I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 33: It's found!

In the depths of the unknown universe, a star-sized Rubik's Cube is quietly suspended, and in the grandeur, it is full of breathtaking grandeur and a sense of technological power.

Standing in front of it, Su Chen felt a sense of insignificance.

That is a completely different feeling from facing the invincible high caste.

Su Chen's thoughts moved slightly, and the distance between him and this huge Rubik's Cube kept getting closer, and finally he simply "stands" on this Rubik's Cube.

He was a little puzzled, why he saw such a thing in the conscious world of the World Tree, it seemed to have nothing to do with the human gods and the World Tree, and Su Chen also recognized the surrounding starry sky, here It seems to be in the depths of a giant hole. Looking around, there is only a dead darkness, and only the faint light of invisible stars can be glimpsed in the far distance. The matter in the surrounding space is almost zero, only the ubiquitous light. Dark matter is still at work here, diligently "expanding" the universe.

Su Chen stood on the Rubik's Cube, but there was no real touch, and the Rubik's Cube could not feel his existence.

Su Chen was thinking, did he see something similar when he entered the conscious space of the World Tree for the first time.

Forgot, is it related to what you saw?

Su Chen didn't know, he felt that he had fallen into a strange state. He remembered very clearly about the first time he touched the light belt in the conscious world of the World Tree, but the deeper he wanted to recall him. What exactly I saw, but the more I can't remember.

Ben still had a clue, but in thinking, even that clue and trace disappeared.

It's like you reach into the mud and grab a loach, the harder you try to grab it, the more it slips out of your palm with the help of its slippery body, making it difficult to control.

Su Chen couldn't remember, so he simply didn't think about it, and turned his thoughts to the huge Rubik's cube in front of him.

What is this?

What's inside the Rubik's Cube?

Just when Su Chen began to wonder what was inside this huge Rubik's cube, his consciousness was stretched again.

Like an abrupt and unprofessional camera cut, he directly "entered" the inside of the Rubik's Cube.

Most of this huge cube seems to be solid, only in the deepest part is a spherical space about the size of a football field, but compared to the volume of this huge cube itself, it is still only Like a depression.

And in this spherical structure like two concave mirrors, there is a faint light shining.

Rays of light emanated from both sides of the spherical structure, meeting each other in mid-air, flickering faintly, evolving into a strange starry sky scene, as if they were deducing something at a high speed, Su Chen observed for a while, but did not see anything famous. , it can only be roughly seen that it seems to be deducing the coordinates of the starry sky here. Countless planets and civilizations are rapidly flying by in the deduction. Among them, there are dead and cold galaxies with no one, and there are also dark and dark deep space giant holes. , There are countless advanced spaceships and battleships where there are more powerful civilizations...

This Rubik's Cube seems to be looking for something. With a method that Su Chen has never heard of, it deduces the starry sky, searching, screening, and searching almost like a needle in a haystack.

Su Chen quietly observed for a moment, and suddenly realized something.

The starry sky search method he is seeing now doesn't seem to be really fast. The picture he sees now is more like a fast-forward picture, as if searching for this huge Rubik's cube. process.

Su Chen heard the crystal cluster say that this is the most helpless way to exhaust the starry sky. Based on the flow of microscopic particles in the universe - take Galefa 26 as an example, although Galefa 26 is located in the depths of the Tandan experimental site, the microscopic particles in the universe are all flowing and interacting, and the external The particles entered Galefa 26, and the particles of Galefa 26 flowed out. It seems that the matter of Galefa 26 itself has not changed, but in fact, Galefa 26 has been receiving external particles and information. The information and particles of Fa-26 are also flowing out, and the particles it receives come from any corner of the universe. If human beings have enough technology to identify and trace these particles, then human beings can know what is in the stars at home. Anything that happens anywhere, others can also know what happened to Galepha 26 by finding the particles emanating from Galepha 26 in the starry sky. Of course, the information brought by these particle changes is relatively lagging behind, and the required technology and computing power are very large. Generally, few people in the starry sky use this method to find and search for something.

Now, this Rubik's Cube seems to be searching in this way. After collecting a large number of information particles, it locks itself in the giant hole and starts to trace.

Then... what is it looking for?

Why does the World Tree show such a picture?

The World Tree said that this light belt presents not the river of the world, but the river of its thinking. Then, what does the pictures and information appear in this light belt mean?

Is this the picture the World Tree once saw?

still is……

Su Chen's breathing and thinking suddenly stopped for a moment.

Because under his gaze, the deduction at the speed of light suddenly slowed down in the inner spherical space of this huge cube like a basketball court, as if the deduction had come to an end and the answer was about to be found.

Countless stars were left behind and disappeared into the picture projected by the glowing holographic starry sky. In the center of the picture, a star system that seemed to be extraordinarily "alien" between stars and planets gradually enlarged.

By this time, the deduction speed of this model had been reduced to the slowest, and the playback speed of the screen was similar to the TV and movie documentaries Su Chen had watched before, which was considered a normal speed.

That star system is rather strange. In the center is a binary star system, which captures many planets, but each planet is very far away from it. Its macroscopic distance scale is much larger than other star systems~www.readwn.com ~ At the end of the picture, the double star system is infinitely magnified in the center, and the two huge stars are facing each other, moving and rotating slowly.

Su Chen stared at this scene, but his eyes fell on an terrestrial planet very far away from the binary star system.

In the picture, the planet is marked in dark color.

It is also very far away from this double star system. Even if the light of two stars shines, the heat brought by the weak light should not be enough to bring enough energy to this planet to generate life under the far space distance. , so it is bleak.

And Su Chen noticed that there are three satellites on this dull planet, and they are in similar positions, revolving around this dull planet. The three satellites are very close to the planet, but the one in the middle Recently, from a large-scale macro perspective, it is almost a distance away from its two companions, as if it is about to stick to the surface of the planet, like a huge face overlooking the underfoot. stars.

And the star that he was looking at was at the feet of Su Chen.

That is where the tree of the world takes root.

It is this star that this huge Rubik's cube is looking for.

And, after a long, almost endless game, it found it.



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