I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 31: river of thought

Just as Bai Feng and Lu Anbang were talking about Su Chen on the forest watchtower in the dark, Su Chen was walking out of the tree hole of the World Tree.

The night in the sanctuary was not dark, and clusters of lilac fluorescent plants illuminated the space on this side.

The guards of the forest tribe outside the sanctuary are still doing their best, and they will not give up guarding this sacred tree until the last moment.

In fact, it is said that the guards of these World Trees are not ready to leave this planet, they will choose to stay, stay on this planet forever.

And standing in this lavender ocean, Su Chen also picked up a yellow leaf.

It slowly fell from the "sky canopy" overhead and landed between Su Chen's palms.

Su Chen noticed it and reached out to catch it.

The green leaves have faded away, leaving only the withered and decayed leaves.

In the past three days, Su Chen has almost stayed here, seeking the help of the World Tree to help him get rid of the threat of the power of the ninth domain on him.

And now, it's almost a success.

The cracks on the Ring of Anova are spreading more and more. Although the World Tree has not been able to take away the analytical power in the world of the Ring of Anova, Su Chen can clearly feel that it has been starting a long time ago. The turbulent, even violent, analytical power is getting quiet these days.

They became silent.

It was as quiet and dead as the dark world in the ring of Anoir where they existed.

At this moment, Su Chen slowly raised his hand.

His dark perception poured out like a stream, sweeping across the ground, and the clustered, glowing dandelion-like creatures on the ground seemed to be brushed by a gentle arm and fell to one side , like being blown by the wind.

That is the dark energy in the space used by Su Chen, turning it into an unreal wind to pass over them.

This is the first time in these days that Su Chen has used his dark energy and dark energy perception.

With one simple use, Su Chen slowly stopped and stood outside the sanctuary waiting.

Waiting for that dark wasteland to appear, waiting for that dark and twisted monster to appear.

But Su Chen didn't wait for these.

For ten minutes, nothing happened, the dark wasteland did not appear, and the hunter who was looking for Su Chen also disappeared.

They seem to have really disappeared.

And you must know that when he was in the federation, Su Chen only used dark energy perception to translate the information of Tandan people, and he fell into that dark world for a time. Just now, although the amount of dark energy used by Su Chen was Not much, but far more than it was at the time.

This proves... that the "help" of the World Tree is indeed effective.

It is really helping itself to eliminate the power of the ninth domain...


Although Su Chen himself has not felt any clear changes, maybe that is what he cannot feel. In this world, the influence that can play a far-reaching and powerful role is often subtle, and it cannot make you feel clearly. The process of change, so when you realize that change has occurred, you have changed.

Su Chen took a deep breath.

He can take a short rest now.

The help of the World Tree to him is not over yet.

According to the World Tree, the connection between the power of the ninth domain and Su Chen has long been like implantation in the bone marrow, and it cannot be removed casually. A long process is required.

And the World Tree couldn't help Su Chen to complete this process all at once.

The World Tree wants to suppress the original life and turn the power of the original life into the vitality that nurtures the existence of this planet. In this case, the power of the World Tree to help Su Chen is very limited. Therefore, every time After a while, the World Tree will have to rest for a while.

However, this time was not that long. It was about five or six hours at a time. For the past three days, Su Chen maintained this state, either wandering and waiting on the edge of the World Tree, or entering the World Tree.

This is also the reason why Bai Feng and others feel that Su Chen has almost disappeared these days.

This time back from the Tandan people's experimental field, the power of the ninth domain is Su Chen's heartache. Moreover, this is something that can kill him. Su Chen has to pay attention to it, and he can't ignore it. Now the world The tree can help him solve the problem, and Su Chen naturally wants to stay here 24 hours a day.

Of course, the time on this planet is not strictly based on the twenty-four-hour day system on Galefa 26. In fact, a day on this planet is about thirty-two hours.

After solving the problem of the ninth domain, Su Chen can settle down once and for all, without any worries.

Under such a premise, how could Su Chen not care? Therefore, he has been here all the time, even when the World Tree is "resting". After entering it again, Su Chen was also worried that the same situation as before would happen again. The World Tree suddenly "disappeared" in one day and no longer responded.

Su Chen couldn't wait.

Therefore, he has to stay here.

This time as well, Su Chen came out of the tree hole in the sanctuary, and didn't even leave, but just sat down outside the sanctuary and rested.

If Su Chen had done this before, there might have been guards from the Forest Clan to drive him away, but now, the cooperation between the federal humans and the Forest Clan has almost been achieved. No matter how repulsive it is, there is no more hostility. Coupled with the greetings from Elder Sera, there is no one who will stop Su Chen when he is here.

Elder Sera's status has also risen recently, as if he has the feeling of being the leader of the forest clan.

This is naturally because his idea was finally recognized and practiced by the Forest Clan, and as a result, his status naturally became higher.

This can be considered a life change. Who would have thought that Elder Sera was still a prisoner who was almost executed a few days ago?

Su Chen sat cross-legged and rested, but at a certain moment, his heart moved slightly, he noticed something abnormal, and slowly opened his eyes.

The position where he sat cross-legged was in the center of the dandelion-like cluster outside the tree hole of the sanctuary. Although the sky was dark outside, it was not dark among the fluorescent plants.

However, at this moment, Su Chen opened his eyes, but the surroundings were dark, as if he had come to another world.

And this is not that dark wasteland.

Su Chen slowly stood up and turned his head when he realized something.

Behind him, he saw the familiar "Pseudo Time River".

That strip of light was flowing slowly behind him.



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