Su Chen waited for five hours before standing up outside the holy tree again and walking into the dark tree hole.

He reviewed his memory again. The memory of magic just now did not fade away, and was still clearly imprinted in his mind.

At the end of entering the tree hole, Su Chen turned his head and glanced behind him.

Outside the tree hole, those dandelion-like clusters of lavender fluorescent plants swayed in the wind, quiet and beautiful.

Then, Su Chen stepped forward.

He came to the depths of the tree hole.

The tree of the world also responded to Su Chen on time, a shimmer of light lit up in the darkest depths of the tree hole, and vines fell down one after another.

Without waiting for Su Chen to ask, World Tree took the lead: "I'm sorry, I affected your game. My ideology is different from conventional creatures. If you don't restrict it, it will spread out on its own, and will Some conscious beings are pulled into my world."

"This is like some kind of dream?"

The content explained by the World Tree is familiar to Su Chen, because according to its description, it is very similar to the so-called gods who know dreams, or the legends that immortals guide the way in dreams.

The history compiled by the Tandan people for the Federation is not all false. Many parts of it are traceable, and its content is likely to come from the history of real human beings. However, those histories did not originate in That's it for Galefa 26.

Therefore, certain things in those histories can correspond to certain situations.

In this way, the scene just now was normal.

It is not surprising that the World Tree has such an ability to subconsciously bring people into its conscious world.

Su Chen thought about it for a while, and also shared what he had seen and heard, including the huge Rubik's Cube located deep in the giant cave that he saw in the light band of the World Tree's consciousness and the final result of that Rubik's Cube search.

During Su Chen's description, the fluorescent light in front of him faded in pieces, leaning against the corner of the tree wall, flickering slightly, as if he was listening quietly until Su Chen finished speaking.

The World Tree replied: "That is the spaceship of the old god. He chose this planet as the place where the original life of Yongzheng is. What you see is the memory of my old days. I should have told you that it was me. The river of thinking is also the river of my memory."

With that said, vines hung down from the top of Su Chen's head again and came to Su Chen's face, as if urging him to eliminate the power of the ninth domain and stop thinking about those irrelevant things.

Su Chen opened his mouth to speak, but he was silent for a moment, then swallowed what he wanted to say, and said instead, "How long will it take me?"

"It won't be long. I'm about to help you do it all."


This is Su Chen's response.


By the time Su Chen left the tree hole that went directly to the depths of the tree trunk of the World Tree, it was no longer night outside, and sunlight had already begun to pour in from the gap in the huge canopy of the World Tree.

The analytical power in the Ring of Anoir is getting quieter, which seems to mean that the "help" of the World Tree is playing a further role.

Su Chen stood among the lavender plants in the sanctuary for a while, or chose to sit down in the nearest position and take a nap.

He still needs to wait for the next five hours.

Of course, Su Chen would prefer to enter the conscious space of the World Tree to take a look - in the absence of the World Tree's main consciousness leading.

At this time, he noticed that his memory about the Rubik's Cube began to become blurred and faded, and even looking at the note he recorded himself couldn't help him recall more information.

But doubts are growing in Su Chen's heart.

These five hours were exceptionally quiet. Bai Feng and Lu Anbang returned to the Federation by airship. There was no way anyone would disturb Su Chen. During this period, the "genius girl" of the forest tribe came once. She reminded Su Chen: "The dark day of the moon is coming, when the tree of life will glow and spread the branches of life to the sky - you don't offend the holy tree."

Su Chen was a little puzzled: "What is the day of the dark moon? The tree of the world spreads the branches of life..."

Zhi hesitated for a while, and seemed to be thinking about whether to explain these issues to Su Chen, but she didn't think too long, and said happily: "Have you seen the moon that is closest to me? Look, these days it Is it close to us?"

"Yes - that satellite is at perigee."

Su Chen replied.

As early as when he first came to this planet, Su Chen had noticed that these three satellites orbited the main planet, and now they are all at perigee. The nearest planet is even closer, as if its surface is about to reach the canopy of the World Tree.

Hearing this, Su Chen also understood the meaning of Yue Hei, and said, "These three satellites - will be in the same orbit as the star, blocking the sunlight of this planet?"

Weaving nodded and said: "Yes, the three moons will completely block all sunlight, and the glow of two suns will not be able to illuminate our earth, and on that day, the holy tree will become the only 'sun~www It will radiate the radiance of life to the entire planet - that is the most powerful moment of the sacred tree, and it is also the most sacred day of our clan. Many people in the clan did not choose to leave with you earlier and chose to A group of people left, all waiting for that day."

"When was that day?"

Su Chen replied that he wanted to say that the light of this planet may come from stars, but its temperature and suitable environment are actually due to the giant tree that supports this world, but after thinking about it, Su Chen said After all, Chen did not say anything.

On the dark day of the moon, the tree of the world will radiate light to the world, which is equivalent to a festival as important as the "New Year" of the forest tribe.

But it may not be that important to the World Tree itself - these days, the World Tree did not mention this to Su Chen - if that day was really that important.

Zhi replied, "The day after tomorrow—the day after tomorrow, the sun will no longer rise in the early morning."

"I see." Su Chen chose to respect the festival of the forest tribe, he said, "I won't disturb the World Tree that day."

Ori nodded and wanted to step back.

Su Chen suddenly stopped her and asked, "You communicate with the World Tree—I mean you entered the Sanctuary and received guidance. How did the World Tree guide you?"

Zhi was stunned for a while, as if she didn't know why Su Chen asked such a question, but she still said truthfully: "With a sincere heart, go to the deepest part of the sanctuary, in the darkness, those who fear nature will see River of Light.

"In that river, we can see the picture of the past, the future, and the present - that is the guidance of the holy tree."



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