Chen's heart will be taken away.

Walking in the tree hole, the sound of footsteps echoed faintly, but Su Chen's mind flashed the picture of the future he was looking forward to.

No threat.

No danger.

A peaceful life, perhaps until death comes.

This step should be taken.

In the dark tree hole, the glowing moss on both sides exudes a faint, dreamy and blurred light. Su Chen walked all the way through this passage, and finally even the figure disappeared into the dark cave, completely invisible.



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