I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 47: "help"

The tree of the world is revolving majestic dark energy on this planet. That kind of power has never been seen by Su Chen. Standing here, he can also feel the flickering of that kind of dark energy, which improves his realm There are also greater benefits.

Once the power of the ninth domain is eliminated with the help of the original life, Su Chen will become a real and normal sixth caste powerhouse. At that time, he can continue to move forward normally to the seventh caste gate that he has not broken through for a long time. set off.

After the last battle on the Scarlet Planet, Su Chen briefly reached the seventh and eighth castes. Although it was only a touch of combat power, for Su Chen, it was also lucky for him to touch the long-lost one. door.

Thinking of this, Su Chen naturally thought about the future.

Then his eyes fell on the World Tree again.

With the passage of time, the light from this world tree is getting brighter and brighter - it is becoming a veritable and true tree of gold.

Moreover, in the center of the World Tree, golden branches really began to spread out. It was like a golden electric light was fixed in mid-air. It rose from the canopy of the World Tree and was in mid-air. Twisted, twisted, and forked, it is finally fixed in a different posture, and its essence is still connecting and resisting the "Holy Moon" satellite in the sky that is infinitely approaching this planet.

It's just because in the repeated power convergence and dark energy reconstruction, the power gathered in this area is getting bigger and bigger, so that dark energy solidifies and forms a dark energy between visible matter and dark matter. Only in this state has this kind of golden branches that extend into the air.

It looks divine and beautiful.

Su Chen believes that this is by no means the efforts of the original life.

This is the will of the true world tree supporting this planet and this world.

However, this made Su Chen feel unbelievable.

He is very clear that the central trunk of the World Tree under his feet has been eroded by the original life, and its existence has even weakened. The original life can "replace" it and even disguise itself as it, but it is There is still strength to support the world.

How exactly does it do it?

This world tree may be a real "hero", it suppresses the original life with life and guards the planet.

For this, it can sacrifice itself.

Thinking of this level, Su Chen stopped staying on the canopy, because the selfless behavior of the World Tree was a mockery of Su Chen.

Although Su Chen is not very optimistic about the behavior of the Virgin, but the world changes, and in the current situation, Su Chen will inevitably make a comparison, which will give rise to a sense of guilt.

This sense of guilt led him to step into the tree hole of the sanctuary again.

——The five hours of the world have been spent in the pulse of the world tree breathing and breathing.

Su Chen is coming here to see the original life again.

And get its help.

In the five hours just now, Su Chen not only checked his own state, but not only felt the majestic gathering of dark energy from the World Tree, but also entered the world of the Ring of Anova once.

The dark space is the same as before, it seems to be a certain cosmic location that exists independently, and the Ring of Anova is just an entrance to it. Therefore, the loosening and cracking of the Ring of Anova can only affect the Anova. The connection between the ring and it does not have any synchronous impact on this dark world.

Su Chen entered the world of Anova's Ring to find cracked life.

The whisper still made Su Chen a little hard to let go. If he wants to find the location of the cracked life, he may have another negotiation.

But unfortunately, after that snort, the cracked life disappeared again.

Su Chen even used his analytical power to penetrate the star system where the cracked life is located.

Now, that star system has completely dimmed, and the star collapsed, as if it were about to evolve into a dwarf star or a black hole.

The cracked life entrenched here is gone.

Can't find it, Su Chen can only give up.

As long as the cracked life doesn't come out, there will be nothing. When the ring of Anorwal shatters into scum, then the ring of Anorwal and the passage to the dark world will also disappear. As long as the cracked life does not move, then he It will never be possible to appear through this road again, and it will be impossible to threaten Su Chen.

The greatness of the universe has such a benefit.

Along with the changes of the World Tree, the tree hole also glowed with a faint light, covered with a dazzling pale golden luster.

Walking in here, it is rare to no longer feel gloomy and terrifying, and even have a feeling of walking on the Golden Avenue.

And the original life is waiting for him here.

The faint light flickered, and the vines approached Su Chen one by one.

This is the last time Su Chen came here before the end of the dark moon day. When the original life's help to him ends this time, the dark moon day will officially begin. According to the agreement, before the end of the dark moon day, Su Chen will not Enter here again.

And knowing that the original life can really help him, Su Chen is not so urgent.

Although the time is short, it is still a long time.

The deepest tree hole shrouded in golden light.

Su Chen slowly closed his eyes.

And at the same time.

The forest tribe's camp was lively.

The transportation in the past few days has sent away a large number of old and weak women and children from the Forest Clan. They are the top priority evacuees, while the rest are the young and middle-aged generation of the Forest Clan. They are still here. The reason here is simple, to welcome this final celebration.

The dark day of the moon is coming, and they will welcome the new year around under the golden golden tree.

Although, when they leave this planet, the concept of the year they used before will also be blurred, but this is the insistence of the Forest Clan.

The water-drop-shaped spaceship was docked at the far end of the sky~www.readwn.com~ Bai Feng and Lu Anbang were unwilling to be lonely and joined the provincial capital.

The forest tribesmen who sang and danced warmly prepared food for them and were invited to participate in the activity.

Bai Feng acted very restrained at this time, and refused the invitation to go down and sing and dance with a bunch of beautiful forest girls and elves, but sat in his seat with Lu Anbang and ate and drank wildly, saying, "This barbecue is not bad. This is the real original barbecue, come, come, Lu Anbang, come quickly."

Lu Anbang slanted at him and said, "Today they invited you to dance with a beautiful girl, why didn't you go?"

Bai Feng glared at him: "I'll go if they invite me, isn't it a bargain? I won't go. Compared with this, I'm a little regretful that I can't let Ye Xiaoxiao and the others come to this place to play, this place is really Great for vacation."

Lu Anbang took a sip of fruit wine and said with a smile, "You are a strange person."



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