I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 46: The beginning of darkness

The planet is still day, but the sky is extremely dark. Those luminous plants scattered all over the corners of the planet constitute the most important light source in this day.

Su Chen stood on the lush, platform-like canopy of the World Tree and looked up. In the sky, the nearest satellite had approached the earth infinitely.

The three satellites, obscuring the two stars of the binary system, completely blocked the faint light they cast on the planet.

On the World Tree, however, a faint golden halo began to appear.

It's not that conspicuous.

Su Chen had to stand on the canopy to be able to distinguish it clearly. A hazy golden halo covered the canopy of this world tree from far and near, as if every leaf was glowing, but when he got close to watching, But found that every leaf is normal.

It is their dark energy in the gathering space.

It is the tree of the world gathering dark energy.

It's like absorbing nutrients, doing photosynthesis, when the sun was obscured by satellites, now, it's changing its ways.

Of course, this is not for photosynthesis.

Su Chen stood on the canopy and released his dark energy perception.

——The original life had a real effect on his help. He could feel the strange sense of detachment. It was not only the collapse and loosening of the Ring of Anova, but more importantly, he could clearly feel it. By now, the ontology energy and dark energy perception in his body produced a sense of separation. Although they were still connected, it meant that the ninth domain and Su Chen were not so close.

The light bulb that has been cut off cannot be lit again in the dark wasteland, and the hunter in the dark wasteland cannot look for the light to find its prey.

Therefore, Su Chen can now simply use his dark energy perception.

He felt that the current changes in the World Tree were very strange, so he let go of his dark energy perception and wanted to feel it.

This huge tree is life and a dark energy creature. It swallows and gathers majestic life. It can even help the old **** of mankind to perfect the suppression of a top-level proto-life in the starry sky, but it has no caste and does not possess Does not follow the pattern that dark creatures have in the conventional sense.

However, this does not affect its special and powerful.

It's unique.

Su Chen had never heard of or seen a similar creature.

This scene is even more bizarre.

In Su Chen's perception of dark energy, a "wind of nature" seemed to suddenly blow in the world of dark energy. This natural wind blew the dark energy particles floating like dust in the space, towards the tree of the world. When they gathered, the wind was so soft, but it couldn't blow the grass and trees in the visible material world. Only the dark energy was turbulent. Even Su Chen felt that the dark energy in his body was bathed in it. The warm wind of nature.

His body energy cheered and jumped, as if he was going to rush out of the body with the wind of nature and run towards the tree of the world together.

But the natural wind of the World Tree is restrained. It presents an attractive gesture to the free dark energy in the space, and gathers it to the position of its crown and trunk, glowing with golden glitter. Bright light, but for the dark energy in the living body, it is only a blow until it is touched, it seems to be just a real natural wind, blowing the grass and trees on the grassland gently, as if it is about to be blown away , but that is impossible, on the contrary, it is extraordinarily supple and comfortable.

Su Chen's eyes began to light up.

He opened his dark energy horizon without limit.

The dark energy particles in the space that he saw in his eyes appeared more densely and clearly. They were everywhere and filled the whole world. At this moment, in response to the call of the World Tree, in the crown of the World Tree and the The tree trunk is excited, showing bizarre colors, and during consumption, it becomes a hazy, visible golden halo, covering every corner of the world tree.

Under the darkness of the dark moon, this world tree is glowing with a dreamy and blurred golden light, like the legendary golden tree.

What surprised Su Chen was that the power gathered by the World Tree was not to be absorbed by it, but after gathering, a strange ripple-like dark energy ripple wave was formed, with the World Tree as the The center spreads out in all directions of the planet, until it covers every corner of the whole new ball.

And in the center of the World Tree, there is a ray of light that is almost invisible to non-dark energy creatures rising, all the way up, weak but firm, directly beyond the galaxy, it seems to be the closest satellite to the planet above the head. connected.

The dangerous satellite called the "Holy Moon" by the Forest Clan.

These dark energy are not to be absorbed by the World Tree, but to be fed back to this planet and the world.

Moreover, they are not actually consumed. The tree of the world has carried out a transformation of these elf-like dark energies that surprised Su Chen. It did not process these dark energies, as if it just gathered them together, and then After changing their arrangement, they were "punched" again in a special way, allowing them to return to this world, forming a unique dark energy structure on the surface of the planet.

And because the dark energy in the space is flowing, and the continuous dark energy scours every corner of the universe, this kind of dark energy structure is difficult to survive for a long time and will disappear soon, so the tree of the world must repeat its this process.

Week by week.

Su Chen felt the change in this dark energy~www.readwn.com~ At this time, he suddenly understood the reason why the World Tree did this.

The Forest Clan only saw the manifestation of the problem. They believed that the sacred tree glowed with golden light and branches on the dark day of the moon, that it was illuminating the night for the Forest Clan people, but in fact, that was not the case.

Maybe the world tree has the idea of ​​lighting, but the fundamental reason for doing so is to stabilize the ecological environment of the planet and prevent the "sacred moon" from falling uncontrollably to the planet under the action of gravity Therefore, it changes the existing structure and form of dark energy in space, so as to construct a new gravitational structure on the planet through dark energy, while stabilizing the influence of tidal force on the planet, while stabilizing the impact of the tidal force on the planet, Push away towards the planet's moon "Holy Moon".

That's what it really does.

The World Tree is just using its method to maintain the orderly existence and stability of this planet.

But judging from the current situation, the light rising from the center of the canopy of the World Tree has little effect on the "pushing" of the satellite, and it is thought that it has not reached the final moment.



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