I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 38: Past and Present

The dark world remains the same.

Behind him is the river of light.

Every time Su Chen came here, she faced the darkness and turned her back to the light.

The "host" is still no more, and guests can walk around here at will.

Su Chen almost forgot what he saw when he came here last time, but he relied on the memory of paper and pen, but he still knew what he saw, and he also knew what he wanted to see next.

All along, he felt that something was wrong.

The Rubik's Cube, the World Tree, and Ori's answer made this feeling even more obvious.

The World Tree and Ori's answers are inconsistent.

The existence of the Rubik's Cube and the answer to the World Tree seem to have some places where the donkey's lips are not the horse's mouth.

Su Chen felt that there were problems, but although these problems existed, from other perspectives, the problems did not seem to be problems. Therefore, Su Chen wanted to take a look at it for himself.

Therefore, Su Chen came here just to take a look when the master was away.

The guests began to wander freely in the host's home.

Su Chen came to the front of the river of light.

This river of light still flows calmly, the color is the same as last time, half of the color is green and the other half is dark, and the farther place is swallowed by orange red.

This time, Su Chen reached out to the green half.

At the moment of touch, a change occurs.

The dark conscious space and the light band in front of Su Chen disappeared, and a green world stretched endlessly in front of his eyes.

A giant tree, with branches and leaves scattered here, its roots are deeply buried in the ground, its tall and upright figure rises, green shoots emerge from every part of its body, and then it holds up like a dome of the sky. Huge tree canopy, covering the entire planet.

The thin atmosphere on the desolate and cratered planet began to converge. It was like a warm stove in a cold winter, emitting light and heat on this planet. The atmosphere was gradually formed under its efforts, and with the journey of the atmosphere, Confluence was the first on the gray, desolate planet—the glaciers beneath the planet melted, gushing out of the ground and plunging over the land.

Then, life was born.

At this time, the forest family appeared. They woke up from the roots of the giant tree. They were not the life that grew on this planet. They seemed to be sleeping in this towering giant tree. Because of the harsh environment, they They can only go dormant, and now, the planet has become habitable, with water and life, and the source that supports their existence has appeared, so they are reviving at this moment, using their tools and various things to feed back on the planet itself.

This is also a fast-forward scene. The forest clan is as busy as an ant, and the changes of this planet are fast-forwarding countless times.

This is the "life" in which the tree of the world takes root and grows on this planet.

Its past and present life.

Su Chen squinted his eyes and watched this scene, watching the planet change from desolate and dead to lush, from stagnant vegetation to vigorous, with the improvement of the ecosystem, all kinds of creatures appeared, and it could be seen that, The evolution of creatures on this planet has certain laws. The seeds of life on this planet are spread by the tree of the world, and those seeds of it seem to come from the human world.

Therefore, although on the alien planet, the appearance of these creatures is very similar to the creatures that Su Chen is familiar with that coexist in the same ecosystem as humans, precisely because they originally came from the same evolutionary system, just because The environment has changed, and then there have been some adaptive mutations.

And in this initial stage, the forest clan did appear to be very developed, and they even had some existing equipment - it seemed that they brought it from outside - to build something similar to a communicator, which seemed to communicate with the universe what communication.

It was also the last technological item built by the forest clan on this planet. Their communication with the outside world continued for a period of time. Because the time here is advancing rapidly, the changes of this planet are like being dragged by a progress bar. Su It was difficult for Chen to judge how long this process lasted, but soon, Su Chen noticed that they dismantled the communicator, destroyed it, and threw it into the river of the planet, and it returned to its original state.

From this day on, the Forest Clan began to "degenerate".

Su Chen's eyes slowly moved. His perspective was God's overlooking perspective. Looking down from here, he could overlook the ground scene of the entire planet, the green world, and the towering world tree, all under his eyes. .

But he heard something.

That is a kind of…

The peculiar sound that almost drowned in the various sounds of life on this planet, like the heavy breathing of some great being in the dark, like the restless beating of the heart, its sound was so grand , it actually existed from the beginning, but it was not so obvious. It existed before the life of this planet was born, but because it was not clear and obvious, it was directly ignored. Su Chen even did not notice.

On the contrary, Su Chen noticed the existence of this sound at the scene. Under the mixed noise caused by the revitalization of the planet and the coexistence of countless creatures, the sound of UU reading www.uukanshu.com appeared more and more Clear - instead of getting smaller, these sounds got louder over time.

This is…

what's the situation?

Did the original life break through the suppression a little bit?

Su Chen's eyes moved, and he slowly moved his gaze to the torso of the World Tree from the perspective of God as an overlooker.

With the movement of his eyes, his eyes suddenly narrowed.

Like the last Rubik's Cube, when he wanted to observe carefully, here, his vision would quickly narrow the distance between him and the World Tree according to Su Chen's thoughts.

At this time, Su Chen discovered another detail.

The temperature of the World Tree has been rising.

At first, its temperature was normal, but as time passed, its inner temperature became higher and higher—just like what Su Chen felt when he entered the tree hole of the World Tree now.

Then Su Chen's eyes were drawn closer.

The green planetary world disappeared in front of Su Chen's eyes, and his vision turned inward, all the way to the "torso" of the World Tree.

It was a very strange state. He did not peel off the bark of the World Tree, nor did he drill into the tree hole in the world, but he saw the inside of the World Tree as a bystander. The situation is like watching a film and television work, the position of the camera is a position where the characters in the story of a film and television work are absolutely impossible, just so that the audience watching the film and television work can get the best viewing angle.

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