I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 32: Rubik's Cube in the universe

Su Chen was a little surprised.

He didn't enter the tree hole, didn't get close to the world tree, and the five hours it took for the world tree to rest was less than half of the time. Why did he enter this dark world again?

Here, it is clearly the conscious world of the World Tree, similar to the Tokyo Metropolis of Hana Nakajima.

Su Chen had entered twice before, but he never entered because the tree of the world helped Su Chen pull away the power of the ninth realm. Morning meets those strange vines.

And now this is...

There was darkness all around, only the light-belt-like river flickered slowly, the shimmering light was bright, and it was the only light source in this dark conscious world.

Su Chen felt that the situation here was a bit abnormal.

He stood there and waited silently for a while, without getting any other changes.

The light of the World Tree did not appear, and there was no sound to communicate with Su Chen.

Su Chen is like a person who went the wrong way and went where he shouldn't be.

But Su Chen knew that he didn't come here by the wrong way, he was resting, he would appear here, and it had nothing to do with him.

Is the tree of the world wanting me to appear here?

Doubtful thoughts flashed through Su Chen's mind. He waited for a long time and nothing changed, so he simply stopped waiting, stepped forward, and walked forward.

Walk towards the only light source.

This scene is somewhat similar to when Su Chen first came to this planet.

At that time, he didn't find any sanctuary, and he didn't even enter the tree hole of the world tree. He came here not long after he came to this planet, inside the drop-shaped spaceship, and there was no one "hello" at that time. The state, Su Chen judged and analyzed by himself, and finally came to the front of this light belt.

Then I saw...

What did you see?

Su Chen's footsteps suddenly stopped.

Because at this moment, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have forgotten something.

On the first day he came to this planet, he once entered this dark world-like world. At that time, he also regarded this light belt as the river of time in four-dimensional space-time, because when he observed externally, I saw a lot of flickering and twisting pictures in this light band.


He touched it, entered it, and saw something...

What did you see?

Those memories are very clear. Only by touching this light band, the memories that entered it seem to have disappeared. No matter how Su Chen recalls, he cannot find any corresponding content in his memory.

This is not right.

If you really forgot, then the previous process should not be remembered so clearly.

And Su Chen was sure that he wasn't that forgetful.

He is of the sixth caste. Although he wears a human body, the computing power of his brain is far higher than that of ordinary people, which is comparable to ordinary computing power. In this case, how could he forget?

And that was the first contact with the World Tree, and that information should be very important.


Why do I forget something?

Thinking of this thought, Su Chen once again stood in front of this light belt.

The last time, Su Chen remembered that the pictures in this light band were bizarre, with different colors, like a picture of countless space and time nodes intertwined and mixed.

Gu And that's why Su Chen considers it to be the river of four-dimensional time.

But now, the picture on this spot of light that came from the endless darkness and spread to the endless darkness has changed.

It turned into a green band of light.

It seems to be the same color as the tree of this world.

This is the original life being suppressed, has it returned to normal?

Su Chen observed from the outside, he felt that someone like the World Tree would come out to talk to him, so he acted like a polite guest, looking left and right, looking at the other party's home, but not without the owner's consent Reach out and do something.

Until Su Chen waited for another ten minutes.

The sum of these times has exceeded the sum of the two times that Su Chen entered the ideological world of the World Tree before.

The master did not appear.

However, part of the light band across this dark conscious space began to change, from green, gradually began to change, and became deep and dim...

Like the background of the starry sky.

Half of the light strip turned dark, while the other side was still full of greenery. Su Chen looked up and noticed that at the end of the dark light strip, it seemed that the light strip was gradually turning orange-red again.

But Su Chen ran two steps there, but found that he couldn't close the distance with the orange-red light band.

Su Chen decided to take some action.

After a brief silence, Su Chen took the lead to reach out and touch the edge of the light band.

When Su Chen's "palm" touched the light strip, the world in front of him suddenly changed.

Just like last time.

It was like the intersection of consciousness and consciousness. Su Chen suddenly understood something. It seemed that this was indeed not the so-called four-dimensional space-time that he had understood before.

This is the peaceful consciousness of the World Tree.

And here, Su Chen's body and palm are actually just consciousness. When he stretches out his palm and touches this light band, it is equivalent to his consciousness and the consciousness of the World Tree touching each other, and then, As a "guest", Su Chen can only see what the "host" has.

It was like the host invited the guest to come~www.readwn.com~ and told the guest about his life or experience during this time.

Just in a different way.

The dark world of consciousness faded like a tide, and what appeared in front of Su Chen was a dark starry sky.

Perhaps because Su Chen touched the dark part of the light band, he also appeared here.

This darkness is indeed in the starry sky.

And this dark starry sky is not empty.

At the end of Su Chen's vision, there is a huge cube module.

Su Chen's perspective is still the mode of God's perspective. When he first came in, he was far away from the Rubik's Cube. When he had an idea and wanted to take a closer look, the distance between the two suddenly shortened. .

It looks like a huge Rubik's Cube, maybe half the size of the moon, the whole body is made of unknown metal, and its parts are also countless refined little Rubik's Cubes, if you observe carefully, you can notice that those components The small Rubik's Cube of the big Rubik's Cube is composed of smaller Rubik's Cube units, which are stacked on each other. The smallest module may only be at the femto-meter level, but such a behemoth is built.

Su Chen only glanced at it, and then realized its ingenious craftsmanship, as well as the incredible and powerful technology possessed by the pose presented by this Rubik's Cube.



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