After Sera and Zhi left, Su Chen turned around and walked into the tree hole of the World Tree.

At this moment, it has been nearly six hours since Su Chen last came in. The rest of the "World Tree" should have already ended, and now it is time to "pick up guests".

Since it was the original life being suppressed here who talked to him and helped him eliminate the power of the ninth domain, these five hours of rest must not be such a simple rest.

Maybe the original life is still "fighting" with the tree of the world in some place that Su Chen can't see, he can't appear for a long time, so there are only these five hours, maybe he wants to maintain the tree of the world" In the process of "erosion", there was not much power and time wasted on Su Chen, and only these five hours were obtained.

However, when the original life appeared in front of Su Chen as the tree of the world, the real tree of the world seemed to disappear. It was dragged into the dark conscious space by the real world tree several times before and after. "during break.

It can be seen that between the two, perhaps the tree of the world is still suppressing the original life, but this holy tree has also begun to be powerless.

But it seems to hold out for a while.

This "period of time" is not a period of time measured in human terms, but a period of time measured in the long life of the World Tree.

Because although Su Chen can hardly feel the consciousness of the World Tree, what he can feel is that the World Tree still has vitality.

Even though its interior has begun to be eroded by original life, it still maintains a strong vitality.

With the help of Hanaine Nakajima's curse, Su Chen's sense of consciousness and breath is relatively obvious, so he can perceive this.

It is precisely because of this that Su Chen had never suspected that the World Tree he was talking to was fake before, nor did he expect that in Yongzhen, the original life had eroded the World Tree, and the two were no longer separate from each other. With the help of the exuberant vitality of the World Tree, the original life covered up his own breath and completed the deception.

But according to Su Chen's feeling now, even if the tree of the world declines, it may at least be able to suppress the original life for decades.


For the World Tree, it may be a drop in the ocean, but for humans and the Federation, it is a long time.

And such a long time may be enough, enough for Su Chen to "take the plan" to get everything he wants from the original life, and then backhand to break the original life's conspiracy.

But the premise is that he has to figure out whether the help of the original life to him is real and can play a role.

Therefore, this time, when he came to the depths of the tree hole, facing the faint rays of light and drooping vines that were already waiting for him, Su Chen took the lead and said, "How long do we need, I feel that the ninth domain's The power seems to have waned, but it is still inseparable from the fusion of my power and life - I cannot stay on this planet forever."

The light in the depths of the tree hole flickered slightly, and the information of the "World Tree" was passed on to Su Chen.

"It's almost there, there are still seven days, and within seven days, you will definitely be able to feel the change."

Su Chen shook his head, as if he saw something, and said, "You are also waiting to see if I can help you transport all the forest people away?"

"Indeed. We are allies of humanity, but not all humans are worthy of our trust. Forest people - they have lived with me for many years, worshiped me, believed in me, I gave birth to them, and they also gave birth to me, even if I died They are going to die, and I should bless them to go further."

The World Tree's answer is reasonable and seamless.

If Su Chen didn't already know the exact situation, he would probably think that what the World Tree said was quite reasonable, because if it were him, he would have acted in the same way. Since the World Tree has lived for so long, it is impossible for this to happen. There is no prudence or caution.

But now it seems that this is just a blindfold of the original life.

How could he care about the life and death of the forest clan?

His real purpose was to stabilize Himself.

Su Chen said: "I understand your concerns, but I also have mine. Behind me is a human civilization. It is really troublesome to help me absorb so many indigenous people. I need to know that you can really help me. The civilization behind me also needs to be known, otherwise, if the time bomb of the ninth domain cannot be cleared, or you deceive me in the end, even if the people of the forest tribe move away, and the human civilization behind me is located, life will not be easy. --Do you know what I mean?"

The original life was disguised as the tree of the world, and Su Chen followed the trend.

He never mentioned to this original being about the federation behind him. Therefore, the World Tree only knew that behind Su Chen was a human civilization of the starry sky level, but did not know what this human civilization was like.

Even if this original life is powerful, he is also limited by poor information. He has been suppressed for tens of thousands of years. In such a huge time span, it is enough for the starry sky civilization to be replaced one after another, and from normal From the point of view, the right to speak of a powerful dark energy creature in a civilization is often related to the technological level of the civilization where it is located and the contribution of this powerful dark energy creature. Therefore, Su Chen's remarks are also Reasonable.

Seeing that one-third of the people from the Forest Clan have already withdrawn, Su Chen's sincerity is already obvious. In this case, it is not surprising that Su Chen showed his .

The original life does not seem to suspect him, nor does he guess that Su Chen has discovered that he has replaced the tree of the world. After a moment of silence, the light flashes again, saying: "Before the end of the night, I will help you twice, These two times, I let you 'see' the progress."

Primordial life's answer is simple, no explanation, just a promise, but it's more useful than any explanation.

Nothing is more useful than real change.

Su Chen's heart pounded, but he didn't say anything, just nodded, moved forward slowly, stretched out his arms, and signaled that the "Tree of the World" could start.

In the depths of the dark tree hole, those vines began to spread towards Su Chen, connecting with his body, the strange suction began to emerge again, and Su Chen could feel that the strength this time was obviously stronger than that of him. It was stronger before, and he also felt a strange power, a strange, "hard" energy that spread into Su Chen's body along the vines.



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