I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 44: confrontation!

That is a kind of dark energy.

Su Chen had never felt such a strange dark energy.

Dark energy in space is in the form of particles that are invisible to ordinary humans. Under normal circumstances, it is in a stable recessive state. After the transformation and reuse of dark energy creatures, presented in various forms.

In general, the dark energy used by living organisms, such as Su Chen's instinctive energy, is relatively soft. From the perspective of human beings, Su Chen's body energy is like a warm current flowing in the body. It is a special, extraordinarily hot blood flow. The dark energy of other people is almost the same for Su Chen's contact. When pure dark energy collides, its external manifestation is a kind of flexible energy.

But now the creeping in from the vines is different.

Su Chen can clearly distinguish that this is a clear dark energy with independent characteristics.

But this dark energy is not flexible, it has certain physical characteristics, entering Su Chen's body is like a needle inserted into the body when a needle is inserted.

Moreover, this needle tube is not for infusion, it is a "liquid" in itself. Therefore, when it enters Su Chen's body, it rushes forward, hitting the source of Su Chen's body energy.

This seemed a bit rough and tough, and Su Chen was shocked at that moment. For a moment, he thought that this was what the original life had discovered, and he quietly wanted to kill himself!

In the Ring of Anova, the quiet and unmoving analytical power surged up at this moment, waiting for Su Chen's call at any time to strike!

These days, although the analytical power has become more and more gentle and stable, just like a domesticated pet, this does not mean that Su Chen has lost control over it. On the contrary, the stabilized analytical power is very important to Su Chen. In terms of Chen, it is easier to control, coupled with the rupture of the ring of Anova.

The situation that the Ring of Anova was blocked before has long since ceased to exist. Now, the Ring of Anova can be called "air leakage from all sides". As long as Su Chen gives an order, the analytical power in the Ring of Anova can be aggressive. And out, how much analytical power can be used in one go.

With analytical power, Su Chen is not afraid even if it is at the top of the starry sky.

It is precisely because of this confidence and confidence that Su Chen did not take action immediately, but chose to wait and see.

And he immediately realized that it was right not to take action. The original life disguised as the World Tree was indeed helping himself.

This time, it's obviously more powerful.

Su Chen could feel that after the hard dark energy touched the source of the dark energy of Su Chen's body, the two suddenly began to confront, as if there was some kind of chemical reaction, the hard force was like a broken bamboo, It penetrated into Su Chen's body energy, but Su Chen's body energy did not respond to stress, but was shunted and separated under this power.

There is something different from the pure dark energy that is hidden in Su Chen's body energy, which is expelled little by little!

That kind of thing is not dark energy, nor material, it is more like a strange concept. When it collides with it, the special hard dark energy changes instantly. The hard dark energy is no longer hard, but becomes a piece. The earth was assimilated into Su Chen's body energy.

This scene is incredible.

Su Chen noticed it, but was not surprised, because he was familiar with this kind of transformation. To put it bluntly, it was the power of magic and transformation.

As for this strange and hard energy, Su Chen was surprised at first, but soon, he actually had his own guesses and answers.

This energy is likely to be the original energy of life.

The power of the secondary form of life that Su Chen had been exposed to before was very strange, and it was different from the power of normal dark energy creatures. From this, it was indeed likely that it was the power of the original life.

He wanted to let Su Chen see the "progress results" of eliminating the power of the ninth domain, so he directly began to use his own power.

There are all kinds of wonders in the universe. There are all kinds of dark energy manifestations. He uses it silently, but in fact it is nothing. If Su Chen didn't know early on that the person who is talking to himself is already a primordial life, he can count as knowledge. The power of the secondary state of the original life, but it is different from the real original life after all, in this case, Su Chen would not think about it at all.

But now, Su Chen was a little surprised.

Because of the power that was separated from his body, even the dark energy of the top-level primordial life in the starry sky can be directly magically transformed and transformed.

Even if this is a suppressed proto-life, it is surprising enough.

Su Chen believes-

That is the power of the ninth domain!

At this moment, the power of the ninth domain and the hard dark energy of the original life started a fierce confrontation in Su Chen's body. This sounds a bit dangerous, but in fact, the area of ​​the confrontation in Su Chen's body is less than a fingernail. Cover size range.

In the fierce confrontation between the two, the power of the original life will gain the upper hand and continue to move forward, separating Su Chen's body energy and the power of the ninth domain, and sometimes the power of the separated ninth domain regains its power. At the position, he swallowed a large amount of Su Chen's body energy in one bite, and at the same time counterattacked the power of the original life, and transformed the power delivered by the original life into Su Chen's pure body energy.

The more they fight, the more Su Chen's body energy will be.

In this confrontation, Su Chen, the master of the body, was a bystander.

The power of the original life penetrated into Su Chen's body energy little by little, dividing Su Chen's body energy into two.

One side is pure Su Chen's body energy~www.readwn.com~ The other side is the twisted magic transformation and the power of things. As soon as they separated, Su Chen immediately mobilized his own body energy and pushed it to one side, "watching the fire from the other side", look The power of the ninth domain and the "fight" of the original life.

The power of the original life was still overwhelming at first, separated a lot, but soon showed a posture of powerlessness.

Yuan Sheng also seemed to have realized something, and suddenly stopped the onslaught, its power suddenly rolled up in Su Chen's body and the battlefield the size of fingernails, forming a cage, and the ninth of the small part that had been separated was rolled up. The power of the domain was rolled up and locked in a space smaller than a fingernail.

Then, Su Chen noticed that the original life seemed to have used some strange method.

The feeling was very vague. If it weren't for the "battlefield" in Su Chen's body, he wouldn't even be able to feel it. When he felt it, the change had already happened.

Su Chen felt that a powerful force broke out instantly, and the force of the ninth domain, which was locked by the original life force, was traced back to the source of toughness and domineering!



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