Su Chen lay on his back on the huge canopy of the World Tree, chatting with Bai Feng.

At the end, Bai Feng looked at the galaxy in the sky and said, "You said, where did that crystal cluster go? Shilianren, where are they?"

"Are you worried about it?"

Su Chen turned his head and looked at Bai Feng, who was lying on the other side of him.

Among Su Chen's many memories, the only childhood memory that is not very chaotic is that he and his little friends also escaped the school curriculum like this. After a crazy day of playing, he lay on the grass in the park for several days with stars in the sky. .

It was a pleasant and leisurely memory.

But the reason why this memory is not chaotic and clear is because it is a false memory programmed by Tandan people to Su Chen.

And now, he's really doing it.

The false memory also seems to have the real temperature and color.

Bai Feng shook his head and said: "I'm worried about it being a fart... Well, I am indeed a little worried, you told me that it was expelled by the Shilian people, and the expelled person is probably not a good person. The crystal cluster doesn't look like a good person, and the Shilian people are obviously civilized, not to mention how civilized they are, a civilized society must have legal systems, right? The crystal cluster made a mistake and ran out, Now that I'm back in despair, I shouldn't be punished by the legal system!"

Su Chen looked at him and saw through Bai Feng's deeper thoughts at a glance. He was not polite, and said sharply: "I don't think you are worried that it will be punished by Shilianren, you just think It's very shameless to go back in despair, so I'm very worried."

"How is that possible? Does it have any face, what am I worried about? I think that Yuan Jingcheng was finally suppressed by me, and I tried my best to keep its experimental results, thinking about helping it, it would cry. Mother thanked me, but as soon as he turned his head, he didn't even look at it, patted his **** and left, where is this okay?"

Su Chen shook his head with a smile. Bai Feng said so, but he was more convinced of his own judgment, and he was also rude, saying, "You admit it, you are afraid that the crystal cluster will lose face and heart.

"I'm thinking about it too.

"You said that a guy who was so proud was driven out by Shilian people, and now he goes back in such a dismal manner, no matter how Shilian people treat him, it will be very uncomfortable for him!"

Bai Feng was silent for a while after hearing the words, and said in a muffled voice, "You told me everything I was thinking, and you asked me to say something, Su Chen, do you know that your chatting skills are actually very stinky?"

Su Chen laughed loudly: "When this matter is over, let's look for it when we have a chance."

"Okay. What do you think of making a riot at the Shilianren's nest?" Bai Feng heard the words, not knowing what fun things he thought of, and then began to be excited again, and said, "We can drive the Shilianren's spaceship to enter, Just like Steve and David, they disguised themselves as ten companies and loaded them into their lair, blew up their main spaceship, grabbed the crystal cluster, made it stand on the spaceship and laughed, and told the ten companies It's our little brother!"


Su Chen's mouth twitched: "I actually want to ask what the **** are David and Steve?"

It was a peaceful night. Su Chen and Bai Feng thought about a lot of things. It was only a trivial matter to bring back the troublesome and annoying Shilian Ren Jingtuu. Bai Feng also wanted to open a crispy shop. Beef patty shop, God knows why he opened such a shop, but this aroused Su Chen's full interest.

Su Chen said that he wants to open a ramen shop, and he wants to accommodate all the styles of ramen from Galefa No. 26, Chinese and Western styles, and form a ramen head shop, which can be opened together with Bai Feng's crispy beef patties.

Hearing this, Gu Baifeng frowned deeply, saying that his beef patties would become a kind of snack in Su Chen's shop, and he was very dissatisfied that his own shop would be swallowed up by Su Chen before it opened.

When people imagine the future, they always have infinite expectations and beauty in their hearts.

The night was filled with darkness, but there were very lively singing and dancing sounds from the forest tribe's tribe. The light was bright, and it seemed that some kind of sacrificial activity was being held on the night before the dark moon, which was very lively.

Bai Feng still didn't know what the grand event of the dark moon was, he couldn't help but widen his eyes and said, "And other things, why didn't Zhi tell me? No wonder the rest of the forest tribesmen said they would wait. One day and then leave, so there is such a grand event."

Bai Feng was attracted by this lively situation. He quickly abandoned Su Chen, who was lying on the canopy and counting the stars. He slapped his **** and stood up, ready to go to the forest clan's event to molest the little girl.

"It's all beauties!"

Su Chen shook his head, watching Bai Feng's figure disappear under the layered canopy, and also stood up with a wry smile.

Five hours have come.

It was getting hotter for Bai Feng to attend the event, while Su Chen stepped into the dark and bottomless cave of the sanctuary again.

It was a celebration held by the Forest but they would not disturb the Holy Tree for this, so it was still quiet around the World Tree, and the elven guards were more devout and dedicated than anyone else , constantly guarding their tree of life.

This time, there were no exceptions. Su Chen saw the World Tree, and the World Tree helped him continue to extract the power of the ninth realm.

Su Chen still didn't feel anything—except that the cracks in the Ring of Anova were intensifying.

When he left the tree hole, the night was coming to the darkest moment of the night. Because of the approach of the huge satellite, the night in this starry sky should have been getting darker, but because of the forest clan's event, the night under the huge tree canopy was bright and bright.

The forest clan did not light the bonfire, their light source came from the unique fluorescent plants on this planet, but those fluorescent plants gathered together to emit light that was brighter than the light of the bonfire, enough to illuminate one side of the world.

It was really a lively scene. Even at the relatively far away sacred tree, Su Chen could vaguely hear the voices of singing and dancing from there.

The Forest Clan is about to relocate. This will be the last grand meeting of many Forest Clan people in their homeland. Therefore, the atmosphere must be the most enthusiastic.

Bai Feng and Lu Anbang must have had a great time.

Su Chen rested on the edge of the tree trunk of the World Tree, and unknowingly fell into a dream, and he didn't know how long he had slept. When he woke up again, he never really woke up, but once again Came to the conscious world of the World Tree.



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