People have always had a strange confidence in things like taking risks.

They know that something is risky, and if they are not careful, they may pay the price for themselves. Even they have seen others pay for it, but they still feel that they will do better than others and continue to try. Take risks and follow in the footsteps of the former.

Some people are more cautious. These people know better than the average person how scary it is to take risks, and they also know better that they may not be the successful ones they think they are, so they will reject some risks.

But that's just some.

When the benefits brought by risk are unimaginable, even the most cautious and careful person may choose to go to danger, let one foot hang off the cliff, and only one foot on the cramped cliff Jump forward.

Su Chen didn't know when he left the conscious world of the World Tree, just like he didn't realize when he was pulled in, as if it was just a blink of an eye, the world changing in front of him, everything. Everything and everything is gone.

The embers of the reflection of the lava lake were still flashing in Su Chen's pupils, but he had reappeared outside the tree hole in the sanctuary.

An endless torso with its back against the icy world tree.

Another piece of withered leaves fell on Su Chen's side.

The World Tree understood his choice.

So stop trying **** him.

Five hours have passed.

The firelight of the forest clan event in the distance has dimmed in the night, and the forest after the carnival is calm and peaceful.

This is the natural world.

Su Chen stood up and walked along the huge branches extending from the World Tree.

That branch is not the longest one on the World Tree, but it is also 100 meters long, like a platform extending into the sky.

Su Chen walked to the forefront step by step.

The day on this planet is extraordinarily dark today.

At the end of the world, the wind blows, and the crown of the World Tree, which covers half of the planet, shakes in the wind, making a rustling sound, but there is no more light scattered between the leaves.

In the sky, three satellites are moving slowly at a speed that is indiscernible to the naked eye, obscuring the last rays of light from the binary star system of this distant star system.

When that moment comes, darkness will cover the planet.

But this planet will not fall into absolute darkness, because even now, the ground is not dark. Standing on the tip of the branches overlooking, Su Chen can see that in the virgin forest far and near, there are mottled light and shadows shining through A hazy and dreamy light.

That is the fluorescence emitted by the luminous plants.

They support the world.

So Su Chen turned around and stood here looking back at the towering giant tree behind him.

The World Tree also supports the world.

But now, it has long been eroded by "worms" from the inside, and the towering tree is crumbling.

After a long silence, Su Chen walked back to the sanctuary and saw Sera here.

Sera stood outside the tree hole of the World Tree, followed by Weaving.

Only in front of Elder Sera did Ori act like a young girl, bowing her head slightly, showing great respect.

Su Chen looked at Sera: "Are you going in?"

He was inexplicably nervous, and he took the back with one hand - the World Tree already knew Su Chen's choice, if Sera entered the tree hole at this time, if it heard any guidance from the real World Tree, then it would be troublesome.

Do you want……

Su Chen's gaze slowly moved down from Sera's face and landed on the neck of the old forest elder.

Their life situation is very similar to that of humans, and so is their biological structure.

Sera shook his head, he didn't notice Su Chen's eyes, just looked up at the world tree, stretched out his hand, stroked its hard skin, and said, "I won't go in, Although what I follow is also the guidance of the tree of the world, but... after all, it was my generation that made us forest people abandon it, and I have no face to go to see our **** - our tree of life.

"So, I just came to see.


"Just come and see."

As a representative of the radical faction, Sierra firmly believed from the very beginning that the only way for their forest tribe to develop is to relocate the tribe, leave from here, and give up their hometown and the tree of life.

But in fact, Serra, like everyone, is full of feelings and nostalgia for this tree of life and their own hometown.

Its ideas are practiced, but it is no better than anyone else.

Hearing this answer, Su Chen slowly let out a sigh of relief, his eyes turned to Zhi who was standing behind Sera again, and there was some darkness in his eyes.

But Zhi was obviously not ready to enter the tree hole either.

Sera didn't stay here for too long, it seemed to know that Su Chen had been communicating with the "World Tree" these days, he was silent for a moment, and asked, "Can I know what the Holy Tree has said to you these days? Of course, if you find it inconvenient, we

The World Tree is the totem and belief of the forest family. They rarely "offend" the World Tree, and the frequency of communication with it has never been as frequent as Su Chen. Moreover, even if the people of the Forest Clan wanted to communicate with the World Tree so frequently, the World Tree would not "take care of" them.

Therefore, Sera was very curious and wanted to know, how did Su Chen get the response from the Holy Tree every day, and what were they communicating about? Is it related to the Forest Clan?

This question made Su Chen feel that he couldn't speak. He stared at Sera for a while before giving a false answer that seemed to say everything but actually said nothing.

As someone who has been struggling in the mud for half his life, Su Chen felt that it was psychological that Sera's question was difficult to answer, but he could answer it fluently. Sera couldn't even hear the lies he told~www This is not to say that Sera is not smart enough, but that it has not traveled in human society and federal society. Its knowledge is in all aspects, but it does not include talking nonsense, because the forest people never need nonsense. .

Sera didn't suspect him, didn't hear the problem, just nodded to Su Chen and said: "Today is the dark day of the moon, when dusk falls and the three satellites cover the stars, we will hold a grand event in the clan. Celebration, if you have time, Mr. Su, you can come and see."

"I know, I'll go if I have time."

This was Su Chen's answer, he seemed a little perfunctory and absent-minded.

Sera didn't linger any longer. After saying this, she left with Zhi.

But when weaving away, he turned to look at Su Chen more.

Su Chen noticed her gaze, looked at her, and then looked away.



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