"Mr. Su?"

A soft call sounded in Su Chen's ears.

The world in front of him suddenly pulled away.

The huge spherical space retreated, and the surface structure of the huge Rubik's Cube emerged immediately, and then, the structure of this part also disappeared.

The dark giant hole disappeared before my eyes.

Su Chen opened his eyes.

He has left the conscious world.

There was no one around, only a few withered leaves fell on his shoulders.

Su Chen still maintained the state of sitting cross-legged in the tree hole of the sanctuary, without even moving his position.

But who asked Mr. Su just now?

Su Chen stood up, looked left and right, and even spread out his dark energy to search, but found no trace of anyone.

Instead, he discovered Bai Feng.

Bai Feng was flying in from outside the sanctuary, with a distance of several hundred meters, and the dark perception of the two people collided first.

Bai Feng greeted warmly: "Hey! Su Chen, it seems that you miss me, you are looking for me - how can you expand your dark perception on the periphery of the World Tree?"

Bai Feng's question surprised Su Chen too.

The World Tree has a significant impact on both dark energy and dark energy perception. Around the World Tree, only body energy is available, and dark energy perception and dark energy control are generally limited to a few meters around, and no more than ten meters at most. Now, Su Chen's dark energy perception can expand to a distance of hundreds of meters all the way, and, along with Bai Feng's question, Bai Feng's dark energy perception also expands.

This means that Bai Feng is no longer affected.

Why is it not affected anymore, the second monk Su Chen is puzzled, and Bai Feng is even more unclear.

Su Chen did not spend too much thinking on this issue, but quickly took out a pen and paper to record what he had just seen. This was to prevent him from forgetting it like the last time.

The memory is still very clear now, without any fractures and ambiguities. Moreover, although what Su Chen observed was shocking and exaggerated, there was not that much content when he really described it. Su Chen recorded everything by himself. Keep it simple and only record the key.

After writing it on the paper, Su Chen looked at what he had written on the paper, and fell silent again.

That Rubik's Cube is looking for this double star system, is looking for the world tree.

And it finally succeeded.

It found the particles scattered from the planet among the large number of particles collected, and obtained the information contained in the particles, reversed it, and found the location here.


What exactly does that mean?

What is that magic cube? Is it a spaceship, or is it a separate facility placed by some civilization? What does it do?

Gu was thinking, Bai Feng had already flown over, and he was amazed that his dark energy perception could suddenly be used "indiscriminately" outside the World Tree. With a reason, his eyes finally fell on Su Chen, and said: "The transport ship has just been repaired, and the new batch of forest people is about to arrive, and it will take off soon. I am going to go back with you, you Are you going back?"

Su Chen's thoughts were briefly interrupted. He glanced at Bai Feng and said with a smile, "Is Ye Xiaoxiao urging you?"

"Hahaha, what did she urge me? I was standing on the watchtower watching the scenery for a day, and I kind of want to go back." Bai Feng rubbed his nose and smiled, "Man, after seeing the scenery too much, I want to go back. home."

Su Chen didn't understand the meaning of these words, so he nodded and said, "It's okay to go back, I won't go back, you go back and help me comfort Xia Chuwei and the others, so that they don't worry."

"Don't worry, they are worried about me, I'll be fine when I go back." Bai Feng said here, the conversation turned slightly, "However, what are you doing here? The original life has already been suppressed by us. Now, you are still soaking in the tree of the world all day long, aren't you falling in love with a tree? I know, Lao Su, you have no experience. Now the world is peaceful, it is understandable to be hungry and thirsty for love..."

"Fuck off!" Su Chen said, "I'm asking the World Tree about the cultivation method."

Su Chen didn't say what he was really doing with the World Tree. However, Su Chen did ask the World Tree about the cultivation method.

Su Chen is not someone who can only remember his own affairs.

Many of Dick and the other talented people were stuck in the realm because the cultivation method extracted from the cultivation seeds quickly reached the peak of the third surname.

The seeds come from the tree of the world, and the method of cultivation also comes from the tree of the world.

The tree of the world is related to the human gods. The cultivation method in its seeds is used to identify the information code of human beings. In other words, the cultivation method may be given to it by the human gods, and some of the cultivation methods may be Could have more content.

If there is anyone who can solve this problem, it is only the tree of the world.

Therefore, Su Chen asked the World Tree about this question early on, and the World Tree also claimed that it would give Su Chen a solution to the problem in the future. Therefore, it is no nonsense that Su Chen used this to answer Bai Feng.

Bai Feng glanced at Su Chen, but he did not doubt what he said, so he was about to lift his legs to leave, but after thinking about it, Bai Feng suddenly stopped again~www.readwn.com~ and said: "Su Chen , what's the matter, tell me."

Su Chen smiled and nodded, and said, "If something big happens, I'll be the first to tell you that you can't run away."

The corners of Bai Feng's mouth twitched, and he turned to leave.

After Bai Feng left, Su Chen entered the cave of the tree of the world again.

Although there is still a certain amount of time before the World Tree rests for five hours, because of what just happened, Su Chen feels that the World Tree may have ended the rest early, and Su Chen also has a lot of doubts in his heart, so, He decided to go in and have a look.

However, it is a pity that Su Chen came to the deepest part of the tree hole and could not get a response. The tree of the world seemed to be still dormant.

Standing in the tree hole, Su Chen felt that the way he communicated with the World Tree was like the kind of talking directly into someone's head or body. It's eerie and creepy.

Su Chen stood here for a long time without getting any response, so he had to turn around and go out, and continued to meditate cross-legged outside the World Tree, wanting to see if he could enter the conscious world of the World Tree as before.

But this time, nothing changed.

Only at the end of the world, in the sky above the dome, withered leaves slowly fell.



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